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Wow. Seriously hurt enough to have constant IV fluids? I think it's a bit more serious than a hurt hand. The kid is already having troubles with driving with possible alcohol, tobacco, drug problems? Karma-lol.


It sounds like the other driver was the one who caused the wreck. LeBouf was drunk, but police are pointing to the other guy. Uhh...

Part of me can't believe they're making another Transformers, but another part of me is crying because I knew it was going to happen. Why did so many people have to like such a horrible movie?

Still, that sucks about his hand. What is it with the young, successful teen-oriented actors getting into these really bad accidents? Drake Bell had one a while ago, too. It's like the highway hates these guys. I'm not a fan of their acting, but I wouldn't wish that on them.

Poor guy. I hope his recovery goes ok. A wrecked hand could really take a toll on an acting career.

Although I guess it never stopped this guy.


Yeah, cause he usually kept it hidded behind a clipboard or something. But I digress, M*A*S*H was a great show, and it's still standing the test of time.


I hope he recovers fast, and with no complications. In any event, should they have to amputate, I'm all for an arm cannon with which he can blow up Starscream in the next film. Hell, let them make it out of the shard from the All Spark.

Seriously though, I hope he recovers.

I hope he recovers fast, and with no complications. In any event, should they have to amputate, I'm all for an arm cannon with which he can blow up Starscream in the next film. Hell, let them make it out of the shard from the All Spark.

Seriously though, I hope he recovers.

Haha, or hee could become MEGAMAN!!!!!!

Or they could just give him a green cast and CG his habd in. that would crack me up. Really the only reason Ill see this movie is because of that one hot girl whatsername.

It sounds like the other driver was the one who caused the wreck. LeBouf was drunk, but police are pointing to the other guy. Uhh...

Part of me can't believe they're making another Transformers, but another part of me is crying because I knew it was going to happen. Why did so many people have to like such a horrible movie?

Still, that sucks about his hand. What is it with the young, successful teen-oriented actors getting into these really bad accidents? Drake Bell had one a while ago, too. It's like the highway hates these guys. I'm not a fan of their acting, but I wouldn't wish that on them.

They need a hobby to stay occupied.

Part of me can't believe they're making another Transformers, but another part of me is crying because I knew it was going to happen. Why did so many people have to like such a horrible movie?

Thank you! Now I don't have to say it.


Yeah, I just saw some trailer recently where they advertised the fact that it was by "the writers of Transformers." Wait, what, seriously? Is that something you really want to advertise? Are there people jumping up and in glee thinking "Oh, man, I've been waiting for something new from the writers of Transformers!!!"

I loved Transformers. And I eagerly await the next one.

Vice-versa for me really

Somebody should get shia a wrist strong bracelet or something :P

Vice-versa for me really

Somebody should get shia a wrist strong bracelet or something :P

what is a wrist stong bracelet? and why dont you like transformers you prick.

Shia needs to get his ass back on Even Stevens.

what is a wrist stong bracelet? and why dont you like transformers you prick.

Shia needs to get his ass back on Even Stevens.

WristStrong info here

I like transformers, I just don't like the live action movie.

Really the only reason Ill see this movie is because of that one hot girl whatsername.

Who, coincidentally, was riding in the car with him at the time.

If you're talking about the Australian code-breaker, that is.

Who, coincidentally, was riding in the car with him at the time.

If you're talking about the Australian code-breaker, that is.

I don't like either of them.

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