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When Jimmy offered me the opportunity to help on the track with some voice work, we initially had some sort of spoken word-style lyrics in mind, but I'm a lot happier with how the track turned out using the Yoshinori Kitase quote. The awesomeness of the effects was all Jimmy's doing, and made me sound like a million bucks.

Hopefully people appreciate the quote as well for the purpose of tying the arrangement even closer to the game and its creative direction. Original lyrics would have been cool, but I thought it was a great way to give Kitase a well-deserved tribute.

Having helped a lil' on the side with arrangement choices thanks to Jimmy asking me for feedback, it's certainly a nice honor to have a good hand in this one and become an official OC ReMixer in the process!


Larry Oji, a ReMixer? GTFO

Nah, this remix is killer. I love how it's practically all drums, like a million on top of each other. I can't imagine the work that must have went into making them all audible. Larry's part of it is awesome too, and it's neat how "big empty space" is followed by a... big empty space.


This track is extremely catchy...I cannot stress that enough. I've commented on this remix a couple of times in the VotL thread, and I can't help but sound like a broken motor here. My absolute favorite track of the album is this one, no offense to the other awesome remixes. The feel of the original is there and the track strays away when necessary, which is the perfect balance for a listener like me.

Two things surprised me about the remix; the guitars the vocoded vocals. The former is because I didn't expect it from BGC...very well done. The latter is something that I was "meh" about at first, but eventually grew on me. The vocals source material is definitely smart, the delivery gets very intense towards the end. And of course, the vocoded effects are done nicely.

Glad this was finally posted on OCR. Congrats on Larry's official debut and BGC's awesome work. Cheers.


Oh man def one of my favs from the project. The groove and Larry's sexy robot man voice are my favs. The song is fairly straight forward in it's delivery and this works to it's advantage IMO. I really enjoyed how layers upon layers of beats and harmonies kept on pushing the song forward. It really gave the song a strong sense energy. Awesome work dudes!

Guest chakrit

first post here on ocremix.. cuz of this song

love this remix.. there're always a host of remixes on the latest remix feeds that do FF VII's but this one definitely caught my (ear's) attention.

second Palpable on the drums



Definitely one of my favorites from VotL. Love 1:35 when the awesome run thingy comes in - really "kycks the adrenalyne" if you catch my drift. Then of course there's the words - pure awesomeness. Giving a thumbsup!


Yes, this is an incredibly good track, one that I've kind of overlooked when I haven't been listening to VotL as a whole. Fantastic driving beats, great synths, guitar works well, and the vocoder break always sounded perfect to me. Now I paid attention to what it says and it's chillingly apt. (Extra intertextuality bonus points!) Sublime work overall, I'm gonna listen to this a lot more.



This would have been a bit better without the dialogue in the middle. The song itself is awesome, and definitely a keeper, but the bit about dying and all that really didn't need to be there. Also, while listening to that, I kept thinking it was Byte from Tron 2.0 Killer App. A great song overall, however. 9.5/10.


That is some very well enhanced black.

I love this remix, its got so much energy and it just keeps building and building even when you think it can't get any uh... buildier... Nice one! I remember this remix was shoved together in the last moments of votl development aswell, so props.

  • 2 weeks later...

What dreams may come. Which is exactly why I re-downloaded this mix, because the vocal part made a cameo in one of my dreams last night. Afterward, I couldn't remember the name of the song or where it was from, except that it was here on OCR. I got up about 5:20 AM just to search out those lyrics, because I didn't have that song to listen to immediately. I hadn't even listened to the song for a couple months since the unveiling of Votl. Funny huh?

Damn subliminal messages. X P

  • 2 weeks later...

Listened to this the whole way through. LOVE the melodic run at 1:36. Nice repetition of the first half before finally cadencing.

Thought the electronic voice monologue at 2:24 was kinda cheesy though. Could have done without it.

But on the whole, nice.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have no words.

Nothing can describe my feelings for this song, now matter how strong they are. This song is BLISS. everything melds together so perfectly, the drum lines, the guitars, even LT's vocals, for a remix so spine-chilling that it now features every time I listen to my mp3 player. Liontamer, I have to say, the vocals really MADE the remix. Everything else was awesome, but the vocals provide just the right hook to keep me listening, over and over.

I originally heard it on VotLS, but I wasn't regged, and my internet was out. It wasn't until I read the article about it that I remembered how awesome it was, and it got me to listen to it again. Also, it's a major plus for being a quote from the director. It fits perfectly, thematically. The first time I listened all the way through, it brought me to tears, how unbelievably solid this track was. Bravo, Artists, Bravo!

  • 7 months later...

If mixes sound this good with the Larry touch, I think he should be in all mixes. Great layered beats, I count like 5 layers eventually. Maybe even more, but it's hard to tell with all the other awesome that is going on.

This one is really more about the overall feeling of speed and it builds really well to the vocal, which I think was really awesome.

Not much to say here but awesome work, gents; I have loved this mix since I first heard it.



This is one of the very few remixes where I felt that vocals didn't destroy a normally instrumental song. The build up was fantastic, and the overall beat was so darkly ominous that it really does induce an adrenaline rush in you. The build up is crashed by a funky rock drum beat as the build up is transformed into aggression and a more forward intent. The transition from build up to mainstream was very seamless and worked more than well. The beat shift mid-lyrics was awesome, and the continuation off of said lyrics was stunning.

A deadly ReMix from a trio of Grade-A ReMixers.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

When I listen to this song and "I feel this big empty space and think, if I had know this was coming I would have done things ddddddiferently".. As in not listen to this... seriously.

The song itself it great!.. but... its a high energy song, then suddenly very low energy lyrics are placed in... they're not just low, they're downright pessimistic... No song "wants to die that way" like this one does apparently.

I mean I can listen to it now that I've completely erased the vocal segment from my copy, and its much better to me (no I'm not gonna post the edit anywhere)... I have no clue how such a faceplant made it by the judges...

I mean the song is like something vibrant and alive at first.. then the lyrics come in and kill it dead Dead DEAD!... then the corpse gets back up and tries to dance...pretending as if nothing ever happened. >.<;

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