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First they rape and pillage Transformers and G.I. Joe. Now they move on to GITS and Bebop.

Thanks again Hollywood!

Unless something miraculous happens and we get a Christopher Nolan-like screenwriter/director, committed to respecting and faithfully re-interpreting source material, 10 to 1, this Bebop film will be all about Kung-Fu and Bullet-time yawning effects, a likely uninspired spacejet chase, and by-the-numbers movie plot points, while completely missing what really made the series great.

To assure total suckage:

Jet: Michael Clarke Duncan

Spike: Paul Walker

Faye: Milla Jovovich

Ed: Mary Kate or Ashley Olson

Ein: Replaced with dog with pieces of metal sticking out of his head and a robotic "woof "

Vicious: Jet Li

Morgan Freeman as Jet Black

No. Too old and not big enough. Besides, Jet wan't black, he was vaguely asian-ish.

Cristina Ricci as Ed

No. She's too old, tall and not odd-ball enough

and the dog from airbud(could also be David Bowie) as Ein and we have an all-star cast in the making.

Oh, I get it, you're just being silly. You got me.

Honestly, I can't see it working. Unless they have a large amount of the original staff overseeing things, and they keep the same style and feel to it (which is easily lost when going from animation to life action, and even more from a Japanese studio to an American one), and they cast very carefully, this will most likely be very bd.

Also, I know that Hollywood is desperate for ideas, but do they really have to start making anime-to-live-action conversions? I mean, come on... some things don't covert well.

Speed Racer seems to have been successful enough to make everyone think this is a good idea.


If the producers had enough faith in the material to want to take a crack at it, why not try and commission another animated movie from Watanabe?

Why does everything animated have to go live action in Hollywood? It works often enough, but for some reason, Cowboy Bebop going live just seems absurd. In fact, considering Speed Racer bombed, I can't believe this got greenlit.

If the producers had enough faith in the material to want to take a crack at it' date=' why not try and commission another animated movie from Watanabe?

Why does [i']everything animated have to go live action in Hollywood? It works often enough, but for some reason, Cowboy Bebop going live just seems absurd. In fact, considering Speed Racer bombed, I can't believe this got greenlit.

You have to admit, Speed Racer was good.

You have to admit, Speed Racer was good.

Indeed it was. I thought they would do a good job and they did. The sad story is that the public didn't seem to agree. Warner lost a ton of money on that movie.

But where I could see a live action version of Speed Racer, Cowboy Bebop live seems like an abominable notion. I watch the series, see what they want to do now, and I have to ask why.

Although, I guess it would be a lot like Serenity, but in such a case I'd rather see a Serenity 2.

You have to admit, Speed Racer was good.

That's subjective, but that's also a giant other conversation.

The thing with Speed Racer is that it's an ancient series that hasn't been seen much of in decades. Most of its fame before the movie was from really old watchers and the occasional use in a Geico commercial. It's faded from most people's memories and interpretation is very open.

Cowboy Bebop is still relatively new, and the series is well known amongst anime fans all over the place. It very fresh in people's minds.

The two are rather different that way. That's why altering the source material even a little is going to be a major issue.


I don't like this idea...

I'll hold my judgments until a trailer or the like is released, but they had better do a damn good job, or this will be as big a disaster as speed racer.


I've already resigned myself to the fact that this movie is going to suck. Even if it does turn out to be a pretty decent movie (for non-Cowboy Bebop fans) I get the feeling that anyone who watched and enjoyed the show will be disappointed with whatever they come up with.

And it would be kinda a shame if Yoko Kanno doesn't do the music, as her music pretty much set the tone for the show and is a big reason why it's so memorable to me.


Aw man, I really hope they don't screw up the movie, which will most likely end up happening. I highly enjoyed the chill, humorous, and action-packed nature of the anime, it was one of those shows that you really actually enjoyed watching even though you weren't expecting it to come on.

I really don't want this movie to be like, you know, a very hollywood-esque film, meaning no explosions everywhere and whatnot. I hope the actors nail their parts perfectly, the character development, interaction, and attitudes really helped make the anime interesting.


I have absolutely no faith in the Cowboy Bebop movie conversion out of default. Same to all the others.

If all the rumors pan out to be true, 2009 is going to be the year of the nerds in the movies.

Akira, AstroBoy, Star Trek, Castlevania, Cowboy Bebop, Escape from New York, Goonies 2, Prince of Persia, X-men, etc etc.

At least one or two of them should be noteworthy, playing by the sheer number of them.


Does anyone else see a huge problem trying to cast Edward? Not only will the girl have to be young enough to have not... developed... but she'll have to wear very little clothing.

I see them casting Edward as a male. Just throwing that out there. And it could not only be a problem of finding a girl they can use, but Hollywood might be dumb and think Edward's really a guy. Think about it: How often is Edward given definitive proof as a girl? How many of you can look at a picture of Edward and say that's a girl (without having seen the series, of course)?

...They just better get Jet right. And I agree with I-n-j-i-n: this is going to be an interesting year for nerd movies, if they all get out the door.

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