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Digg it! - Fans go pro: How OC ReMix put its stamp on Street Fighter II

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Digg it! - Fans go pro: How OC ReMix put its stamp on Street Fighter II


*** We need your help spreading the word by digging the above article/interview!! ***

For those of you who haven't heard, OC ReMix is providing the remixed soundtrack to Capcom's Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, a high-definition remake of the classic fighter! The Digg above links to an article/interview over at Ars Technica - we need your help in getting the word out about this game and our involvement in it, since the game (currently in beta) is about to release in a few months on Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA) and and PlayStation Network (PSN).

We've actually done three interviews:

We've got more interviews coming up, but we need your help! Digg them, Slashdot them, blog them, LiveJournal them, Facebook them, MySpace them! Whatever you can do to spread the word on OC ReMix doing the Street Fighter HD Remix soundtrack, we'd be grateful for!

You can also stop by Capcom's official forums and let them know YOU LOVE OC REMIX doing this soundtrack:


And if you know of any web, print, television or radio media that would be willing to talk with OC ReMix about Street Fighter HD Remix or our free video game music ReMixes, please let us know with an email. We'll send you free OCR bumper stickers! We believe this soundtrack is going to open the OC ReMix community's music up to a much broader audience, in a good way, and we're looking forward to sharing it with everyone when the game is released!


David Lloyd (djpretzel) & Larry Oji (Liontamer)



AWESOME!!! once i get my 360 fixed (or a new one) i will gladly spend points to get the game just for the soul fact of hearing your guys' remixes


I wasn't sure if I'd pick this game up since A I suck at fighting games, and B, Since I suck at them I cant play them for too long. But hell if its supporting our remixers. I'll pick it up for sure.


A few people are already spinning this story into a negative light - such as "Capcom being too lazy to make their own music is supposed to be impressive?" and "Boo Capcom for taking advantage of its fans to do free work". I think it's a nice portfolio piece if you like to make music. And fans do stuff for free anwyays.

kbhola at the Ars article discussion"]please lord jesus; capcom pay these people. the music is ok (weird as hell but ok); however, look at the wallpaper on Big Giant Circles (Jimmy Hinson)'s wall. IT HAS PONIES and TRAINS and little SOLDIERS and LETTER BLOCKS. dude is obviously still in mom's basement. help him help himself capcom, please. Andrew Aversa can't afford PANTS?! my god, the humanity.

I am dying.

A few people are already spinning this story into a negative light - such as "Capcom being too lazy to make their own music is supposed to be impressive?" and "Boo Capcom for taking advantage of its fans to do free work". I think it's a nice portfolio piece if you like to make music. And fans do stuff for free anwyays.

Capcom has nothing to do with the game other than licensing out the rights. But yeah, I do hope this is the first in many OCR scored games. As much as the BotA songs don't fit a fighting game, they'd still be better than the poor sounding shit some "official" composer can put out (these days at least).


I think it's one of the best things to happen in the video game music scene in a long time.

Anyone else fed up with licensed music (EA sports anyone?) and orchestral soundtracks.

As for people saying Capcom are lazy and taking advantage... I totally disagree.

If SF2HDR acts as a springboard to better things for everyone involved in the project, It would be the icing on the cake.

If not, well hey at least you can say you contributed to one of the best gaming franchises in VG history.

Respect to you all.

Those are shorts! SHORTS!


Somehow, I knew this would be mentioned as I saw that picture in the interview. :P

Congrats. Keeps taking off. err.. I mean, taking off in another clothed, err context.


In Adelaide that there pile-o-trash would be worth a handsome $40 at least! Nice work...

What awesome news!!! Where will we be able to download samples of this collection. Will the game be released for PS3 ?? I want to buy!!


I dug it. I really hope this passes through officially -- it'd be absolutely amazing to see my community represented in something as iconic as Street Fighter.


Congrats, dudes. This will truly be one of the most significant and immortal pieces of our pop-culture to which OCR could ever have possibly contributed. It's an incredible gig to score and I don't doubt for a second that the soundtrack will be amazing and classic... and it needs to be: HD Remix (a.k.a. SFHD) is poised to stand the test of time.

I'm sure you're all familiar with SF in general, but I wanted to explain this "immortality" in detail for anyone here who hasn't looked into the hardcore (competitive) fighting game scene.

SF2 is the game that defined its genre, the very first game to really make the versus fighter its very own genre of game. The genre itself is one of the few genres that is still commercially viable today without having had any fundamental alterations to its format since that conception. The original Super Turbo (abbr. ST) is overwhelmingly considered the definitive version of SF2 by the community. People still flock to ST for tournaments almost fifteen years since the release of that specific iteration, and almost twenty years since the first SF2! Very few other fighting games can boast anything this impressive. Years younger than StarCraft and Counter-Strike, I actually don't think there are any other video games its age that still hold such a large active player-base, and it's shown no signs of dying any time soon. Despite waxes and wanes in popularity over the years, fighting games today are still thriving. The vast majority of the fighting game community expects that, assuming it all plays as well as it seems like it will, HD Remix will replace ST and become the defacto SF2.

HD Remix will in all likelihood be one of the very few titles in the history of gaming that will still be widely played years (probably decades) after its release. It's as nerdy as it is epic. OCR has certainly become somewhat legendary in its own right, but I want to emphasize that it will now be prominently featured in something that will last (in the eyes of our modern civilization) forever.

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