Salluz Posted May 8, 2008 Posted May 8, 2008 Just wait until I get my Wii... just wait... Yes, I have been laying people out in Brawl. If I was cocky, I'd make bets, but that's not my style. Quote
Jam Stunna Posted May 8, 2008 Posted May 8, 2008 I'm working on an article for, and it's going to focus on people who are new to the competitive Smash scene. I would like anyone who has recently decided to get into Smash competitively to answer the following questions for use in my article: 1) How long have you been playing Smash? 2) Have you been to any tournaments for Smash 64, Melee or Brawl? 3) What do you like about Smash Bros. in general? 4) What do you dislike about Smash Bros. in general? 5) What do you like about Brawl? 6) What do you dislike about Brawl? 7) What made you decide to jump into the competitive scene? 8 ) What are your goals as far as competitive Smash is concerned? 9) Do you play other games competitively? 10) How does the community for Smash compare to the communities for other games? 11) Any thoughts or comments you would like to share that were not covered by these questions? Answer some of them, or answer all of them. Either way, it'll help. You can either respond to the questions here, or PM me the answers. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted May 10, 2008 Posted May 10, 2008 1) Since the week the 64 game came out, though I never owned a Gamecube to play Melee (I played at friends places and bought it the instant I got my Wii) 2) I've done fairly well at local, small tourneys (university related mostly), but nothing I would count as a professional level. I've only played Melee at tourneys, btw -- I had to miss this year's ISU Brawl tourney because of finals. 3) I always thought growing up that the ideal game would be simultaneous-play Megaman, and this gets us pretty close...complete with a montage of all of Nintendo's most memorable characters. I also like the fact that it's an easy game to bring new players into. 4) I dislike the large gap between people who play competitively at the professional level, and those of us who primarily play with friends casually. Note that my definition of casual play has nothing to do with items or lack of a solid battle strategy -- it's just that I enjoy a good beer with friends over Smash. I feel that the smashboards back room is the epitome of this schism between intelligent casual players and "professional" (let's face it, no one is playing smash as a profession) players. 5) This question seems to imply a "compared to Melee" after it, and so I'm going to assume that. I like the slightly slower combat engine, which I feel will allow a larger pool of players to make the strategic decisions only employable by people with very fast thumbs in Melee. I enjoy the mid-air dodge more than the wavedash -- this probably comes from not owning SSBM in its prime. I also enjoy the idea of cameo characters -- more companies should be open to this idea. Snake and Sonic's popularity are certainly only going to go up by having the kind of exposure that Brawl brings to the table. 6) I (like everyone else) dislike tripping. I also dislike the quicker hit recovery, which kills a lot of the combo options. 7) I'm moving to Minneapolis, which is a large enough city to have some sort of competitive scene, so I figure this is a great time to start. I want to go to local tourneys and have intelligent discussions with other Smash players who care about analyzing strategy and technique. In other words, talk about why move x works well in situation y unless countered by z, as opposed to talking about how damn awesome character A is because you grew up playing his videogames or because B is so cool, etc. 9) I'm pretty serious about my shmup playing, but other than that, I mostly play RPG's that don't allow for competition in this sense. 10) In a word, the Smash community is polarized. I see two different (but equally huge and negative) conflicts within the community right now: 10a) First is this feeling that people have to take a side with regards to preferring Melee to Brawl or vice versa. I hate this idea. I enjoy playing Melee -- and...I also enjoy playing Brawl. People need to let this drop before it creates even more hate and elitism within the community. Which leads me to.... 10b) Second, people (this especially referring to I suppose) need to realize that the key difference between people doesn't lie in how many tournaments they attend or organize. A big lurker (like myself) is more than capable of making relevant observations on a subject, and stating them in an intelligent manner. Not every first-timer's post is going to be made at the intellectual level of an excited 11 year-old. I have a feeling that this extends to the community at large as well -- the use of "casual" as an extremely negative term makes an assumption that isn't accurate. (My apologies for the long rant, btw) 11) My negative experiences at smashboards aside, most of the people I've actually talked to have been really great, and they are the folks that will keep me coming back (and in July when I get good wireless, will keep me playing online). Thanks for writing the article, Jam -- hopefully you find some of this helpful. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 10, 2008 Posted May 10, 2008 I'll say first I want to play competitively but doubt I'll get a chance to really do so, but I'd like to answere the questions if it'll be helpful. 1) How long have you been playing Smash? Since it came out on the 64, although I'm not sure how soon after it was released that I got it. Before the first Christmas at least. 2) Have you been to any tournaments for Smash 64, Melee or Brawl? I have for melee, two of them actually. Once within the first day of me playing Melee at an Anime convention. I lost in the first battle, it was kind of an icky tournament though they were 4 person free for alls. The other one was in Highschool, there was maybe 10 people in it. I wooped several foxes asses with Yoshi (much to their disdain, the first one was a bitch to me the whole time before and during, then left very silently after I three stocked him). I came in second place, got completely owned by a guy that played as Marth. He wanted to stick around and play with me afterwords cause I was the "best Yoshi I had ever encountered". Ego booste++ I guess. (Probably the only Yoshi really in retrospect). 3) What do you like about Smash Bros. in general? I like the fact that it's simple, yet still able to have serious play/strategy. I've never really liked the crazy button combo pushing style of traditional fighters, it's neat other people can do it, but it's just not what I'm looking for when I play games. I also like not feeling like I'm tied to the ground. Customizability of rules. Also, it makes the fangirl in me very happy. 4) What do you dislike about Smash Bros. in general? Snooty, asshat players. These people can be any level of play, but they're still asshats. I also wish that the different characters could be more balanced, but having little history with fighting games in general I don't know if that's possible. 5) What do you like about Brawl? I like that it's kind of slow, and I like the new characters. There's more characters that fit my play style more readily than just Yoshi, and these characters aren't scoffed at or considered low tier. I also enjoy the floatyness of it quite a bit. (The music is neat too, and I actually have enjoyed playing subspace emissary, even if the end is a flipping long bitch). 6) What do you dislike about Brawl? Really? I dunno, it seems like a solid game just like its predecessors. I don't tend to want more from a game than is already in it unless it's just horrible. (As you can imagine I'm fairly soft on my judgement of games). My only real gripe is Yoshi has ass for priority, and that can be made up for with smart play, and easier combo potential from the character. Edit: Oh yeah, tripping sucks, I just rarely notice it when I trip, I haven't had it greatly effect my play...yet. 7) What made you decide to jump into the competitive scene? I'm kind of naturally competitive, I'm really timid and such, but at the same time I'd really like to see how I stack up against other serious players and not just my friends. I know I'm not that great even if I pretty much dominate my friends. I also know that if I subject myself to harder matches I'll eventually get better. And that's my goal, to be a better player. 8 ) What are your goals as far as competitive Smash is concerned? Play better, specifically with Yoshi, but I'm starting to like other characters too, so I'm sure I'll have more than one "main". Although I always sort of felt that a person could only ever have one main at a time, whatever. 9) Do you play other games competitively? Hmm, no not really, possibly pokemon if I wasn't lazy with breeding, and had other people to play with. I mean I'm always competitive, even while playing casually. But I tend to play a lot of one player games. 10) How does the community for Smash compare to the communities for other games? Well Comparing it to two different MMO's World of Warcraft, and Puzzle Pirates, it's a nice happy medium. WoW being a very bad end as far as community and PP being a relatively nice end of the spectrum. The Smash community is definitly neither horrid nor especially nice. 11) Any thoughts or comments you would like to share that were not covered by these questions? No not really, can I have a cookie now? Quote
Scufo Posted May 10, 2008 Posted May 10, 2008 I'm working on an article for, and it's going to focus on people who are new to the competitive Smash scene. I would like anyone who has recently decided to get into Smash competitively to answer the following questions for use in my article:1) How long have you been playing Smash? 2) Have you been to any tournaments for Smash 64, Melee or Brawl? 3) What do you like about Smash Bros. in general? 4) What do you dislike about Smash Bros. in general? 5) What do you like about Brawl? 6) What do you dislike about Brawl? 7) What made you decide to jump into the competitive scene? 8 ) What are your goals as far as competitive Smash is concerned? 9) Do you play other games competitively? 10) How does the community for Smash compare to the communities for other games? 11) Any thoughts or comments you would like to share that were not covered by these questions? Answer some of them, or answer all of them. Either way, it'll help. You can either respond to the questions here, or PM me the answers. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds. k. 1.) Since Smash 64. I got it within a few months of it coming out. Checking Wikipedia reveals that was back in 1999. Nine years ago. So I was nine at the time. 2.) Nope. Nothing official, anyway. There's not much of a scene in the suburbs. 3.) I was a pretty hardcore fanboy (read: idiot) until my eyes were finally opened by the PS2. So at first it was just seeing all the Nintendo mascots in one game that made it awesome. When I discovered the competitive scene for Melee, though, my attention shifted to SSBM's actual worth as a fighting game. So what I like about the series is seeing Nintendo's mascots beat the living hell out of each other in a way that's deep and strategic. I also very much like that it's damn near impossible to do anything by button mashing, unlike traditional fighters. 4.) I can't think of anything I dislike about the series in general. The SSB formula works just fine. That's not to say each specific game doesn't have its flaws, though. 5.) What I like about Brawl: Good character selection. Seems more balanced than Melee, though the tiers are becoming more rigid every day. I like the new airdodging system for the most part. 6.) I dislike the game's general lack of support for the competitive community. Specifically: TRIPPING. Too low hitstun. Loss of L-cancel. Half-assed online play. 7.) I acquaintanced myself with Melee's advanced tactics but never got much of a chance to play in a tournament setting. Like I said, there's no scene here. I only know casual smashers. I'm off to college in Boston after summer ends, though, so I'm hoping there's a scene there. Plus, it's a hell of a lot easier to get into competitive Brawl than Melee, given the easier learning curve. 8.) To take my Zelda to the top! Well, not really. Mostly I just want to get into the scene and see how I do in tournaments. Actually winning and making money would be a nice bonus, but I can't really consider that a goal until I actually get into the scene. I enjoy Smash much much more in a "serious" atmosphere, so I'd definitely like to meet some non-casuals to hone my skills against. 9.) Well, I'm a pretty competitive person, so I try to get good at any multiplayer games I play. Starcraft in particular comes to mind. But to answer the question, no. 10.) The biggest problem with the Smash community is the prevalence of people who fail to educate themselves on the games' workings. I gotta say, the majority of Smashboards is pretty painful to read. I swear there's a new "FINAL SMASHES SHOULD BE ALLOWED" thread every day. Even still, like cobalt said it's not nearly as bad as WoW. This is only going from what I see on Smashboards, though. 11.) Nah. Quote
bladex Posted May 10, 2008 Posted May 10, 2008 i'm very disspointed in the online play of this. 1st when you search for peeps it takes god damn 4ever. than when you finally find peeps you only get the option of playing a 2 minute game?! the only way to play proper online games is to find gay friend codes. that means playing the same peeps everytime, waiting for them to come online etc. BAH not interested anymore. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 11, 2008 Posted May 11, 2008 Peeps taste pretty bad, I wouldn't suggest playing with them unless it involves a lighter or a microwave. Quote
Thalzon Posted May 11, 2008 Posted May 11, 2008 1) How long have you been playing Smash? Since the n64 game, but I really got into it with Melee. I played more or less consistently for a good year and a half after the game came out, and it was a regular party game after that. 2) Have you been to any tournaments for Smash 64, Melee or Brawl? No official ones, but there were a few at college with only bragging rights at stake. 3) What do you like about Smash Bros. in general? The chance to see lots of cool characters show off their moves. The clashing of different genres and worlds always makes me giddy with the possibilities. 4) What do you dislike about Smash Bros. in general? Repetition. I'm sick of Classic and All-Star modes. They're so dull, especially when you need to play each around 36 times. 5) What do you like about Brawl? SSE, without a doubt. I thought it was a great single-player experience and a ton of fun. 6) What do you dislike about Brawl? Aside from the aforementioned Classic and All-star modes, I find the higher-level computers to be too damn good. It's often apparent they cheat with their perfect shielding and dodging. It can just become ridiculous. 7) What made you decide to jump into the competitive scene? 8 ) What are your goals as far as competitive Smash is concerned? The above do not apply. 9) Do you play other games competitively? No, not in any official way. 10) How does the community for Smash compare to the communities for other games? Smash fans seem to be pretty whiny, but I doubt that's something other communities lack. I guess it's mostly the same, but because of the source material Smash fandom can attract some pretty bizarre types. 11) Any thoughts or comments you would like to share that were not covered by these questions? Nah. EDIT: Well, now I feel dumb. Disregard my answers. Quote
Jam Stunna Posted May 11, 2008 Posted May 11, 2008 So there was a Brawl tournament in Massachusetts today: Five out of the top six finishers used Snake. Quote
Zombie Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 @ Jams survey 1) How long have you been playing Smash? I played it back in the day when i was a kid during the N46 days, but I never owned the game. When I got my gamecube many years later, one of the first games I purchased was Melee. I always loved fighting games, and Melee was amazing compared to the other fighting games I played like Soul Calibur and Tekken. 2) Have you been to any tournaments for Smash 64, Melee or Brawl? Nothing official. Aren't many tournaments where I live. Maybe I should put one on. 3) What do you like about Smash Bros. in general? It seems like it is just more of a tactical fighter IMO. It also plays and feels differently than most other traditional fighters. Also, the fact that it can be both a party game and a serious competitive game is great. 4) What do you dislike about Smash Bros. in general? Repetition. I'm sick of Classic and All-Star modes. They're so dull, especially when you need to play each around 36 times. qft 5) What do you like about Brawl? New characters and stages. Also, the game feels more balanced than the previous games. 6) What do you dislike about Brawl? Tripping, and its floatiness and slower gameplay. Otherwise, I love it. 7) What made you decide to jump into the competitive scene?Like i said, not many tourneys where i live. 8 ) What are your goals as far as competitive Smash is concerned? I wanna pwn noobs 9) Do you play other games competitively? I try to play pokemon competitively. 10) How does the community for Smash compare to the communities for other games? Um... 11) Any thoughts or comments you would like to share that were not covered by these questions? Nope. Quote
The Derrit Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 1) How long have you been playing smash? Since the n64 version came out. I was a scrub at that (might have had something to do with being 12) but i always enjoyed it a lot. With melee, I began playing competitively three years ago. 2) I went to a couple of the ESTICLE tourneys, along with more small time stuff. I almost went to one of the tourneys you were advertising on smashboards once, but wasn't able to attend. 3) Not gonna lie, i loved it at first just due to the idea of nintendo characters in a fighting game. With melee however, I found the game really had so much depth. Each move a fighter has can be used for multiple things: for instance, gannys upair: it's a fast aerial for sweeping above of course, but it could also be used backwards, hitting with the end of the toe on the cooldown to semispike captain falcons everywhere to their graves. 4) In general, the single player takes not that much effort or skill, so it becomes old. 5) I like the new characters, as well as some of the new properties of the game, such as lucario's dair and ivy's uair. some of the stages are creative as well: I love delfino for instance, it moves but as far as i can tell, not in an unfair or unbalanced way. 6) Tripping, and the inability to play fast and l-cancel. It's too slow to be able to outsmart people anymore, everything's seen coming. 7) Originally my friends, and then watching videos online made me say "i wish i could do that." Also the community of high level players is awesome, they all do it for the right reasons (m2k aside) aka 8 ) To gain a certain level of respect and recognition from the community. Not likely to happen but i'll try. 9) Not heavily, I enjoy halo and would like to play at a high level, but I don't own an xbox thus its impossible. Also, I'm attempting to become a competitive guild wars player, though not for professional, just be a force to be reckoned with. 10) I don't have enough experience to say. 11) I miss melee but I love brawl too. Quote
Scufo Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 So there was a Brawl tournament in Massachusetts today: Five out of the top six finishers used Snake. Well, son of a bitch. Snake for broken tier. Quote
Jam Stunna Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Well, son of a bitch. Snake for broken tier. I was going to break down and become a Snake main. But then, like a light cutting through the darkest night, Korean DJ appeared and shined forth as a beacon of hope: KDJ is the fucking man. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Objectively, Snake has really good normal smash moves and he is probably the only reliable projectile fighter aside from Olimar. I can totally see him becoming top tier alongside Pikachu and Wolf. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 I'm working my way through registering people for my smash game, but it would be nice if some of you guys would add me and let me know though, so it's less people for me to sift through and PM. My friend code is 1203-9938-7090 Quote
Jam Stunna Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 I'm working my way through registering people for my smash game, but it would be nice if some of you guys would add me and let me know though, so it's less people for me to sift through and PM.My friend code is 1203-9938-7090 I'll add you, so add me: 3179-5865-1416 Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 13, 2008 Posted May 13, 2008 Thanks! I've been looking at the different trophy descriptions, and they all seem like stuff Sakurai has written, at least going off of the things that were on the Dojo. To say the least the trophies are very cute, and endearing to read. Same could be said about the descriptions for the challenges, hehe. Quote
JCvgluvr Posted May 13, 2008 Posted May 13, 2008 Thanks!I've been looking at the different trophy descriptions, and they all seem like stuff Sakurai has written, at least going off of the things that were on the Dojo. To say the least the trophies are very cute, and endearing to read. Same could be said about the descriptions for the challenges, hehe. Hehe, have you read the glowing descriptions of each Kirby character? Yeah, I'm pretty sure Sakurai wrote the trophy descriptions, lol. Anyway, this is the most mind-blowing video of Link you'll ever see: Quote
Ray Falling Posted May 13, 2008 Posted May 13, 2008 "pro" gamers depress me... Anyway, I didn't think I'd have so much fun going through the adventure mode again but it's been sweet. Took me a lot less time the second time around too My one savegame is at 99% and I'm just trying to get a ton of new stickers and trophies by playing a second game. I'm on 430+ trophies at the moment (or was it 340?). I love collecting stuff in this game. Some of the challenges are rediciulous though. Beating Bosses mode on Insane difficulty level? It's doable of course, I just haven't been bothering trying to figure out the best strategy to beach each separate boss... Overall the events wern't as much fun as Melee's but I guess I kinda rushed through them. Quote
Ray Falling Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 Yeah, I really have no desire to revisit the adventure mode. I find it to be tedious.It reminded me of the Great Cave Offensive (and it should have), which was fun. I don't know what went wrong. That's not an uncommon sight in cross-genre games I suppose. If it were just a platformer game they'd probably made it a ton better. Still, I didn't find it too bad at all. Hmm we could use some good, new platform games though OR, I could play my SNES games again *flashback to awesome times* 0_0; Man my 'fro looked bad back then. Quote
JCvgluvr Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 So then, Sonic Unleashed must be right up your alley, huh? Quote
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