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Found 19 results

  1. Me and my good friend Vincent Moretto made this cover of Otherworld from Final Fantasy X by Nobuo Uematsu. I'm really happy with how it turned out and any constructive thoughts would be appreciated!
  2. Hello! I composed underwater video game music inspired by Chrono Trigger OST and many other titles. What do you think about it? Does it bring some other games in your mind :)?
  3. Hello. I composed space music for my juggling performance. It has a little bit synthwave feeling. This music will also be part of my video game development. Here is the music video: What do you think about the whole production? Feedback is very welcome.
  4. This is the first song from my upcoming original album "Richter's Magical Quest", which has a total of eight tracks. It's a quest through different worlds, like water, volcano, winter, factory etc. A very versatile music adventure combining orchestral and electronic elements. This forest theme is quite energetic. Usually forest music tends to be very calm, so I chose this approach. Any feedback is welcome! You can listen to this track and all the other upcoming releases on YouTube . Hit the subscribe button to follow this magical journey! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anttipylsy/
  5. Hello there! Before I prepare to send in my "resubmit", I would like to seek some guidance from the folks here on the forums. I'll include a link to the judge's comments below this paragraph. The focus of the critique was the production side of things, as I had numerous issues with balance (EQ, volume, panning) that needed addressing. I'm happy to hear any ideas you all have about the composition itself and the instrument choices, but my main motivation for coming here is help with the production work - mixing, mastering, etc. Since reading their feedback, I've been hard at work reproducing my track to fix the issues they mentioned and a few of my own. I want to know what you guys think and if you have any other suggestions for improvement. Thanks for listening! 1. Here's a link to the current version of the track: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xb4td7ecvn93r6c/Rainbow Resort ReMix 2_22_2018.wav?dl=0 2. Here's the version of the track that the judges critiqued: EDIT: Link to the original source:
  6. Here's another one! As the nights are becoming longer and colder we thought to keep you guys warm with a proper shuffle blues riff, this time from the amazing niche SNES gem PLOK! The then very young Tim and Geoff Folin got something amazing out of the limited capabilities of the SNES music chip, something that is as quirky and unique as the whole game. Enjoy and remember! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feMWBujjQ2M Stefan of REMEMBER CITADEL ( https://www.facebook.com/remembercitadelband )
  7. Hey guys, another contribution done by my Video Game Music collective REMEMBER CITADEL, this time turning the Main Theme of BF4 into a more Epic Rock version: Feel free to comment and stay updated by visiting our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/remembercitadelband/?ref=bookmarks Cheers Stefan of RemCit
  8. Hello everybody, REMEMBER CITADEL, Germany's only video game music collective band, is about to release its second four track EP. As an appetizer for the full thing we (or me, this time) put together a little music video of its first track, Old Friends, from the awesome Transistor soundtrack. Feel free to check it out, comment, and also leave a like at: https://www.facebook.com/remembercitadelband/
  9. Hello there! First of all I want to say hi to everyone in this community, I'm new here, althought I know OCremix for a long time! This is my first post here, so I hope I'm not doing anything wrong, If I'm please tell me and I'll fix it asap! I want to share with you the soundtrack I made for BOOR, the game by Dazlog, which is on Steam since 14th February: The soundtrack consist of 27 electronic songs with an atmospheric touch. It's one of the largest and more complex works I've ever done, and I'm quite proud with the result! Anyway, I hope you like it, and of course any comments or reviews are welcome! Thanks!
  10. Just thought I'd do some work with the Low Pass filter on my MPC, and rock some chopped up funky drums. Got a nice vocal sample from Greg Nice "Got's To Be The Shurshot" to add in more Hip Hop flavor. It's cool becuase it's a Hip Hop beat that's in the 3/4 time signature, which you don't hear too often. Also, I really went to town with some of these VSTs. I tried to use some of the most over the top synths that were still appropriate for the song. Just a little somthin to nod your head to. Hope you enjoy!
  11. Alright guys, next cover of our upcoming four track demo, hope you like it (can you guess which video game music related band inspired us the most? ). We are proud to bring bring you back this classic gem from the 80ies in all its 8-bit fuzziness: Check out our Facebook page to stay updated: http://www.facebook.com/remembercitadelband/
  12. This is it: Our final demo track is a tribute to the man who composed your childhood, Koji Kondo, with a medley of different pieces from various stages of his career. I am sure you will get the songs featured, right? We tried to approach the jazzy feel of his orchestrations by having our tribute in a similar overall feel, that we hope pleases your ear: Please leave feedback and like and share our FB page to expect more cover versions soon: www.facebook.com/remembercitadelband/ Rock On, RemCit
  13. Hey guys, we would like to show you the third track of our upcoming demo, a little tribute to Akira Yamaoka and one of his greatest works: Please feel free to like, comment and share and check out our band page to be surprised for a special treatment for our next and final demo track: https://www.facebook.com/remembercitadelband/ Best regards RemCit
  14. I kinda realize what Capcom wanted to go for in Juri's SFV theme. And I actually somewhat like it. BUT, to be honest, we all know it doesn't fit her. So, here's my take on it.
  15. Hey guys, just wanted to share my new song - trying to indulge in as many video game-esq melodies as possible
  16. Friendly greetings! Rpgmaker.net video game community presents Summoner of Sounds: A Community Journey in Video Game Music! Summoner of Sounds is a series of interactive community events where video game music will be celebrated by the means of craftsmanship and community interaction. Members of video game community with experience in music production will be dared to participate in challenges testing their ability to perform well as a versatile video game composer, while the game developers with other areas of expertise are encouraged to analyze the challenges, and provide the composers with commentary, feedback and constructive criticism. The RPG Maker Network offers an extensive network of gamers and game developers, both hobbyists and professionals. RMN will bring the participants visibility, and the yields of each challenge will be shared on RMN's social media during the course of the events. Summoner of Sounds series will be creating composers a portfolio, but it will also be creating the community a whole lot of great video game music! Everyone may also post ideas of any themes they would like to hear. If the ruleset permits, a composer may very well decide to compose your idea. This event series is designed to help the composers of the game development community come together, challenge their know-how and showcase their creative efforts, and the rest of the community to come in contact with the composers. Will you be able to take on the challenge? Can you become the Summoner of Sounds, or even something more? Check out our first challenge and hop right into the action at the Summoner of Sounds event page!
  17. Hey everyone I'm currently 26, and been a fan of vgm since I can recall, It all started in the SEGA genesis with sonic themes. I'm in love with video game music because of so may reasons, and mostly with OLD generation consoles, which have really catchy melodies and sounds, things that I don't find in new generation games, because with all the electronic advances, music now is more "real". I'm talking about chiptunes mostly. Aside of that, lets get to the point, I hope you all can enlighten me a little bit. I have always had the "dream" of having a band that plays covers of old themes (NES, SNES, SEGAgen, ps1 and earlier), adding my/our own touch to each song to make it unique and more rich just like the remixes on this site. My question is: is it legal? is it right? is it possible to make profit out of that?Not that I mean to rip-off the artist and their music. What I want is to reach out to more people and make them know there's a whole world of video game music, and of course, do it for fun and if possible, get paid/rewarded for the effort put in. I think the songs could always be offered as free in the social media, internet, etc, to avoid copyright infringement, but, is it ok to get paid to perform on stage on events? to "sell" the band? or how does this work for us that love playing game themes? I saw this guy that does covers of game themes in mariachi style in youtube, and he sells the songs on iTunes, is that legal? can anybody do that? I have been trying to find some information about all of this but have not been succesful and don't know where else to look around. Also, it makes me sad that when this happens: Someone -"hey what type of music do you listen/like?" Me -"almost anything, but I'm really into video game music above all others" Someone -"oh yeah like super mario and that righ? (sings theme) turu tu turu tu" *conversation ends or subject changes* That's why I want to make more people to know the vgm world. This post enden being way longer than I expected, I think the reason is that I feel there will be a lot of people here that will understand me so I thought I would just let it all out. Also English is not my first languaje so sorry for any mistakes. And if you took the time to read all of this, thank you for your time.
  18. Hello everyone! My name is Nate, and my Dragon Warrior arrangement "To Endor" was posted the other day by the staff (thank you!) and, first off, I wanted to introduce myself. But I also wanted to share with people something I've been working on occasionally in my free time, namely sheet music based on early video game soundtracks. I'm actually a copyist by day, among other things, and I was interested in creating professionally notated sheet music based on the direct source of the music. Although I started off doing it by ear, I decided I wanted to be as faithful as possible and notate the music as it was originally executed by the games. Now that I have NSFtoMIDI working on my Mac (using WineBottler) I can bring the exported MIDI tracks into Logic for clean up (the music is squeezed temporally when it's exported, and it also needs quantizing). Once I've done that, I can re-export them as new MIDI tracks and import those into Sibelius or Finale, where I can then proceed to clean up the notation, add some articulations, time signatures, and basic tempo markings, as well as formatting and neatening. Below is a link to a few examples, including March of the Capricious Princess. Although I've added things like accents and slurs when appropriate, everything is as it was originally output by the system. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1snejmgq813sxvf/AAChy7jV8EmvxMyy7lDGamEMa?dl=0 Is this something that would interest people? The idea would be to produce sheet music for tracks that people requested, or even make whole music books for popular (or obscure!) games. I've seen sheet music around, but it is often filled with errors, guesswork, or is difficult to read. Comments? Questions? Hate mail? Lemme know!
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