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A couple of months back during the series' 20th anniversary there was some book released in Japan, one of the pages in it hinted at a new classic game. Now yesterday, this entry was added to The Classification Board and Classification Review Board (AFAIK the Australian equivalent to ESRB and PEGI).

Perhaps the positive response from Bionic Commando and Street Fighter IV made them reconsider the whole Battle Network/Star Force shit no one cares about.


It's only a dream, but I'm praying for an NES Mega Man 9 on the VC.

Same with a Mega Man X9 on the SNES VC. Both series sadly went downhill once they left their system of origin.

It's only a dream' date=' but I'm praying for an NES Mega Man 9 on the VC.[/quote']


1-6 were on NES, 7 on SNES, and 8 on PS1 and Saturn.

why the hell would they put 9 on the NES


Read the rest of his post and it'll make sense

although I have no idea what he's smoking in saying that, MM7 and 8 were two of the best games in the series as far as I'm concerned.


Mega Man was born and bred on the NES. Why not send him back? Capcom used to push a Mega Man out once a year. Would it be so hard to try it again? Mega Man was NES, X was SNES, and Legends was PS. With downloadable games, why not send all of them back to their origin.

It's not the only series I'd like to see have a retro sequel either. It's possible, just not at all that likely.

Both series sadly went downhill once they left their system of origin.

x4 was the best x and 7 was the best original

you dumb

also being that making video games is a BUSINESS itd be pretty dumb to make something that IN NINTENDOS OWN WORDS only geeks and otakus would like


Mega Man 2 was the best, and X 1-3 were great. X-4 was cool, but the stage designs started going downhill after the 3rd X game and the focus starting flowing away from blowing up stuff to collecting things. Personally I will always love the original Mega Man games the most. They were the most optimistic and the stage designs and game play were just awesome.


I heard about this last night on a Mega Man site. What you should be aware of is that Mega Man 9's corporate listing is the subcompany that Capcom uses to release 360 and PS3 downloads, so it may be one of those. Of course, the best course of action would be a Wii or a DS sidescroller (2D, naturally). I'd forgive them for the absence of ZX3 if I could get a Mega Man 9 DS release this year.

On a similar note, how do you think they'd structure it? Probably opening stage, 4 bosses, mid-stage, 4 bosses, 4 Wily stages like 7 and 8 (though I'd rather forego the mid-stage for all 8 stages being open from the start). In terms of story, if I were doing it, Mega Man and Bass would have a final battle, Mega Man would fight Zero in the end (who would kill Wily), and perhaps Zero could irreparably damage Mega Man before being stopped himself. There are relatively straightforward ways to link Mega Man to X, but Capcom has to be willing to do so. If 9 comes out, it has to be the last game of that series ever, barring remakes. After that, X9. As long as it doesn't suck.


Inafune said that if he were to make a console Mega Man game, that it would most likely come out on Wii. I'm going to go ahead and jump on the fanboy wagon, so here goes. Wii fans are already getting crapped out of the next Resident Evil as well as Street Fighter 4. I think Capcom kinda owes the Nintendo fans. Assuming it exists, if Mega Man 9 isn't ported to the Wii, I will be an angry man. If it comes out on other consoles, then I'm totally cool with that because I love Mega Man and I would like to see him on top.

If it comes out as a 360 or PS3 exclusive, I will throw a fit, drive to the store, and buy me that system just to play that game. I am not kidding. Street Fighter 4 already has me up to my knees in anticipation, but there's no debate over a true, original Mega Man game. To those who are fans of the recent iterations of Mega Man, I mean you no harm, but I have an extremely biased nostalgic obsession for the blue bomber, and I have been waiting for many years to see a conclusion or a renewal of his blueness.

Mega Man has been going the way of Sonic lately. We've seen annoying new characters, we've seen the storyline branch out into totally silly territory, and we've seen some decent games that are sadly unamazing when compared to the inspiration of the early Mega Man and X games - much like Sonic's games. You're playing them because they feature your favorite character and they're still pretty fun, but you know that if Capcom gave Mega Man a budget and timeline half as big as a Resident Evil game, you would see a difference.

The most important thing to me is that this game exists. Scratch that. The most important thing to me is (assuming the game is being made) that the game is awesome. I want to see something that uses the inspiration from the earlier games. I want some fan service.

I'm not just talking about musical style (return to fast melodic rock and dance would be nice), I want the action to go back to the blasting and jumping. I want to see the powerslide. And I am damn fine with 3D. I see a few of you Legends fans on here, but I'm only partly with you. I want a Mega Man gameI think the Wii would be a great console for the next Mega Man, and simplifying the shooting process while adding

.... nevermind, there's a thunderstorm going on. End fanboy rant.

I'm going to go ahead and jump on the fanboy wagon, so here goes. Wii fans are already getting crapped out of the next Resident Evil as well as Street Fighter 4. I think Capcom kinda owes the Nintendo fans.

Capcom owes nobody anything. They're a corporation out to make money.

Originally Posted by megadave:

I am damn fine with 3D.

I was totally with you until here. 3D could work for a Mega Man game (if it's on Wii, it would probably trump Legends, and yes, I'm a Legends fan), but if 9 is indeed on Wii and doesn't have sprites, it has to be 3D characters in a 2D world, and has to be better than X8 (and especially X7). Come on, Capcom, give my hyper-detailed, Odin Sphere quality sprites. I know you can do it!


Oh yes. Oh heck yes! Pleeeeaaaaassssseeee let this come true!!!

Although, wasn't Mega Man and Bass considered the 9th in the series?

They'd better use this new game to tie up the loose ends between it and the X series. Imagine if this one ends with the death of Mega Man by Zero's sabre?!


Mega Man has been going the way of Sonic lately. We've seen annoying new characters, we've seen the storyline branch out into totally silly territory, and we've seen some decent games that are sadly unamazing when compared to the inspiration of the early Mega Man and X games - much like Sonic's games. You're playing them because they feature your favorite character and they're still pretty fun, but you know that if Capcom gave Mega Man a budget and timeline half as big as a Resident Evil game, you would see a difference.

Sorry, but I don't buy that. Mega Man games are still well made. Sonic games are poorly produced.

Mega Man games in the Zero/ZX series are still solid productions with great gameplay, graphics, and music. IntiCreates did an amazing job with that series and moved 2D Mega Man games in the right direction: open, Metroidvania style worlds with exploration and the ability to finally play as bosses. Couple that with some great art direction and a fairly cohesive plot, and you're definitely in business.

Hell, even the Battle Network/Star Force series is good. Is it traditional side-scrolling Mega Man? Of course not; it never attempted to be, but people hate on it for that reason anyway. It's a series that combines real-time battles with the customization aspects of popular collection RPGs. People seem to get their panties in a bunch whenever Capcom makes another BN/SF game, but c'mon, this is Capcom we're talking about. Slowly evolving a series through sequels is their M.O.

It's been a long time since Mega Man games sucked. I think the last one in the series that we could actually say sucked was X7. That was years ago. :roll:


Wii fans have been getting crapped on since the system's inception. Deal.

Anyway, I'm agreeing with DarkeSword on this one. I don't remember any of the latest Mega Man games sucking(although I never did get a chance to play X7...). I actually liked MM.exe as far as 1-3(never played the others), and I love the hell out of Zero, maybe moreso than the X series, and ZX is something I've been dying to play. Not so interested in Star Force though.

I still want Legends 3, damnit.


Good point, and you've certainly been a more devout fan than me as of late, but I'm in the grey here. I don't think that the new Mega Man games suck, I just think that they could do so much more with it. That was my comparison to Sonic. There's still a lot of good Sonic games, but they don't blow me out of the water like Sonic 3. Wouldn't you like to see a large budget Mega Man game headed by Inafune himself? I think he deserves the 5 star treatment that Bionic Commando and Street Fighter 4 are getting. Sure, Mega Man games don't exactly require 300-person teams, but what if?

We certainly have our differences. I'm more of an oldschool Mega Man fan and that's just how I am. Mega Man will never suck, but at the same time, I want Capcom to do what it takes to bring him to a wider audience. Either way, I think we can all agree that the sound of "Mega Man 9" is very awesome.



-Rockman 9 will feature a retro 8-bit art style, a homage to the earlier games.

-Two playable characters: Rockman and Blues (ProtoMan). Each has their own unique storylines.

- A popular belief is that RM9 will act as the 'link' to the events of the X Series. This is not so, The storyline DOES NOT lead into the X Series, rather it's a 'traditional' plot.

-Many new characters, new Robot Masters and maybe some new supporting characters.

-Gameplay is reminiscent of Rockman 3-6.

-Online components: Leader boards and some unknown form of online play

-RM9 will be on all major home consoles: Wii, X360 and PS3. X360 and PS3 users will be able to purchase the game from their respective download services. It's unknown how the Wii version will work, whether it will be a downloaded game or not

Still, you can't help but feel that Capcom is treating it like a second-rate title by making it a downloadable title.


- A popular belief is that RM9 will act as the 'link' to the events of the X Series. This is not so, The storyline DOES NOT lead into the X Series, rather it's a 'traditional' plot.

Lame. This is a lost opportunity. After all, in the animated series the episode with Megaman X was probably the best one. Why not bridge the gap?


To those unfamiliar with the episode mentioned above. It's from the Ruby-Spears "Megaman" A tv series based on the blue bomber, with all of the glorious cheese that is of 90's cartoons.

The episode mentioned is called Mega X

Part 1


Part 2


Lots of moments made me cringe (out of some errors but meh are forgivable) but god damn did I feel excited seeing Vile and Sparkmandrill as they were most probably as close to the X game as possible

(mind you this is before they redid the first X game into Maverick Hunter X)

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