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I still don't get why SD cards wouldn't work for DLC. Let's say each pack is 100MB or so, you could still fit 20 of those suckers on a 2GB card. And if that's not enough, go out and buy another one, rinse, and repeat. Sure it can get expensive, but why not leave that decision up to the buyers?

That's the whole point. There is virtually no decent third party support for the system. Period. Sure they might all be great games, but they're all first party.

This is a problem why...?

People have been buying Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games since the N64, and the company's been doing all the better for it. In the end, good games are good games. Complaining that they're all first party is just as inane as complaining all of the good games on 360 or PS3 are third party.

This is a problem why...?

Because as another poster pointed out, they keep making the same games.

People have been buying Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games since the N64, and the company's been doing all the better for it. In the end, good games are good games. Complaining that they're all first party is just as inane as complaining all of the good games on 360 or PS3 are third party.

Yeah, I guess because they can't get enough of the next slightly improved iteration of Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart, or Mario 64.

"Hey guys! Motion sensing! That's the new big thing!" Great. It's turned out to be gimmicky at best.

Yeah, their games might be solid(and I'm guilty of being a Mario Kart fan), and you're right, good games are still good games, but they haven't done much to bring anything totally fresh to the table other than continuously drag(and maim) their game series along. It certainly doesn't help that when cross-platform releases are made, the Wii as of now keeps getting the shaft.

To be totally honest, while I DO like my 360, right now I'm just not seeing the plethora of third party stuff that I saw during the PS2 generation. You can keep saying it doesn't make a big deal, but look at it this way. 3rd party developers equals more games, which also equals more good games. It also leads consumers to believe that the system has more support and therefore is a worthwhile buy. There's only one first party compared to dozens upon dozens of third parties.

Right now I'm pissed off at Nintendo because I'm a fan of Nintendo. I know what they've done before and it really pisses me off that the best they can do to "step up their game" is what they've done with the Wii and somewhat the DS.

This whole Rock Band debacle is only another nail in the proverbial coffin.


I agree with the "its no surprise" crowd. No hard drive = no fun like this. Shame too, cause the game is great, but if all you have is a wii you have to play this gimped up version, or take the money for rock band and save it for another system.

Because as another poster pointed out, they keep making the same games.

Yeah, I guess because they can't get enough of the next slightly improved iteration of Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart, or Mario 64.

"Hey guys! Motion sensing! That's the new big thing!" Great. It's turned out to be gimmicky at best.

Yeah, their games might be solid(and I'm guilty of being a Mario Kart fan), and you're right, good games are still good games, but they haven't done much to bring anything totally fresh to the table other than continuously drag(and maim) their game series along. It certainly doesn't help that when cross-platform releases are made, the Wii as of now keeps getting the shaft.

To be totally honest, while I DO like my 360, right now I'm just not seeing the plethora of third party stuff that I saw during the PS2 generation. You can keep saying it doesn't make a big deal, but look at it this way. 3rd party developers equals more games, which also equals more good games. It also leads consumers to believe that the system has more support and therefore is a worthwhile buy. There's only one first party compared to dozens upon dozens of third parties.

Right now I'm pissed off at Nintendo because I'm a fan of Nintendo. I know what they've done before and it really pisses me off that the best they can do to "step up their game" is what they've done with the Wii and somewhat the DS.

This whole Rock Band debacle is only another nail in the proverbial coffin.

Honestly I don't even have time to finish the first party games on Wii. But if you've completely exhausted that library, well...you have a 360.

I don't even know what you're talking about with the DS, that thing is a freakin' 3rd party goldmine.

I still don't get why SD cards wouldn't work for DLC. Let's say each pack is 100MB or so, you could still fit 20 of those suckers on a 2GB card. And if that's not enough, go out and buy another one, rinse, and repeat. Sure it can get expensive, but why not leave that decision up to the buyers?

Probably for the same reason you can't run virtual console games off of an SD card. I don't know if it has anything to do with the read speed, but I do know that the console itself is limited to using it's internal memory for these. The real kicker is that a friend of mine in Software Engineering isn't even sure that it's something that a developer could work around. It may actually be impossible to get the system to read games and data from anywhere but internal memory. Toss in the fact that you're allocated a less then 300Mb for actual game storage purposes and you're left with almost nothing at all. Even if each song was 100Mb, you'd only get two on there, and only if you don't have a few of the larger virtual console games on there as well. If you wanted to play the songs, you'd be constantly moving virtual console games and Rock Band songs back and forth off of an external storage device. Honestly, it'd probably be enough hassle on the gamers end to have DLC to actually make it preferable not to have it from the developers stand point.

Yeah, I guess because they can't get enough of the next slightly improved iteration of Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart, or Mario 64.

"Hey guys! Motion sensing! That's the new big thing!" Great. It's turned out to be gimmicky at best.

Yeah, their games might be solid(and I'm guilty of being a Mario Kart fan), and you're right, good games are still good games, but they haven't done much to bring anything totally fresh to the table other than continuously drag(and maim) their game series along. It certainly doesn't help that when cross-platform releases are made, the Wii as of now keeps getting the shaft.

To be totally honest, while I DO like my 360, right now I'm just not seeing the plethora of third party stuff that I saw during the PS2 generation. You can keep saying it doesn't make a big deal, but look at it this way. 3rd party developers equals more games, which also equals more good games. It also leads consumers to believe that the system has more support and therefore is a worthwhile buy. There's only one first party compared to dozens upon dozens of third parties.

Right now I'm pissed off at Nintendo because I'm a fan of Nintendo. I know what they've done before and it really pisses me off that the best they can do to "step up their game" is what they've done with the Wii and somewhat the DS.

This whole Rock Band debacle is only another nail in the proverbial coffin.

You have to remember, Nintendo was in a tenuous position before the Wii's launch. If they catered to mainly hardcore gamers, they would've had another Gamecube on their hands in terms of sales, if not worse - many were expecting this to happen anyway. Nintendo opted to expand the market, and succeeded, so if there's anyone to blame for their direction, it's those who didn't support their product beforehand.

I find it interesting how often people focus on the graphics in games...

I wish we were all like Zero Punctuation, where graphics are only mentioned if they're outstanding.

As far as bad graphics in games like GHIII and RB go, really, when you're focused on little colored circles coming at you at top speed, whether the girl's hair moves or not really isn't going to bother you.

It's not usually a main concern for me, but after playing RB on the 360 (rather fervently) it's hard for me to go play a dumbed down version of the game on the Wii. A lot of the fun in RB for me is the fact I get to customize my own character along with my friends. I like that option so much I'd get a 360 for RB alone since the Wii nor the PS2 have that feature. And even if they did, the graphics power of both systems wouldn't be able to render the characters like they were meant to be.


I think I can say that as of now, I'm very disappointed with all the next-gen systems, but the Wii's online system easily takes the cake.

Leave it to Nintendo to create an online system where you have to use a phone to setup matches.


I think Nintendo's heart is in the right place, and I would understand if they kept using such irritating online systems to maintain their consoles' image as family-friendly gaming devices. But unless they figure out some way to make their safe online experience usable, I fear that they will really alienate the die-hard fan base they've been building for decades.

I think Nintendo's heart is in the right place, and I would understand if they kept using such irritating online systems to maintain their consoles' image as family-friendly gaming devices. But unless they figure out some way to make their safe online experience usable, I fear that they will really alienate the die-hard fan base they've been building for decades.

The important part about this is that they don't care. Their biggest marketing push this year will be or Wii Fit. Nintendo is perfectly happy to rake in billions of dollars on the backs of soccer moms and casual gamers around the world, knowing that their loyal followers will chase after their coattails like loyal puppies. Nintendo will be the next, more elaborate PopCap.


If only Nintendo would be like this:

"Hey, we have the 'casual' gamer market, so now let's make a 'hardcore' gaming console that has a hard drive, no friend codes and amazing online treatment."

But yeah, that'll be the day :\


All I have to say is that I finally played rock band (the 360 version), and it's totally awesome. I preferred the vocals over everything else. I think this could really help my singing which is really not that good. There was a thread a week or two ago that asks if rock band could actually improve musical skills. Well, I'll change my mind and say "yes", because it could definitely improve my vocals. So, even though I can't afford rock band, it's inspired me to buy a game that uses a mic. Any recommendations?

Also, Nintendo's always 20 years in the past and 20 years in the future. They never look at the present. That's why their online sucks. I bet they had better online in the 80's.

If only Nintendo would be like this:

"Hey, we have the 'casual' gamer market, so now let's make a 'hardcore' gaming console that has a hard drive, no friend codes and amazing online treatment."

But yeah, that'll be the day :\

Until then, people could just buy a 360.


I usually mute the mic if it gets out of hand, but I haven't had to deal with too much of that shit. I usually party up with my friends anyway, so we all have a blast.

And as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. 50 bucks a year for a relatively solid online system that only really depends on what kind of connection you have as opposed to a service that will literally leave you crying. But hey, Horses for courses.


Well, although this game is surely gimped, Nintendo is making a pay to play service and I bet it has something to do with the following:

1. Nintendo is a money-hog and they want more money.

2. Even Nintendo fans are tired of shitty online service so they're going to have to shell out cash.

3. Maybe that means Nintendo will realize that a 20 gig $50 hard drive isn't such a bad idea after all.

Don't get me wrong. I love the Wii. It's my favorite console, but even a fanboy has to fess up and call its hero out when it is failing.

Don't get me wrong. I love the Wii. It's my favorite console, but even a fanboy has to fess up and call its hero out when it is failing.

Exactly.. I was having a conversation last night with a coworker about the current gen. I love Nintendo and I love the Wii, but I had no problem pointing out its shortcomings and praising the 360 (which I don't own).

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