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both albums are on sale so asking for a torrent for them is against the rules. But speaking of which...

Anyone got a torrent of the 8bit music to the Mega Man 7 8bit remake I posted before? (site that was linked in that thread no longer has the mp3s ; ; )

You think that's high, the high score on the Wii version is 3067. Though granted, they've had it a couple days longer than Xbox owners. I remember the first day, most high scores were in the 300s, with first place being a little over 1000.

Well, there's also the fact that Japanese gamers have the Wiis in droves. Even the top Xbox360 scores was at least 30% Japanese from what I've seen.

Also, the score is going up to 1000+ and it's rising. I guess they're just constantly playing without rest.

Damn. There's one series of rooms I can't beat in Endless mode, and I'm therefore stuck at #6 on the leaderboards. I'm convinced that I've now seen every possible combination of rooms, unfortunately...it's rather limited. I was hoping they would be unique until 300 or so.

Anyway, does anyone have any advice about the spike room with all those damn grabbers from Galaxy Man's level? I realize that not getting grabbed is the goal, but the one platform with three of them is just ridiculous.

Um. When you make it to a safe ground, immediately cast the circling crystals and never let go of it until you reach another ledge. I found out that using any other gun is moronic since there's too much room for error.

As for the traditional speedrun, I actually became competitive a bit in the Tornado Man stage. Just pure luck to get the big weapon-refills. I'm sure the top scorers do it also with fancy footwork, but that is just so dangerous. Oh yeah, and lucky weapon-refills. Lucky bastards.

Um. When you make it to a safe ground, immediately cast the circling crystals and never let go of it until you reach another ledge. I found out that using any other gun is moronic since there's too much room for error.

Jewel satelite as stated here lets you dispose of the carrying robots at the right time.

You can also avoid getting grabbed and make it across the one unjumpable gap with the aid of Rush Jet or a Concrete Shot block.


That.... was a review? Even the MM9 slamming reviews on GameFAQs have better material, even if their opinions suck.

Newbies shouldn't play Megaman games, period. They won't get any relief if Inti Creates made a modern, high def Megaman game. Actually, they might get destroyed more often.


LOL at Wii MM9 players who can't get onto the leaderboards. I think that's just tragic.

Right now I'm stuck anywhere between rank 100 to rank 250. The top ranks are getting higher and higher. And some maniac beat the entire game in 20 minutes...

And some maniac beat the entire game in 20 minutes...
some maniac beat the game in 20 minutes...
beat the game in 20 minutes...
20 minutes...

I find that really, really, really, really, really, really hard to believe...


I got the headbanger challenge. Was honestly easier than I expected. I had the most trouble out of Hornet Man's stage because you can take some hits from those stupid scissors towards the end. I need to beat the game with Protoman, and I'll be done with this game until they release the hard and super hard modes.


Headbanger is so easy to do on Wily's stages. Pretty much none of the first three stages should give you trouble, and you just pop a guard power-up thingie on the final stage to simplify that one.


Anybody having fun with the Hero and Superhero modes? Also, the special level is a long torture-run and the final boss of that level is probably the hardest one to fight of the robot bosses of them all.

So far, I'm spending something like 25$ on all the Megaman 9 related downloads including icons and wallpapers. Ridiculous, but I'd actually say it was worth it.


I'm not saying Fakeman is super hard or anything, but he has way more weapons going for him. I do think Magmaman's jumping BS is harder because it's just so annoying.

But I personally don't like fighting Megaman-wannabes who fight conventionally and is immune to almost all weapons. I'm getting the hang of it, but going through that trek to fight him is a bit much. Still trying to do it within 2 minutes like the crazy speedrunners.

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