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Good god...this game looks eye orgasmic...but if anyone has ever played titan quest the graphics kind of look similiar to that...though I think D3's engine is probably more powerful than that.. seeing as how there are like 1000 more things happening in the environment (smashing walls down, blood splattering everywhere).

Looking forward to this game....

"Stay a while and......aw no one ever listens.." <- lol


Just finished watching the gameplay video.

Gender choice for classes = win

but Darkesword, try downloading the demo for Titan Quest or borrow it from a friend, and play it. That's basically the exact same type of game D3 ( and all the other Diablos) is.

Just finished watching the gameplay video.

Gender choice for classes = win

but Darkesword, try downloading the demo for Titan Quest or borrow it from a friend, and play it. That's basically the exact same type of game D3 ( and all the other Diablos) is.


If you want Darkesword to hate and be fed up and bored with Diablo III after the first hour or so, then by all means, let him play Titan's Quest.

if however on the off chance that you actually WANT him to look forward to Diablo... cut that shit out!


I agree that the game can get boring after an hour or so, but I was just stating that the gameplay will be extremely simliar to that of Titan Quest. But yeah of course Diablo III is going to have a billion more features/stuff that will make it as addicting if not more so as the previous titles. Darkesword said he never played any of the Diablo games so I stated a suggestion is all.


Goodness, I was not expecting such a response on the Internet for this announcement. Then again, I come from parts of the interweb where Diablo is regularly poked with glee.

I, personally, am ecstatic. This will fill out my college Blizzard collection nicely. :)


I can't wait!

I really want to pwn sum randoms who are gay and their maphack/AA ain't sh1t 2 ezzzzzzzz compared to my IGA on my l33t 91 pvp ruby dart zon, and tell all them weak ass bitches to GOOOOOOOO HOMMMMMMMME when I enter games like korea/korea and ^_^ Huahauahauahauahauah... cwY? CwY? damn subpar townguarding n00blarz.

Edit: and guys, D2 itself was good, but hell if I played it after a week for anything other than battlenet.


Edit: and guys, D2 itself was good, but hell if I played it after a week for anything other than battlenet.

Wait, it was possible to play D2 and NOT be on battle.net?

Also, Necro & Druid totally got nixed for the Witch Doctor, calling it now o/


I personally love what they did with Unique Monsters, making the battles feel more like boss fights. Even though some of those monsters may not be a huge threat, they're treated as a boss instead of a monster who dies in 5 hits instead of 2.


My question is: how are they gonna rework the classes so that they are dual-gender?? I mean, Male Amazon? You lose a lot of specifics when gender is tossed out... Sorceress will probly become Mage and Amazon will be Ranger or something... I'm afraid that D3 is just gonna be an M-rated free-play WoW alternative...

MAN I wish I still had my CDs for D2, the news makes me wanna play it SO BAD... I miss my 91 Smitage Pally!

MAN I wish I still had my CDs for D2, the news makes me wanna play it SO BAD... I miss my 91 Smitage Pally!

im pretty sure they just patched it so you can play without cd

My question is: how are they gonna rework the classes so that they are dual-gender?? I mean, Male Amazon? You lose a lot of specifics when gender is tossed out... Sorceress will probly become Mage and Amazon will be Ranger or something... I'm afraid that D3 is just gonna be an M-rated free-play WoW alternative...

MAN I wish I still had my CDs for D2, the news makes me wanna play it SO BAD... I miss my 91 Smitage Pally!

They also said they had 5 classes, but didn't say which ones yet. Only 2 of which are Barbarian and Witch Doctor, so they may or may not bring back Amazon or Sorceress...

And...if anyone really wants to play D2...(since I do too now.) maybe we can get something going like a community only "clan" where we can play amongst ourselves, since I really can't trust dupers/hackers these days on bnet.

And...if anyone really wants to play D2...(since I do too now.) maybe we can get something going like a community only "clan" where we can play amongst ourselves, since I really can't trust dupers/hackers these days on bnet.

No, Diablo 2 is now like StarCraft. Now that I know there is a sequel on the way I can't even stand the look at the original.

No, Diablo 2 is now like StarCraft. Now that I know there is a sequel on the way I can't even stand the look at the original.

I've been playing Starcraft alot lately actually, just to get familiar with it again. But I seem to always get bored of ladder games and go play UMS games for countless hours (Sunken D, ftw)


With the inclusion of dual gender classes, you have no need for something like an Amazon (might simply be Archer, or incorporated into Barbarian). Witch Doctor is basically the Druid on steroids with some Necro moves from what they've shown.

I'm hoping they bring Assassins back, this time without the need for an expansion to include them. The martial art linking and trapping abilities were unique, and don't seem like they can be easily meshed into something else right now. The martial arts don't seem to have been pulled into the Barb, it seems hopeful.


Everyone had at least one pally...I think it was the 1.1 patch where they came out with synergies and suddenly blessed hammer had the potential of doing 20 billion damage. I remember the good ole days when windforce actually did something to enemies, as it was the strongest bow in the game, and nova was a viable build for sorceresses.

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