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A new genre is born?


edit: maybe a quote from the page would be nice.

"An online poll conducted in the '90s set Vitaly Komar, Alex Melamid and David Soldier on a quest to create the most annoying song ever. After gathering data about people's least favorite music and lyrical subjects, they did the unthinkable: they combined them into a single monstrosity, specifically engineered to sound as unpleasant to the maximum percentage of listeners."


at my office, we had a pool going to see who could last the longest.

I dropped out after the first appearance for the bagpipes.

One of the other graphic designers made it all the way but can't stop giggling maniacally, even an hour later. We might have broken him. :/

I have to say this is a winner of a song.


As soon as I can deduce which part I was laughing the hardest at this will become my new ringtone. Parts of this sound like Cheap Cheap the Chicken from Parappa the Rapper rapping to Earthbound music, and that's actually not a bad thing.


This is almost phenomenal. How do you mix all of these annoying jingles and instruments?

"Wal-Mart jingles, cowboy music, political jingoism, George Stephanopoulos, Coca Cola, bossanova synths, banjo ferocity, harp glissandos, oompah-ing tubas much more."

I don't know if I should laugh or be amazed by it. This is quite funny.

The kids shouting those remarks was hysterical. Opera rapping? Hahaahahahah.

I'm bookmarking this.

I was far more bored than annoyed, to be honest...

Then again, I've spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocaine powder...

This ended up true for me as well.

I guess people like the judges would have built up an immunity to it. iffn ya knows what I means

at my office, we had a pool going to see who could last the longest.

I dropped out after the first appearance for the bagpipes.

One of the other graphic designers made it all the way but can't stop giggling maniacally, even an hour later. We might have broken him. :/

I made it through the whole thing, and I cried tears of laughter. Children screaming about Yom Kippur and Wal Mart is apparently hilarious to me.

Then again, I do have Banjo-Kazooie music in my iTunes...


It makes me mad in my head. Seriously, this is like M*A*S*H* meets green acres meets spaghetti western meets Braveheart meets disney meets every other vomit inducing cliche in history. Great work.

I found it interesting actually... I guess because I had my mind set on what I expected it to sound like, and it was completely different.

Same here, a lot of fun trying to guess what was coming

It sounds better than 90% of what I hear on the radio these days

True. There use to be a time when I listened to the radio, those days are all gone.

I mean unless you have satellite radio, sometimes even the stuff they play sucks.

Now this is irony how can "The Most Annoying Song Ever" be better than radio air-play, but than again it's really not annoying to me. It's just down-right hilarious.

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