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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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And even easier for everyone, the micspammers could have just not hit V and spammed?

You're not helping your case for micspamming here.

ive never micspammed silly but i do enjoy when other people do most of the time

other people do to!

ive never micspammed silly but i do enjoy when other people do most of the time

other people do to!

I'm not saying you micspam - it's that you're trying to justify it, and from what I've found, most people generally don't like micspam, and on the OCR server it's no different. Personally I'm fine with it if the people don't get obnoxious with it, which is all too easy to do since most micspammers don't have a social sense in knowing the line. As soon as it's bad enough to distract people from the game or to prevent legit voice communication, that's when it's out of line and out of place.

which is all too easy to do since most micspammers don't have a social sense in knowing the line.

I resent that statement >=|

My personal rules for playing music are:

- Only if nobody explicitly states they are against it.

- Only if it's less than 6 people, UNLESS everybody explicitly asks me to play some music.

Is it necessary to play music to have fun? No, but three heavies alternating between eating sandviches and punching each other with the soviet national anthem playing in the background definitely has a certain charm.


Most micspamming is retarded stuff like baha said, stupid sound clips and for some reason the people that like rap or really shitty pop music want to play their whole setlist for everyone to hear. I can understand being retarded a little, but if I want to hear music, there's radio stations, my itunes, and cds around for that.

Most micspamming is retarded stuff like baha said, stupid sound clips and for some reason the people that like rap or really shitty pop music want to play their whole setlist for everyone to hear. I can understand being retarded a little, but if I want to hear music, there's radio stations, my itunes, and cds around for that.

Are you saying you wouldn't appreciate my hot disco classics? :<

Edit: AWESOME vid I found, check it out. http://www.gamevee.com/viewVideo/Team_Fortess_2/PC/Epic_final_capture_fail/741916


Hm, glad to see you back bonzai. Hopefully, this means we'll have someone who plays medic, meaning some random idiot who only heals the heavy won't have to.

Gah. Some medics are just fuckin' stupid.


Hey everyone, I just got a downloadable of my map (ctp_epsilon) up, take a look at it if you get the chance, it probably won't be too interesting by yourself, but I'm hoping to get it playtested sometime soon! PM me any critique/problems, I'll take any comments.

download- http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=3466

WIP forum- http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=3392

Please let me know what you think (and no, I'm not done texturing it, I'm seeing how it plays first) it might not be amazing now, but hopefully will be soon with your critique.

I've also sent a PM to Bahamut asking about getting it put up on the server for testing (not necessarily in the rotation), if you'd be interested in testing it sometime, say so!


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