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I only mentioned this briefly in my announcement, so some of you may not have caught that Jill, Lee, and Jon have all stepped down from the Judges Panel over the last six months. We've just been waiting to add the new judges to say so officially. All three of them deserve a hearty "thank you" for the time they put into helping OCR run smoothly, and hastening the speed at which the good stuff goes from our inbox to your hard drive. I say this as a fellow staff member, a ReMixer, and a listener. It's always sad to see judges go (and of course getting to be a judge couple was fun!) but as always, we leave our door open in case any of them decide to return to duty.

Anyone that ends up becoming a judge gets the same speech from djp; that it's a pretty thankless job and you end up making more enemies than friends. That's pretty true, overall, but let's make an exception here and show these guys (and gal) that we appreciate the hard work they put into the site and this community. :nicework:


Good work, to the three of you. Thanks for putting up with everything and dealing with a lot of stuff! OCR will surely miss your talent on the board.

Also, in before the Nice Work guy pic. XD


Oh man! I'd better take this opportunity get nostalgic about all the experiences I had with these three. (Don't worry. It isn't much.)

The Orihalcon: . . . Well, crap. I don't think I've ever had the honor of being judged by The Orichalcum(Star Ocean 2 spelling. ^_^). I'm sorry I missed out man.

Pixietricks: Thank you for giving me advice about my Guilty Gear remix back in the day. Being the opera singer in the house you had a lot to say about an orchestral piece like that one. I'll never forget the time you told me that "chimes are a cliche that people only use when they don't know what else to do." It's funny because, even though I'm the one who composed it, my producer-man George James was the one who got upset about that comment. Hahaha. He was fine though. ^_^

JJT: I was slowly building up a give and take relationship with the dude. I was constantly giving it and he was taking it. Hahaha. It's unfortunate that everything I said around him tended to annoy the heck out of him more and more as his judging career neared its end. Looking forward to more piano-y goodness from you in the future none-the-less yo.

Have fun you three.


Welcome back to having a life! disclaimer: participants must have had a life in the first place for the previous statement to have any meaning Seriously, as someone who's only a listener at the moment, thanks for all your hard work.


Now that all of you are no longer judges, I totally expect remix submissions, en masse. Immediately. Okay, maybe not immediately, but in the next sixty seconds would be just fine.

Thanks for serving the community in an excellent fashion!


Shucks, guys. :puppyeyes: It was a pleasure (cough) evaluating your submeeshuns - and certainly a pleasure serving with Jon, Lee, and the rest of the panel! Every one of them deserves thanks for what they've done, and continue to do.

I may not be judging no' mo', but I'll still be around doing other stuff for the site. (Help with coordinating official events, meetups, interviews, hopefully some VGDJ specials etc...) And although my original work has taken top priority in terms of musical endeavors, my remixing days are not over yet! I've just gotten a wee bit busy, now that I'm out of school and in the real world.

If anyone here need vocals for their original music, let me know. I have a page describing my services here:


Gotta earn a living... :< (But don't worry, I do actually get good business this way - and it's not my only source of income. If I become a "true" starving artist, then you can be concerned, and buy 10 pity copies of my album. Nyuck!)

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