Jam Stunna Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 If this thread is inappropriate or becomes a flamewar, please lock it. I just didn't think it fit in the various system threads. Is it fair to compare videogame hardware to each other? Is each system now so specialized as to be aimed at totally different parts of the market? Can you really say that system X is better than system y? I'm not trying to encourage people to harp on the benefits or weaknesses of any specific system, but I've heard from several people that it's not fair to draw comparisons due to the differences between the systems. I want to hear what other people think. Quote
atmuh Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 i say play all 3 systems for yourself and see which you like like most MY TAKE wii is awful and ps3 and 360 are on par with each other but 360 has better controller and better online and better load times Quote
MaCe Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 i say play all 3 systems for yourself and see which you like like mostMY TAKE wii is awful and ps3 and 360 are on par with each other but 360 has better controller and better online and better load times hmm i dont know why you say wii is afwul but that is your opinion i suppose ,any way wii is to me best console because:although not as powerful as the x360 and ps3,it is much more fun to play than those 2 systems,i say that because i play games for long time now and i actually lost my interest in those kind of games,what i mean is microsoft and sony focused primarily on hardware ,specially sony who is selling their cell processors and blue-ray drives actually forcing the players to buy it even if it isn't necessary,in other words console is more expensive and it isn't stronger in performance than x360 who is build up for games,so sony is using their brand to push blue-ray on the market telling how the console is not just for games and stuff like that,wii IS focused on games and one of the reasons i love nintendo is their product quality,games are always fun to play have a very good design and artistic approach and run very smoothly,there is no bugs terrible frame rates and other "technical problems" that are very present on other consoles (this is referring to exclusives). Any way to me a PC is first (online games hardcore games) wii is second X360 is a better gaming machine in my opinion, and third is ps3 who hasn't got to me any interesting games that i cant find on x360 and PC. Quote
linkspast Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 I think to say the wii is awful is a bit unfair. I think it is doing a great job at what it was built to do, fet more people playing games... My mother wanted one for a long time, then I got one. she plays some times, not a lot but more than she plays mr brothers 360. I dont belive the wii is doing that great with its small libary of games and lack of 3rd party support> which is where the 360 is doing great. Quote
PuRe-eViL Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 Better is too much of a broad and subjective term. It can be argued that the consoles may have a more powerful CPU or graphics, a more intuitive interface, and so on. But it's ignorant to state that any one console is better than any other. That said, they do have their strengths and weaknesses, but who cares? I own a Wii and 360, and I only got them because they have the games that I like. I didn't sit down and have a wank over hardware specifications or theoretical polygon counts when choosing what I wanted to get. I just find it weird that people get all riled up when the supposed superiority of their console of choice is questioned. Quote
kitty Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 Here's an overly-simplistic way of finding out: Write a list of what YOU want in a console and what it has to offer. Now compare it to a list of what the consoles have and what they offer. Console with most checks wins. Quote
1337 1 Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 I think that there's a definite difference in the consoles to warrant some solid grounding in the statement, but it isn't strictly true. A popular gaming magazine over here in oz summarised this idea thus: If we think of the consoles as being like horses, then we can think of the the 360 as a horse which is a little older, so the owners gave it steroids. Then the ps3 guys declared that they had their own superdrug. Meanwhile, the wii was revealed to be not a horse, but a freaking pegasus with godlike wings. Seeing this, the 360 gave their horse more steroids and said they were elite, while the PS3 tried sticking wings onto their horse before releasing it. While a little biased, the idea that the wii, most certainly, is massively different to the others is true, but I think that its folly to imply that the wii is in every way superior. After all, its the only one to not support HD, but it has gameplay focuses. etc Quote
lazygecko Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 No. The real devil is comparing hardware power by ports. Quote
DJMetal Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 If this thread is inappropriate or becomes a flamewar, please lock it. I just didn't think it fit in the various system threads. Is it fair to compare videogame hardware to each other? Is each system now so specialized as to be aimed at totally different parts of the market? Can you really say that system X is better than system y? I'm not trying to encourage people to harp on the benefits or weaknesses of any specific system, but I've heard from several people that it's not fair to draw comparisons due to the differences between the systems. I want to hear what other people think. I think you have a good point. The system nowadays is pretty much all about what you want (in terms of good-lookingness, exclusive games, gimmicky-ness, controller type, etc.,) And each one fills a fairly exclusive niche. It's very unlike the last generation in my opinion. Last time around we had what amounted to 3 clone systems (with a few differences here and there) and you bought whichever brand had the games you felt you most wanted. That's my opinion, at least. I'll say right now, I love all 3 systems on the market right now. I've been a mite disappointed with the 360 lately, but every system has a slump. I'm totally impressed that the PS3 is doing as well as it has been, and being a nintendo fanboy, I like a lot of Wii games. Quote
X Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 Drawing comparisons doesn't seem fair but it's to be expected. IMO all three consoles still only have a handful of great titles so far, so I think the game quality debate is pretty moot at this point. As for the systems themselves, they could be better or worse. At least PS3 has Dual Shocks now. The 360 still has better online support than the other two, but that's overstating the obvious. The Wii is really just an assortment of cheap gimmicks. Once again, their in their off own little world, but at least you've got to hand it off to Nintendo for pulling off gimmicks that actually work from time to time. In short, I have trouble favoring any one of the three systems over the other because I simply don't see any one of them as "most worthy" right now. Only time will tell. Until then, I think it really depends on what key franchises you want to play (Bioshock, Halo, Mario, Metroid, etc.). Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 I think comparing the different systems is like comparing apples and oranges, even before there was such a split that we have no in what they do/have. But that's only going off the fact that I was lead to believe that it doesn't matter all that much what the specifications are of a system. Cause a weaker system might manage to look better than a stronger one simply because of however it's setup works better for rendering graphics or whatever. Now that isn't the case of the current generation, but I've heard it said of the last one. Of course, I know nothing about that sort of stuff, so that might be completely wrong. Even before being told that, I never really cared about the hardware specifications of a system. All that matters to me is if I can play the games I want on it or not. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 Funny this topic comes up after I've seen videos for The Force Unleashed on all systems including the PSP and DS. From what I've seen, they've managed to keep most if not all the next-gen features such as DMM and that advanced A.I and place them all on "inferior" hardware(save the DS). Which leads me to believe even more strongly that we can still get great gameplay experiences from even last-gen stuff, and hardware really only limits certain aspects of video and audio, neither of which have to be too big of a factor in good fun... It also kind of pisses me off that we didn't see this stuff in last generation's hardware... At any rate, I guess I'll just echo the sentiment that it all depends on the games released on said platforms. Right now I'm honestly not seeing too many hits on any one system enough times to warrant preferring one over the other, so it all depends on what games you DO want to play. I'm kind of sad that I'm not seeing that amazing of 3rd party line-ups with anything but the DS and PSP. Quote
JCvgluvr Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 It's perfectly fair to compare Xbox 360 with the PS3. They're both reaching for nearly identical audiences and offer similar console experiences. (But the Xbox 360 does nearly everything better, IMO.) Now the Wii is a different story. It really shouldn't be compared to either system, unless it's trying to do what they do (like if they're offering online play in a game, for instance). Quote
atmuh Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 sony who is selling their cell processors and blue-ray drives actually forcing the players to buy it even if it isn't necessary,in other words console is more expensive and it isn't stronger in performance than x360 who is build up for games,so sony is using their brand to push blue-ray on the market telling how the console is not just for games and stuff like that no ones forcing you to buy anything they are utilizing new technology and there is nothing wrong with that wii IS focused on games and one of the reasons i love nintendo is their product quality,games are always fun to play have a very good design and artistic approach and run very smoothly,there is no bugs terrible frame rates and other "technical problems" that are very present on other consoles (this is referring to exclusives). i could list like 30 reasons why the wii is completely awful but ill just say that this whole sentence thing is rofl besides smash bros every single wii game is incredibly boring Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 Ok so you don't like Wii games and find them boring, that doesn't mean the wii is a horrible system for everyone, just you. Quote
Strike911 Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 Gotta be honest, I've owned all the systems from last gen and this gen. The Wii for a gamer like me is just not a good fit. Loved Smash Bros Brawl, but I couldn't tell you any other game I want on the damned thing. I don't even follow Wii news anymore because I just don't care. (This coming from a guy that stood in line for a Wii and stood in line for Smash Bros Brawl... HELL MY SIG IMAGE is almost all Nintendo characters...) As a long time Nintendo guy the Wii is by far the biggest dissappointment, primarily because it just feels like they aren't trying... they put out a gimmick, occasionally you get a passable game, but seriously, it's rehash, after rehash, after rehash, where they force you to use the wiimote in an entirely unoriginal way... again after again after again. And I'm a hardcore Nintendo fan... just feel like they aren't trying. The 3rd party games for the most part are not fun. I'm tired of mini-games and simple adventure games. And I know this is in part because Nintendo is aiming it's console at a new market. I'm okay with that, but I do feel a little abandoned... Microsoft. They've got a good console. Good user base. Best online service, and good graphics. Solid games coming out consistently. Not much more I can say. It's solid.. better than solid. The best bet if you want a good platform that has everything pinned down. Everyone knows the good stuff coming out for the system. Sony. I really feel like Sony is trying to make it's users happy... they keep adding feature after feature to the PS3 and its online service is free. Of all the systems, it is at least important to mention that the PS3 is the only system that I have from this gen that hasn't given me problems. My Wii has a power issue and must be unplugged every couple of times I use it just to turn it on (not really a big deal, but annoying). The Xbox360 ate discs after while. I have had zero problems with my PS3. None. Add to that Blu-Ray playback, and a lot of fantastic games coming out soon, it's going to only push competition with Microsoft to a new level. Surprisingly enough, of all the systems I am the most happy with the PS3... and I think it will stay that way for the forseeable future. In my opinion, you just can't beat the Blu-Ray playback, constant features being added to the Cross Media Bar, and just a feeling like Sony's trying to make people happy. I don't get that feeling from Microsoft or Nintendo, at all. Sure, there are MORE games on both the 360 and the Wii, but there are more games that I care about playing on the PS3. It only further excites me to think that the PS3's potential hasn't fully been realized yet. When the PS2 was out, I really felt like sony was not trying, and it was because they were in the lead. I get that feeling from Microsoft currently. They're coasting, just like sony did 5 years ago while Xbox Live was pushing the envelope with online functionaility. Now that Sony is no longer the top dog, the PS3 console is fantastic because Sony is really working hard to get more users and people on board... anything is possible in the future, and I just can't say that about the other consoles right now... especially the Wii. I mean the PSP/PS3 functionality already is cool. The idea that watching Blu-Ray on my PSP is even better. Sony is doing cool stuff like really integrating everything. The Wii/DS is just a lost opportunity that Nintendo refuses to capitalize on properly. I just can't say it enough, Sony's really doing a lot of cool stuff, and while it may be in last place in the console race right now, it's by far my favorite console right now. ... plus Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out in 9 days, and if it is as good as the reviews are saying it will be one of the few big name sequels that will have delivered on it's promises (this one is aimed at you Halo 3 and Smash Bros Brawl... good games, but better than the titles before them? Dunno.). I played the Metal Gear Online beta and absolutely loved the gameplay... so it's looking good. Gears of War 2 is looking good though as well on the 360. I guess I just have a longer history with the Metal Gear franchise. Throw in Resistance 2 and Little Big Planet, and that sounds like good. I'm hesitant to mention KillZone 2... it looks fantastic, but the Killzone titles have never quite been good... who knows, maybe they'll surprise us... *shrugS* That's my two cents/my opinion/viewpoint/outlook. Quote
Guy In Rubber Suit Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 I'd say it's really not fair to compare the systems as they are different in design. If you take a look at a lot of third party games that have multiple console releases you'll see that the 360 tends to stand stronger because developers develop for the 360 first and port over to the PS3 and Wii second. This creates problems because of the way the consoles are set up. The 360 is set up like a traditional PC whilst the PS3 has multiprocessors that few developers have programmers who are experienced enough to take advantage of the multiprocessors. With the Wii, it's just underpowered and leaves a lot to be scrapped. Now if a developer were to develop for the PS3 first and then the other consoles there would probably be a more equal footing. At the very least, less headaches for the developers in terms of getting bugs nailed and features working. However when looking at first party games who take every advantage of the consoles as possible we see some incredible things. Granted, as far as the 360 and PS3 are concerned they could run any of the games. The only exception at this point might be MGS4 but that's mostly because they are using uncompressed audio so it won't fit on a DVD. At this point the hardware strength becomes irrelevant because it boils down to what the developer can do and we know developers can achieve a lot with very little. Quote
Necrotic Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 It's fair to compare the PS3 and 360 I'd say. Same audience, same ability to run the same games, and hardware that aims for similar goals. The Wii sort of has to be seen in a sort of different light, but while it's not always possible to compare or contrast directly to the other two, it certainly has its strengths and weaknesses that can be put up against them. How much that affects the your opinion on it really depends on how you weigh either or I guess. <Good summary of consoles.> I'm going to reinforce this post just by saying that everything Strike said is exactly what I was going to mention. Even down to the detail about Sony really seeming to try, which is true. Right now, I'm the happiest with my PS3, because of the features that are always trickling in and the future games look the most promising for me (MGS4, the RPG's due out later this year). The 360 has the most well-rounded package and is probably the safest investment, and really is ridiculously close in rank to the PS3 for me partly because Microsoft doesn't need to try, they've nailed a lot of stuff like the online, steady flow of good games, and marketplace. The Wii is a bit of a tragedy in that has much more potential than is being shown by either Nintendo OR third-party devs, but not to say I hate it, I just wish more was done with it. I enjoy my fair share of games on the Wii, but when you can count the number on one hand and it's been this long, you know there's a problem. At least the handhelds this generation don't suffer from anything negative except maybe DS online but its best games are singleplayer so who cares. Both handhelds are fantastic. Quote
Global-Trance Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 I think hardware comparisons are something to consider. They do not necessarily say which one is better but they do say something about the system's potential and that is always something to keep in mind, especially if you're a developer. Quote
Aninymouse Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 I've been a die-hard Nintendrone since day #1. There have been some great games, but honestly, it's Gamecube all over again: next to no worthwhile 3rd party games, good 1st party games are too far between, long periods where nothing new seems to happen at all. On 360 and PS3, new things keep cropping up. It's like Nintendo doesn't want you to know (that they have no clue what to do next for Wii). The DS is fantastic, though! Quote
Nohbody Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 I've been a die-hard Nintendrone since day #1. There have been some great games, but honestly, it's Gamecube all over again: next to no worthwhile 3rd party games, good 1st party games are too far between, long periods where nothing new seems to happen at all.On 360 and PS3, new things keep cropping up. It's like Nintendo doesn't want you to know (that they have no clue what to do next for Wii). The DS is fantastic, though! I agree and disagree. DS has no good 3rd party games and same with GC/Wii Nintendo needs to get their shit together Quote
Aninymouse Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 DS has no good 3rd party games WHOA I'M SORRY good thing this is coming from a guy who liked Elfen Lied or else I'd be worried. AHEM. Xenosaga I & II The World Ends With You Trauma Center: Under the Knife Tales of Innocence Super Robot Wars W Sonic Rush Adventure Sonic Rush The Rub Rabbits! Professor Layton and the Curious Village Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword Mega Man ZX Advent Mega Man ZX Lunar Knights Luminous Arc 2 Will Luminous Arc Guilty Gear Dust Strikers Flower, Sun, and Rain Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy III Feel the Magic: XY/XX Exit Etrian Odyssey Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker Contra 4 Contact Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Oh man you're right, none whatsoever. Shit, I give up. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 The 'problem' with DS 3rd party games is that they are usually smaller, easier to play 2D style games. Unless the company is named Square Enix or Nintendo, it's most likely not going to be as full fledged as most home console games are. I hope Bioware does a good job with the Sonic RPG amongst a few other games on it though. Also, the way some 360 games actually look better in side by side comparisons and PS3 games sometimes using too much anti-aliasing to make things look almost muddy at times, I think it's too difficult to discern which console looks definitely better or not. I'm perfectly fine with the 360 and prefer it over the PS3 in their game libraries, but I don't see a fundamental problem with the PS3 other than the insane hype it got over its graphics. And in the end, it's comparable to the 360. Quote
Red Shadow Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 boy if there aint an exorbitant amount of text in this thread Quote
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