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ASK A JUDGE: While we're busy NOT voting - your questions, we want 'em

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Actually it seems to me that the most controversial aspect of Ladder Theory is actually the claim that men only have one ladder (the sex ladder), as opposed to two like women do. And all of Larry's advice so far seems to strongly contradict that claim.

Nah, that's right in that we all have that sex ladder. Ladder Theory clarifies the deal on why we wouldn't go after a girl even though we use only one ladder: http://www.laddertheory.com/yesvirginia.htm

Barring reason 1 (being gay), changes in the status for #2 and #3 are generally how a woman moves up that ladder. For someone you're genuinely not interested in, they're at the bottom of the ladder or your cutoff point for having sex is really really high on the ladder. But there's no separate one.


[semi-serious question asked in a very stupid manner]

Liontamer, why won't you acknowledge my avatars? They have been there waiting for your approval but all you have done is neglect them so they can wane and woe in the darkness that is your ignorance...just end this game and reject them if they are crappy.

[/semi-serious question asked in a very stupid manner]

As you could probably tell I'm bored and like to write (I was going for the angry mother welling at the neglectful of to his kids father), The way I asked the question is all in jest and don't won't to come off as a douchebag. :smile:

[serious question]

How much time out of your day/week does the judge job take on average?

[/serious question]


It really depends. Lately I've had a lot of school work so at most, I spend 15-20 mins a week judging. If you're really in the groove you can do it for awhile at a time - that's how most people do it, in my experience. It sounds WAY easier than it is. Believe me.


So, as a first post and question:

Which is your favorite remix posted in the site? If not favorite, the one you like listening the most, or the one you respect the most, be it for it's quality, etc.

So, as a first post and question:

Which is your favorite remix posted in the site? If not favorite, the one you like listening the most, or the one you respect the most, be it for it's quality, etc.

Rimco's Doomed E1L8 Boss ReMix is my favourite track on the site. Other tracks that I listen to a lot are "Neighburgers" by Protricity, "The Mother is in Control" by Revolver Project and "The Calling" by DJ Redlight.

I respect Mazedude's music the most though, as he continually produces quality music that pushes the envelope in originality.


Uh oh, a favorites thread.................

Well, since all the cool kids are doing it. "Neo-Pacificist" from Marathon by tycho is my favorite, in that it's the one I listen to the most (which is how I usually judge favorites). Absolute sexytime.

Mix I respect the most? "Static Wonderland" from Tsugunai and fifty trillion other games by ktriton with C-Pac on bass. Oozes pure creativity out of every orifice: arrangement, instrumentation, development, etc. Just an amazing work of art.


The irony is not lost on me, by the way.

I've listened to every ReMix, so my list of personal favorites is pretty comprehensive: http://oc.ormgas.com/votesshow.php?user=8&vote=5

For the ones at the tip top, in order of artists: Metal Gear Solid 2 'Big Shell West Bristol', Tsugunai 'Static Wonderland', Awesome 'Game Over (Cheeze Mix)', Suikoden 2 'Reminiscence (Deep Sleep)', Shivers 'Cerebral Rose Jam', and Stormlord 'Seneca's Marble Pack Edit'.

Looking at my list, I realize why I push people hard to download every OC ReMix regardless of what game it's arranging. If you don't, you will miss out on something amazing. Y'all n00bs out there, don't make that mistake! :-P

I haven't heard even half of the ReMixes yet, but I've hit every single one of those. Good stuff. Kinda surprised to see "Deep Sleep" on your list though...definitely one of the more coverish tracks on the site.

Personal preferences have nothing to do with judging. I gave OverCoat's "Path-ology" a 5 at Ormgas, but I vehemently NOed it, and it shouldn't have passed given how little of the source material was actually in it.


'Kay, I'm gettin' a queue of unanswered music questions here. BEAT IT DOWN, LARRY! BEAT IT DOWN!!!

Do you YES songs despite the musical quality of an arrangement? I don't mean its production quality, or on the grounds of too liberal or conservative. If it meets all those criteria but is just, musically speaking, a bad arrangement (has no visible harmonic progression, tones and dissonance used inappropriately, etc), will you YES it?

I've done some thinking on what you've said otherwise. Between you, the site you linked to (mostly rubbish there) and the Wikipedia entry on ladder theory I've had much to consider. I'm not sure how much of this I believe and I'm sure I'll be struggling with it for a while, but for the purposes of continued discussion I will take the core tenet (don't remain platonic friends with a girl you like) as a given.

If I am in a situation you described, where a girl I have never spoken to passes the attraction test, the next step would be to ask her out. Problem is, I'm not very confident in my image or capabilities for first impressions, especially as an autistic (which could cause me to miss a lot of that body language you were talking about). In my experience, most appeal or charm I have comes out once people get to know me, but you're saying by then it's pretty much too late. I also go to a school with 2200 students (large crowds intimidate me), so when you factor out the non-single, unattractive (in my eyes) and just plain incompatible girls, there are slim pickings indeed. I don't actually expect you to have much to say about that last part, but it provides context.

Do you YES songs despite the musical quality of an arrangement? I don't mean its production quality, or on the grounds of too liberal or conservative. If it meets all those criteria but is just, musically speaking, a bad arrangement (has no visible harmonic progression, tones and dissonance used inappropriately, etc), will you YES it?

We definitely take into account general musicality. There are plenty of remixes that have been NOed despite having good production and interpretation - the overall arrangement and structure of the piece is just lacking. I guess this isn't explicitly stated in the guidelines, but it should be assumed nonetheless.


Did a Wild ARMS 2 arrangement once, but it was for a contest. I got second place which was like $20 or something. It was cool.

The same guy held a Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories contest before I actually played the game (which was actually not bad), and I got jack squat from that. :( Of course my arrangement was pretty lame, but I was hoping I'd be the only person who entered...

I've also done a Xenogears arrangement, even though I've played maybe only an hour or two of the game. Dunno if that counts.

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