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Damn it couldn't you have waited a week or two before putting this song in the WIP forum? I've been jamming to this song ever since I first heard it, and hence have had the damn thing in my head for EVERY DAMN FINAL I have taken at school!!! I had a song by Sadorf (Ecco 2 Medusa Mix) from the WIP forum in my head last time I took finals as well! Ahh well. 'Tis a pleasant thing really. Good work on this song by the way, if I can have a song in my head for like a week and not be disgruntled about it--then I know the song truly rules.

Thanks for sharing your musical wealth,


*Waves around a Star-Groupie flag*

Congratulations on having the 'Mix get here. I said everything back in the WIP forum, but I'll jsut add that this is listen #20 for me. I like it that much. ^_^ Rawk on, Star, and as long as you turn out mixes like this, you can have any kind of ego you bloody want!


First off, I have to say "wow" at the speed at which this song was posted. I guess Mr. Lloyd does make sure we don't miss out on the best. :)

This song is very well done, and is insanely addicting. The music and lyrics all blend together wonderfully. Definately your best work so far. I can't give enough praise for this song. Awesome work! :D


First post ever. Why? Because this mix was that good. I registered on the forums just to say this song kicks ass. Oh the memories that this mix brought back...!! AND!! The EMOTION that it invokes!! I felt like Robo was more than just a robot... :cry: emotion in a robot...though...robots don't feel emotion...except robo! muharharhar :D

anyway, nice work!! great mix!!


This is so catchy,It's great!

Right after listening to this, I listened to the original ...and I had the strange impression the original was this remix and the snes one was just an adapted version for its sound chip... :| ...am I crazy?


hey let me get the bad out first. now this is just my personal preference ;).. I cant stand 80's euro techno blah. did someone say it was making a comeback? please say it aint so.. (then again disco did make a comeback before.. didnt it?) So, regretably, this is the first saltymans remix i wont have on my playlist.. :(

having gotten my opinions out of the way ;), this remix is both poeticlly, and professionally done. You cannot argue the fact of the composition itself almost imaculate and the processing, samples, ..everything.., just sounds near perfection (minus various distortioness which COULD be intended cuz its damn 80's crap). And it's true, it is a very emotional piece of work. Very well, you'd expect no less from salty salzman.keke.

I also have to mention this, but it's strange to me that some of his mixes have a little hint of j-pop in them.. MUST be just me... cuz i get into way too much japanese music, women, food, films, anime, soaps, women.. oh god i think im turning japanese.. yea.. its just me.. disregard this paragraph (unless its true ;)

Honestly though, if i'd had to change anything, i would have added a minor touch of vocoder to the vocals just for the hell of pimpin da 80's to da fullest! ya nah mean? holla!

80's... Notice how, "That 80's Show", was quickly canceled off FOX. Not surprising at all!! :)


I'll say what I said when this was in the WIP forum:

This song is perfect. Absolute perfectness.

Any CT fan should get this, and perhaps SING to it. And have a good time doing so. Cuz I sure did.



This guy knows how to produce music. I'm not very fond of this genre, but this is a great mix and he REALLY has sensitivity about voiceings and choice of sounds. It makes me wanna write lyrics for some NES melody and record it too..

There are only one thing that annoys me a tiny little bit and it is the overuse of stereo-width-plugs on the drums (or is it autopan on everything?? my computers sound system are not very good).

But besides that; this is one of the best I've heard on overclocked..


I doubt I'd ever be charged with being a Star-groupie...I've read some of his posts, but don't think I've ever posted in response.

Just wanted to say that after having listening to this one a few more times, Star...I'm afraid I have to add you to my list of people I'm going to behead so I can absorb their power.

Nothing personal.

There can be only one....now if I can just get that darn lightsaber away from him first....


I have to tell you this is probably my favorite thing to have heard from you yet. It's genious, the lyrics... music... everything... sometimes I even feel moved listening to this. This will remain one of my favorites for a very long time.


This remix was absolutely splendid! I have never heard such beauty come from that song. The lyrics are also quite amusing, yet so deep and emotional. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give this an 11!


Well Well... All I have to say is............


blah blah blahblah blahblahblah blahblah blahblahblahblah blahblahblah blahblahblahblahblah blah blahblah, blahblah blah blahblahblah blah! blah blah blahblah blah blah blahblah blahblahblah. blah blahblah blahblah blah blah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblahblah blahblahblah blah, blah blah blahblah blah blah blah... Just joking! :lol: One of the best things I have ever heard on OC remix.

10/10. You definitely deserve it. :)

I think the key thing about this song is how it invokes nostalgia. You can't help but laugh and think of those classic CT moments you had while listening to this song. So just as OCR is relegated to a select few insiders, I feel this song has the same purpose.

It never really dawned on me before I read this, but I think this is the exact reason why I like this song SOOO much. Now I'm thinking you should go through every character's theme, Star, write lyrics for them all! :D

(Awesome, I started page 4)


This song makes me happy in ways I can't even describe. I know now that I've been waiting for this Robo mix ever since I found this site. This is what I've been looking for.

I mean, I can't stop smiling. When it mentions Fiona, I swear ta god I laughed out loud. Dear god, this song shouldn't make me this happy. But it does! It DOES!

I commend you.


Allow me, if I may, to throw in a few words that could be seen as negative.

To begin, I enjoy this mix a great deal. It's professional and put together quite well. The lyrics make sense and work well for the sound and feel of this song. The lyrics themselves are not goofy at all, which is an admirable feat for this kind of piece.

That said, I can't help but feel slighly embarrassed when I listen to this. Embarrassed in the same way I am when I listen to "Eight Bit Eighties" or "Relax". While it works well as a tribute to both Robo and a particular style of music it doesn't hold up too well on it's own, I'm afraid.

That said, I am enjoying this. Against my better judgement. But it won't be going on my CDs for work. It probably won't even find it's way onto a playlist. It's great for what it is, and the work put into it is admirable, but overall it's nothing amazing. A great tribute, but not much else.

Of course this is just one man's opinion, the opinon of a man who has no idea about how to even go about making something like this. So don't take it too hard, Star. You have shown your talent once again, even if it isn't in my particular tastes. And for that you deserve my admiration.


Admittedly I am a fan of the 80's

But still.

While this may not be my absolute favorite mix on the site, it is definitely close.

And even if this isn't my favorite, of the ones I have heard, this is quite possibly the definite BEST.

Everything about it is perfectly executed, from the synths chosen, to the lyrics, to the distortion of the voice, to the flow of the song from one section to another, to the excellent solo piano at the end. I could not find a single thing that I would change about this mix, and I rarely say that about ANY piece of music, be it some teenybopper crap off the radio, or a renowned piece such as Barber's Adagio for Strings.

Musicially and technically, this mix is great stuff. Keep the high standards for yourself, you have a serious future in music, if you have not realized that future by now already.

I visited this site for years, and hardly post, especially in the reviews, but Star definitely got me a-typing this time. Keep up the good work.

I second that word for word.

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