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I dont know what this fool is talking about, but however This is my favorite theme from CT and I think you did an above average job.. Just because music is in the past part of the game, does not mean it has to be piano...


  • 4 weeks later...

Not bad, not bad. I downloaded the song hoping it was an arrangement of the Frog Theme, but found out it was a techno remix. Still a decent and original remix. Just wish someone would do an arrangement.

  • 3 weeks later...

Despite my undying love for Frog's theme, this mix isn't really exciting. I like the arrangement, and the occasional frog sound is a nice touch. It sounds like Frog gave blood, and he's doing techno but not feeling too well and needs to sit down. The melody lines are a bit to far back in the mix with the synth driving the melody soft in the first place. The life of the mix doesn't really match the beat or the enthusiasm of Frog's melody. That said, the structure of the song is refreshing and the arrangement well done.

Feels like an average Chrono Trigger remix, where someone likes CT and likes techno / trance but doesn't have a strong direction for the song.

  • 3 months later...

I have downloaded the song, and I feel that it took Frog's theme from Chrono Trigger to a different level than ever before. It is a great piece, and I even burned it to a CD, so I can listen to it in my car. My favorite part, when the music stopsfor a brief second, then you hear "ribbit".

  • 6 months later...

This is a pretty good remix. Not something that I can listen to more than a few times a week though. I love the frog croak though, I found it awesome for some reason.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a huge CT fan, and I think this remix did Frog's song no justice. His original song was majestic, and triumphant, and every remix I've heard just lays down his track like it's a mudmix. You did have some good effects, the song itself wasn't bad, it just didn't give the justice to Frog's song.

  • 1 month later...

This song is fantastic if you relax and take it for what it is. Actually, you should do that with any music that's out there.

This song is much easier to appreciate after a few listens.

About the song not doing frogs theme justice, this song, like the others on this site, are remixing the original melodies, and by doing so (i.e. changing tempo, beat, progression, a few notes, instruments) change the ideas that are conveyed by the melody.

You shouldn't go into any remix on this site and expect the same thing you felt when listening to the original midi. Some remixes lend themselves to the same ideas and emotions that were originally intended by the composers of the melodies more than others.

Get over that and your bias coming into the remix and you'll appreciate what these people are doing more and have a more enjoyable time yourself.

edit: I just read djp's comment on this, and you prolly should too. It's basically what I just wrote, like 3 years prior :P .

  • 3 months later...

I agree with Luca Blight. I want to find an orchestral version of this song. But I digress...

It was a good remix. I agree that you should not compare the original to the remix. However I believe that the music should have the same spirit as the original, just a different body. You can quote me on that. Anyway, I disagree with Nintendo Guru. This song plays to the low key depressed aspect of the song. When I hear the remix I think of the scenes were Frog has flashbacks about Cyrus. It's depressing. All they need now is a remix depicted the triumphant Frog who drew the Masamune and opened the magical cave. This remix scores a solid 9/10.

And admit it. Frog was the real main character. Him and Magus. I say the worst part of the game was that Frog and Magus didn't share any doubletechs. So what if they were enemies!


This has slowly become onf of my favourite remixes on the site. It's very mellow and cool. 9/10 from me.

PS: I too want an orchestrated version of Frog's Theme :D


Uhh.. Ok then.. Left Panning..yes... anyway.. i Though it was pritty good. Its a Light song with some deep moments.. Worth almost getting GROUNDED for being up past 12 AM on the computer wrighting this review. All in all i give it a:



  • 4 weeks later...

Enter the matrix..NO! >slap< Enter the frog, the frog, sorry.

Now, hrrm..this is totally a great techno, the frog melody really does fit in that funky synth JigginJonT managed to dig up. My favorite part began at first when that little more guitarish synth came onto the scene at 0:54, that one was awesome, and that nice flute at 1:34 was the same, gave this mix a character that not many would refuse to download to their computer.

Totally liked those strings beggining at 2:15 too. Eh, screw it all, I liked evrything in this mix. Ribbit.

Don´t be afraid...enter the matrix.>SLAP!< >SLAP!<

  • 11 months later...

The intro is nice, mellow, mysterious on what will soon come. The sword at :025 is a nice touch. The familiar theme comes in. Then out of somewhere soem techno esqu beats come in, nice. The mix blends well and continues through out the song. 1:33, the pan flute works well. The music change at 2:14 is done nicely. This is a nice take on a classic melody Rock on man!

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I had trouble enjoying this mix, for the simple reason that it just wasn't strong enough. It has no gravity to it, and I didn't feel any sort of pull. OCR is flooded with trance, and this is by no means the worst trance I've ever heard, but it did come across sub-par for me.

For starters, the softness, whether intentional or unintentional, is counterproductive to whatever the mix is trying to convey. The elements that count are obscured by senseless fog, and things a presented very dull as a result.

Secondly, the strength of the main melody is a little hit and miss throughout. There are some very rich sections that have some interesting arranging and creative stuff in here, but there was a lack of cohesion between all the seperate areas for me. Everything seems very spaced out and lacking in relationship with another; the opposite of what trance should be about.

This mix does hint at promise and inventive music, but it gets bogged down by a case of flat delivery, sadly. I'm a big fan of JigginJonT, although you probably wouldn't know it from what I've just been rambling about. Needless to say, I think he has improved leaps and bounds from this mix, and continues to do so.

  • 10 months later...

It's a cool arrangement, but the production choices aren't doing it any favors. We all know that JJT is way better now, so the mixing on this one can keep him humble. I certainly feel that way about some of my earlier mixes. ;-)

The variation on the theme is really nice, though, and the build to the frog croak was pretty sweet as well.

It has it's strengths and weaknesses, but overall it's enjoyable to listen to. Also, reading the judges decisions on this one really show that it's not just the mixers who have come a long way; I bet the judges now wish they could get away with a single sentence and then a 'yes' or 'no'. ;-)

  • 4 months later...

Awesome opening synth! The delayed/echo bass is pretty cool. THe shaker percussion is nice. I wasn't a huge fan of the first lead synth as the attack was a little slow for the part, but that's minor. The bass drum is thumping, but mellow at the same time. I really like the plucked string in the left side.

I get the idea of the juxtaposition of the rhythmic backing synths verses the slower attacking lead synths/strings. Wit a slower lead line, I think it would have worked a lot better. However, the ambience of the track is fantastic. Considering Jon did this 7 years ago, it's quite good!

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00948 - Chrono Trigger "Enter the Frog"

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