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What's this obsession with Mega Man Legends? They were decent games, but nothing great.

They weren't great, but they were quite good. They had characters you could identify with a bit. Not to mention that it had a somewhat coherent storyline that was never concluded. The other series at that point were essentially standalone games; while they would follow a plot, they were self-contained for the most part. Legends wasn't like that, and the second game left us in a cliffhanger. Suffice to say, we want to know what happens. Ever had a book series you liked that you couldn't finish because the next book hasn't been released yet and you really want to know what happens next? Same idea.

Originally Posted by Atma

Originally Posted by megadave

What's this obsession with Mega Man Legends? They were decent games, but nothing great.

thank you

They weren't anything great, but (for me at least) Mega Man Legends 1, first played in its N64 incarnation, was a pretty fun game. I wouldn't mind another one, especially since (spoiler ... I guess) Mega Man Legends 2 ended with Mega Man on the moon stranded and Roll and Tron trying to get him home. No canon Mega Man series, except maybe Zero, has received a *true* ending in the traditional sense. They all are "To Be Continued" in some capacity or another, but at this point, if Capcom is done making new ones, they should finish the games in terms of story. Legends 3 would be welcomed by many fans, but Capcom doesn't want it. Personally, I'd rather see the other story lines concluded first, but that's just me.

This ramble boils down to this: 'great' game or not, Legends' storyline was popular among fans, and you should never end a story with a character waiting to come home from the moon and unanswered questions which will apparently be answered by some phantom third title. Imagine if MGS4 was never to be made. The storyline didn't make much sense without that integral piece. Legends 3, regardless of your perspective on its gameplay, needs to be released according to its fans, if only to conclude the cliffhanger story from part 2.

EDIT: Damn you, Jedi Knight. I had a much longer post, edited it down before posting it, and you beat me to it with essentially the same argument.

They weren't great, but they were quite good. They had characters you could identify with a bit. Not to mention that it had a somewhat coherent storyline that was never concluded. The other series at that point were essentially standalone games; while they would follow a plot, they were self-contained for the most part. Legends wasn't like that, and the second game left us in a cliffhanger. Suffice to say, we want to know what happens. Ever had a book series you liked that you couldn't finish because the next book hasn't been released yet and you really want to know what happens next? Same idea.

I liked the feel of the game, too. I think the mundane situations you saw some of the characters in (soda machines with Megaman, listening to music in the CD shops, museum visits etc.) was what made the game that much better and the characters more identifiable.

Also, I can't dislike a game with what are possibly the strangest, most exuberant and nonsensical OST song titles I've seen. "Balcon Gerald!"?:-?


Yeah, I like the idea of MM9. But if we think about it, it's not supposed to bridge the gap between it and X. Parts 1-8 and MM&B never did link one after the other. They're like different stories for different games, which made Megaman pretty cool. It'd be pretty difficult to try and come up with one huge plot that turns Megaman's world into X's. Which is drastically contrasting, in my opinion, because X is so much edgier.

It's kind of like Legend of Zelda- You've got different incarnations of Link. So you've got different stories.

You've got different incarnations of Megaman.. You've got different stories, too! (X, Legends, EXE....)

I liked the feel of the game, too. I think the mundane situations you saw some of the characters in (soda machines with Megaman, listening to music in the CD shops, museum visits etc.) was what made the game that much better and the characters more identifiable.

Also, I can't dislike a game with what are possibly the strangest, most exuberant and nonsensical OST song titles I've seen. "Balcon Gerald!"?:-?

Couldn't agree more. MegaMan Volnutt was really identifiable, also in that he was human too. It was a total reversal to see a human donning a suit of powered armor fighting all these robots and stuff compared to being a robot. Granted, Mega Man and X are very human in how they act, but as you pointed out, it was mundanities in Volnutt's every day life that really helped draw you in. Plus, there was something to be said for being recognized for all your deeds. You got to see Volnutt on TV when he saved a city. That was pretty cool for back then. Plus, the Bonnes, your constant antagonizers, were actually sympathetic, human, and likable, unlike Dr. Wily or Sigma who were just the definition of evil super villain.

And well, though Legends wasn't the most mechanically polished game in the world (Far from it), it got where it is because it's a charming, endearing, and fun experience. And that's what has me coming back for more every time.


Those games do have good stories. I was actually a little shocked with all the sexual overtones that Mega Man Legends/64 had. You remember that part where Mega Man (Volnutt) spies on Roll when she's changing? Wow, how did that get by in the American version?


Oh yeah. And it happens *again* in Legends 2, if you make Volnutt a really good guy. Though if you look at Roll's diary afterwards, she begins to wonder if he's doing it on purpose. It's entertaining.

I think it gets by because of Capcom's relatively lax stance on censorship. Probably the other reason Legends is fairly popular. It's the textbook case of this.


Yeah, so a lot of stuff has been confirmed thanks to the newest Nintendo Power. I'm not sure where I can get the official information from, but I just saw a post on a different message board about it. Capcom said they're trying to do better than Mega Man 2.

I'm pretty sure I almost came.

They weren't great, but they were quite good. They had characters you could identify with a bit. Not to mention that it had a somewhat coherent storyline that was never concluded. The other series at that point were essentially standalone games; while they would follow a plot, they were self-contained for the most part. Legends wasn't like that, and the second game left us in a cliffhanger. Suffice to say, we want to know what happens. Ever had a book series you liked that you couldn't finish because the next book hasn't been released yet and you really want to know what happens next? Same idea.

I thought Legends games were great. I still think it's one of the best 3D conversions ever and it's funny since it was one of the first of its kind as well.

Also, I still am befuddled that the game series gets flack for no real good reason other than that it was unique. Character-wise, I thought it had the best Rock, the best Roll and one of the best villains in Tron. I'd imagine a modern spin on it could make its very good gameplay into something truly great as well. And the Tron Bonne spinoff was also one of the most unique spinoffs I've ever played.


I love the Legends games. However, I can't say they were great because there were a few things that irked the hell out of me and took out some of the fun sometimes (and often replaced it with frustration). That's why I say they're only "really good", not "great". I reserve "great" for the select few games that don't do that to me. Other than that, yeah, I agree with your assessment.


If Mega Man 8 had been an NES title I could sort of understand this move. But I think this marks the first time that a sequel for a game has been released for an earlier system (or emulated earlier system, since it's technically for the Wii) than its predecessor, and under the circumstances seems to make no sense. You can be nostalgic and still have decent looking graphics by today's standards (i.e. Bionic Commando remake).

Unless they're looking to pump this out real quick like, in which case NES level graphics are probably the simplest.

Since when does a classic Megaman have a fembot boss?

The real question is: Will it make Megaman a transvestite?

Also, Splash Woman: Does this mean Wily is into watersports?

And well, I hope that Nintendo makes a NES / SNES development kit available like free online. I think there would be a market for homebrew NES / SNES games.

Yeah, so a lot of stuff has been confirmed thanks to the newest Nintendo Power. I'm not sure where I can get the official information from, but I just saw a post on a different message board about it. Capcom said they're trying to do better than Mega Man 3.

I'm pretty sure I almost came.


I wonder if they'd include the charged arm cannon, slide, or even Rush.

...I loved Rush... :-(

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