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Found 20 results

  1. https://youtu.be/FYVmcrusVok Quick remix with a new synthesizer that combines and resurrects the sounds of the tape replay keyboard Chamberlin (from the 1950s) and the Mellotron (one of the first samplers). Starting with that classic guitar arpeggio we all remember from Kakariko Village, I used the sound of a 12-string dreadnought guitar. First melody section is played by a tenor saxohpone, very 1950-60s. I couldn't resist putting in some drum beats here and there. Second melody section is played by a clarinet and a flute, backed up by an ambient harp. Then a simple short solo with my signature lead before ending the song with another ambient harp playing melody over that first same ambient harp. I tried to end it with the feeling and vibes of a lullaby. That's why I chose the background art, made by a cool guy from DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/rainbowphilosopher Ocarina of Time had an initial experience I don't think any game after could achieve. It was that groundbreaking technical and graphical step everyone had been waiting for. We all had dreamed of a Zelda adventure in an (almost) open world 3D game. Ocarina of Time fulfilled many of our dreams. Critics we're amazed, players we're having their time of their lives, saving Zelda and facing Ganon was on a whole new level now. I too experienced this, from loving A Link To The Past so much, into this was just amazing. I don't think there ever have been a jump of experience from an era to another like it was from SNES to N64. So much happened here. This remix was not intended to go as one of my ordinary releases, just like a fooling-around-with-a-new-synthesizer. I hope you like it anyway guys! Good night, Neon X
  2. I love this game so much. The soundtrack is solid throughout. This is an old remix from about 3-4 years ago. I don't think the quality and arrangement warrants a submission to the site, but I wanted to share it with the community now that I've joined in on the fun! Feedback is welcome, but I don't plan on changing the track as it's quite old and the project file is lost to time. If anything, I'd do a complete re-write of it.
  3. https://youtu.be/I5QOhGgKSQA One of the hardest decisions of the year, what christmas holiday special should I do?? I'm not sure I even did one last year, I think I worked on the title theme from Yoshi's Island but couldn't release it in time for christmas. I was more prepared this year, starting up much earlier. Since the start of my new job assignment I don't have much time left for this kind of fun stuff. But I woke up one day and had the nastiest of mancolds I could think of. I took the opportunity of more time for writing on my remix, and here we are. Released in good time for christmas. Yay So what about the choice of song. I always liked the Mario games winter stage themes, many of them so happy and kind of cute. Frappe Snowland, which I have raced so many times when N64 was the latest technology, I couldn't resist doing something with it. It's also the theme of the Sherbet Land course, I think both is represented in later Mario Kart games. Besides the happy melody, I wasn't sure how to make it sound more "christmacy", but I did some new stuff for the song, put a shimmering bell in here and there, and a tambourine sounding kind of similar to the traditional christmas bells you can hear in songs like Jingle Bells. At the same time, I didn't want it to sound too much christmas, I want it to be good for all around the year, and maybe be played whenever you want another race in your local Mario Kart winter course even if it's hot and sunny. Of course I also wrote a more ambient part, half tempo with variants of some melodies and a very echoed and delayed solo (love writing that stuff). This is the kind of song I have so many ideas for, still wondering if I shouldn't have put more variations to this, ideas just keep spinning. But I'm just gonna be happy with the song as it is right now. I have come to the point when I've gone through so many great themes in video games, I begin to feel like I need to re-remix them all xD Much has happened to my skills and way of working with remixes since I first started two years ago. Themes I did two years ago will sound so much different now, for sure. What do you think of that idea? Is it crazy re-remixing something from the past? Or could it be cool to see how it would end up today? For now, I wish you all a lovely december, I hope you can enjoy some of my music and maybe come to think of some good old memories it brings to you. /Neon X
  4. Hey guys! This one gave me a LOT of work, but it was fun! I went for a Liquid Tension/Dream Theater vibe (minus keyboard stuff), I figured it would sound great since it has all these different sections. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out, hope you like it. Let me know what you think ?
  5. https://youtu.be/o_vGCof-kRw I put considerably more time on the production (EQ, panning, levels, sound balance) than any other so far. I felt I was getting behind in my skills of production so I really tried to fix some crucial issues I've had in the past. This was one of my greatest hypes in gaming history, I was in the 6th grade and one of my best friends from the 7th grade got this during spring 1999 (it was released in EU in december 1998). We've read a lot about it in video game magazines already and man... I remember it so clearly, when Navi tries to wake you up in that tree house, and then the moment you step outside into the Kokiri forest, it's a timeless, unforgetable memory that holds so many good feelings and excitement. So one thing I'm mentioning right off the bat is the "Hey!" sound which is an original voice from OoT, and of course it's from our little fairy Navi. I had some laughs experimenting with her voice in different pitches and amounts of reverb/delay, but this sounded the most serious and fit the best into the production in my opinion so... Speak of production, please give me some feedback on what you think about the EQ, levels, panning and such during this remix. I really want to level up in that aspect, so all feedback and suggestions for improvement is most welcome! Another sound effect coming straight from the game is the whistle blow you can hear at 1:25 which is originally from a castle guard or a Gerudo guard. I also hope I managed to catch a bit of nostalgia from the original song, which is always my main purpose with all remixes. The main core I used here is pure synthwave, with short breaks of an 80s funk style that always hit my nostalgia trigger hard. There is plenty of sidechaining, plucking and that classic 80s synthwave bass, and in the middle of it all a moment of classical harmony passing by like a deep blue river in a sunset of the Hyrule kingdom Nearly every chord in this remix is changed or additionally harmonised, but I think you will recognize it despite that. Thanks for listening and reading! /Neon X
  6. Hey everyone! In this rendition I went for a kinda doo wop 50's style, drew some inspiration from Sleep Walk. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lo-NqgZHhAImrFf-OEJf53tQp6eY-u8C/view?usp=sharing Hope you like it! Please let me know what you think, comment on the production, arrangements, etc! Thank you
  7. https://youtu.be/Z7GlCNi5ddg This particular theme from MK64 have been a hard nut to crack, I've been listening to it now and then for almost a year and I always thought I wasn't ready to remix/cover it. However, I recently decided to give it a shot now when almost all MM3 remixes are completed (one left). I knew early in the working with this that I wanted to put the Super Mario World Castle theme in here in some way. It presents itself at 2:23, I recommend you to listen to the whole song though and you'll see that this part really adds to the entirety of it. The atmosphere of that part is quite inspired by a theme you can hear in Unreal Tournament 2004 - the map called Tokara Forest. As you've probably heard by now, I'm using a new snare drum. I wanted to try a more modern electronic snare for once. I've used that 80s power snare for long now. Please tell me what you think of it compared to my standard snare drum. In the intro I'm also using some percussive indian skin drums (like traditional indian world music) I kept the content of the song at a minimalistic level, no solos, minimum amount of melodies, atmosphere at a high level. And I hope the listeners can somewhat can fall into the atmosphere of this and let the tone and chords speak for themselves. As I write this I have listened many hours to this remix (I finished it early and wanted to get in the proper mood for changes and adjustments), and it really gives me vibes I haven't got in any other of my remixes. The overall atmosphere in this remix is very infinite I would say. I thought of a huge alien space facility/fortress/castle, where Bowser sits on the throne ruling a distant planet (the video art I used says much about that atmosphere). By thinking that way I decided to give it the name of Alien Koopa Castle, silly maybe, but compared to just Koopa Castle it says so much more. The monstrous scream is the original sound of Bowser from MK64 but with added reverb and volume, mandatory for any remix of this song The video art took a great deal of time for this video. Even if I only added the Bowser castle to it, the time and effort for making it fit in colors, shape, lightning took me like 4-5 hours (yes, it's way more than usual). The castle itself was taken from another artwork where it stands on a cliff surrounded by floating lava, and if you look at the castle in my art there is a white/light blue liquid pouring out, that's originally lava as well. Thanks to Photoshop and a lot of pixel by pixel erasing I managed to get it to fit the rest of the background smoothly. Thanks for listening, and reading (if you made it here)! If this kind of remix style is appreciated I'm definitely doing more, was a lot of fun. It was almost like therapy thanks to the atmospheric take, a very unique experience for me.
  8. You can listen to the n64 track here, or from the Paper Mario Chiptunes pack(under the filename "s64 - Sad Sun.miniusf") I mostly want to hear it with proper instruments, or at least a more realistic soundfont. I really hear some strong Spanish guitar influences in the song, definitely want that guitar included.
  9. I would love to see Hybrid Heaven's Battle Theme (Fight!) and Boss Theme (Fight Hard!) to be remixed, simply because there is no remixes or remakes of Hybrid Heaven anywhere on Youtube that i can find. Literally. This game is one of those forgotten gems that were created on the N64, when it was at the end of its shelf life. If i had to choose one of the two, i would definitely go with the Boss Theme (Fight Hard!). The build up is too good to leave out! Sadly though, the last segment of that specific song doesn't play twice before looping over again. It's pretty much everyone else's favorite part as well. lol, PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN! <3 P.S. The Battle Theme (Fight!) is also good, but like i said, if i had to choose between the 2, it'd be the Boss Theme (Fight Hard!) instead. Feel free to merge them together if you'd like. Both songs are linked below. Here's a Youtube link for the Boss Theme (Fight Hard!). And here's a Youtube link of an Orchestral Remix Demo that someone actually created for the build up part, just to give you an idea of how it could sound when fully remixed. As for the type of style/genre that would probably work well for this song?... Possibly more epic, upbeat, atmospheric, orchestral, etc. types! Kind of like a modern take, since the N64 had audio limitations. I wanna feel badass, with a sense of urgency when fighting a big boss in-game. Feel free to implement the Battle Theme (Fight!) as well. It has a dark/serious tone to it, which i really love.
  10. hey whats up ? finally complete my remixes from extreme g this appeared in 1997 for nintendo 64, the soundtrack is by simon robertson & stephen root, hope you like it, cheerz & enjoy download on my bandcamp https://mellowsonic.bandcamp.com/album/extreme-g-revised check out
  11. Hi there, first post on the forums, but I was hoping on getting some feedback on this song I made a while back. Unfortunately,I got a little too giddy, and released it without really checking it over a whole bunch. First thing, I can't easily put out new version of the song to listen to because FL Studios does not like rendering out the song without some glitchiness/weird stuff happening to it. I'll have to fix that eventually ): but for now I can only post videos. A few things I know I'll fix is the panning and volume of certain instruments. I was working on speakers because I didn't have headphones at that time, but since then bought a nice pair and was hoping to fix that up. The other thing is the equalization! I really can't get the intruments to sound well/dont know how to EQ them properly, specifically the xylophones/flute. I'm using the EWQL Gold library and FL studios if that helps anyone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w7PUkkS2yI
  12. Recently, I decided that I wanted to try focusing on sampling, so I made an EP of Hip-Hop instrumentals based around the N64 cult classic, Glover. Why? Because, as far as I could see, nobody had done it yet. Let me know what you think! https://popebrandonbrownson.bandcamp.com/album/smell-the-glove-r-instrumental
  13. Hi guys, i want to share my newest Project with you. Its a Remix of the F-Zero X Series for the Nintendo 64! Its my absolutely favorite theme of this game, and i'm very proud on this Remix. I think this Project is finished in my opinion, but i'm very interested, on critique and Reviews from other Users. Hopefully you enjoy it and give me a bit of Feedback guys! My Remix Original Version: Greetings Matzino
  14. The People's Remix Competition 319 PRCv13-07 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! PlanarianHugger, RonaldPoe and Bundeslang participated in the last round. The winner was PlanarianHugger and he selected the source for this round. The selected source is related to the source of PRC45 and PRC118. In PRC118 it was Rexy, the organisator of the contest at that moment (yes, that was in a period when the organisator of the contest did actually win rounds with more than 1 people entering) who claimed victory with a track called Just Ribbon and Me. That source was selected by another PRC legend: Sir Nuts . The source was Pop Star, from Kirby 64. Source: Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (N64) - Shiver Star MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page a ThaSauce account is required. If anyone has problems with registering or uploading the song to ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in the thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. To register and submit, do the following. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. PRC instructions Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 20 MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed (only as Bonus Mixes). Entries must be posted in the by Monday April 4th 2016 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC320. The winner of PRC318, PlanarianHugger, can only take part by submitting a bonus mix. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
  15. Hi, Here's my music inspired by OOT Temple tracks : https://soundcloud.com/xouman/the-temple-of-resurrected-souls What do you think?
  16. Goodness gracious, it's been a long time posting something new here. Anyway: Extreme-G - Nocturnal Hive (WIP #1) Been revising my dated 'Nocturnal' remix in Renoise since yesterday. Most of the XG mix is done, but as this is work-in-progress, I haven't got the lead, the sound effects, and/or other parts yet. Also, please let me know if you have any suggestions to help improve what I have so far. =) I hope you'll enjoy. Based on 'City 2: Urban Motorway' from Extreme-G (1997). SOURCE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFCg5g_YG9Q
  17. Here is my next W.I.P. It's just the title screen at the moment. After the fade out, the Stats Screen melody will start to play. It'll be some heavy crushing guitars. What do you guys think so far? https://soundcloud.com/the-doom-1/doom64-work-in-progress
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