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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Hmm... I've been experimenting with Psychostats a bit... the latest stable version, 3.1, is a bit flaky.

For whatever reason, I can't get it to do certain award types, and it insists on doing weekly awards even though I disabled them.

Weapon awards aren't showing up at all, even though I have them enabled.

It also refuses to run the daily awards for the 25th, despite it being the 26th today.


Hooray! Patch!

Team Fortress 2

The Ambassador now does full critical hits on headshots, instead of mini crits

The Dead Ringer now fully drains the cloak meter, even if the Spy leaves cloak early

Fixed Spy disguise menu not being visible in HUD minimal mode

Server log improvements:

Added "player_extinguish" event for servers to log when a Pyro extinguishes flame with the airburst

Fixed kill descriptions for Force-A-Nature & Sandman, so server logs can distinguish them

Identified feign deaths in the events sent to server logs

Fixed server crash related to the Jarate

Yay they fixed the Ambassador!

Yay they nerfed the Dead Ringer!

Yay they might have fixed the way the Dead Ringer feigns death!

Boo I don't think they fixed the Jarate glitch on Badwater!

Boo after using the Dead Ringer so much I suck at Spy!


I'm a newcomer to the forums, but I've been on the TF2 server for quite a bit, and I thought I'd share a few of my funnier screencaps. Let's see yours!

Flaming Sniper from Hell:


Brushfire gets rubbernecked:


And the amazing, no-handed, mile-long-bow-wielding Heavy!




Nothing about fixing the mysterious spy arm that sometimes appears either.

Also, the dead ringer is a lot less useful now. It still works in certain situations, but most of the time, the regular cloaking watch is leagues better.


I guess the other thing we can do with it is "break the mold" of standard 6v6 TF2 (2 soldiers, 2 scouts, demo, medic) since we wouldn't be doing it under anyone else's umbrella. I wouldn't want it to be too rigid but there should be some guidelines in place to keep it competitive.

You can fool yourself that you're breaking the mold, but I advise against picking engie and spy no matter what. I usually have little problems taking out sentries by myself, the only time it becomes problematic is when there are multiple ones overlooking the same spot with a substantial portion of the enemy team turtling and no medic to ubercharge me. If we're talking small, organized teams of 6 people, a single sentry will get rolled constantly before you're even aware of it.

Same about spy: on such small teams, your disguises are even less useful and people will be looking everywhere for scouts so the chances of you getting in even a single backstab are slim at best. The spies role of taking out the medic is generally effectively replaced by the two scouts.

As for pyro: maybe if you're REALLY REALLY good with the airblast. You'll be facing soldiers and demomen most of the time. Soldiers really aren't a favorable matchup for any pyro and you need to get in close to do damage. Again, the pyro's role of attacking of laying ambushes is effectively taken over by the scouts.

I'm not saying don't pick these classes, I'm saying that there's a somewhat logical reasoning behind their lack of effectiveness in 6v6. It's not like they just went and arbitrarily ruled out certain classes.


All of your points are perfectly valid, Tensei. When there aren't that many people on the map, the spy is at both an advantage and disadvantage: It's easier to maneuever yourself behind the team, but it's harder to blend in. If there is no engineer to deal with, the viable targets are only the demoman, soldiers, and possibly medics (since they're faster than spies they're harder to get, and any decent medic knows to not just face forward). Granted, spies could perform reconissance pretty well (especially with the cloak and dagger, but updates are generally banned from scrims and such), but it takes away a player from the team.

Personally, I'd still like to try out playing spy on a team of well-coordinated players: Deadliness increases substantially if a spy works in tandem with his teammates. I would not, however, be adverse to playing medic or soldier either (pretty good at medic, okay at soldier).

Who wants to do a 6v6 vs. some people from atmuh's server? I'd like to form a team. I'm thinking me, Wes, Bonzai, Rambo, Gibbo... that's five. Need people that can play Soldiers/Scouts well. I'm decent as Soldier but Demo is my strong point.

I endorse this. :-P


If we're listing our best classes, I'd like to think I'm a pretty good demoman, decent medic, decent sniper (on my good days), and pretty decent engineer.

I've been trying soldier and scout lately, and I think I've gotten a lot better as a scout, but I am still terrible in scout vs. scout combat (as seen last night when I was being dominated constantly by the other team's scout, action hawk I think it was). Soldier is pretty easy, but I'd die too quickly in a small match.


I like the idea of having a few teams of regulars to scrim or have a small tournament. I suppose I'd say I'm a good Demoman (more so on defense), Pyro, Heavy, and a decent Scout or Sniper and Medic on my good days.

I'll play the other classes sometimes to fill out a team, but I'm pretty hit or miss with them.


So, I had the weirdest bug while playing on some random server yesterday. It started with me getting two items at once after a round. The next round I got two or three more. Then it just kept going. I was practically spamming the chat with "found item X". I figured it'd have to be a bug, and logged off the server. Also, I didn't want to be accused of cheating or anything. Anyone seen anything similar?

(The only interesting stuff I got was the silly hat for pyro and the medic weapons. No sniper's bow for me) :(

and logged off the server.


I would have milked that for all it was worth. If valve accuses you of cheating, accuse them of terrible ideas and even worse programming. :)!!

EDIT: I still love the game to death barring the [wonderful] drop system. I wouldn't even mind if just the hats dropped randomly, as they bear no influence on gameplay. You should still have a criteria for weapons unlocks, or make all weapons default IMO.

So, I had the weirdest bug while playing on some random server yesterday. It started with me getting two items at once after a round. The next round I got two or three more. Then it just kept going. I was practically spamming the chat with "found item X". I figured it'd have to be a bug, and logged off the server. Also, I didn't want to be accused of cheating or anything. Anyone seen anything similar?

(The only interesting stuff I got was the silly hat for pyro and the medic weapons. No sniper's bow for me) :(

This happened to me the other day, actually. I logged in and just started getting dumped with items - I have at least one of each of the hats, dupes of most of the old unlocks, and got a Huntsman and the Ambassador in the process. It stopped only once my backpack was full. No clue how it happened, but I'm guessing it has something to do with the most recent update.


I would have milked that for all it was worth. If valve accuses you of cheating, accuse them of terrible ideas and even worse programming. :)!!

Agreed. I've been playing at least three times as much lately praying to get something I don't have from the unlock system. So far I've gotten the huntsman, jarate, and dead ringer once each. Meanwhile, I've gotten five Pyro items and two heavy items, all of which I had already. Technically I also got the Uber-Saw, but I did that through achievements. I wouldn't mind the system if they had already implemented the ability to influence which items you get and/or item trading, but instead they released a half finished system that does nothing but get in the way of me enjoying the new weapons.

Agreed. I've been playing at least three times as much lately praying to get something I don't have from the unlock system. So far I've gotten the huntsman, jarate, and dead ringer once each. Meanwhile, I've gotten five Pyro items and two heavy items, all of which I had already. Technically I also got the Uber-Saw, but I did that through achievements. I wouldn't mind the system if they had already implemented the ability to influence which items you get and/or item trading, but instead they released a half finished system that does nothing but get in the way of me enjoying the new weapons.


I got the Scout Bonk drink on Sat or Sun by getting a 22nd Scout achievment... and have gotten two more since then. Yet I can't seem to get the Cloak and Dagger, Ambassador, or Huntsman at all.

Anyway, I probably won't be around to play tonight... going to go see a movie with some friends.


So...I *may* have figured out something quirky that was going on with reserved slots, and I apologize to Xslicer - when I put his steam ID, I forgot to put a ". It may have affected other reserved slots - we'll see what happens.


The ones that have thier address listed will get the patch in the mail on the 1st of June.

Updated!! RAR!! AGAIN!!

This is the current list of Patch recipients. If your name isn't on there and you want one, they are free, and I need to know because once the 50 are gone, no more patch forever.

EdgeCrusher Adress gotten

Zephyr - Address Recieved

Bahamut (At least I think he said he wanted one) - Address Recieved


Atmuh - Doesn't want one, but I think it would piss him off more to get one. - Address Recieved





SirChadly Address Gotten

Triad Orion






Le Optik.



Depo 007


Hemophiliac -Address Received



Native Jovian

FireSlash - Address Received

Abyss Addres Gotten


RAMBO!! - Address Recieved

Bonzai - Address Recieved

Pavlvs Address Gotten




Ashamee - Address Recieved

Nekofrog - Address Recieved

Scrobble - Address Recieved

Halt - Address Recieved

Vimk - Address Recieved






Oriden Address Gotten

A-Cha Address gotten

Windstrike Address Gotten


If you want one, just post in the thread and ask for one.

49/50 are already gone! Once they are gone, they are gone from forever!!


Oh damn, I forgot about that.

One for me, Brushfire, assuming nobody got missed.

Speaking of things forgotten, I do hope everyone is hard at work getting those pictures together for the Family Album Project. :puppyeyes:

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