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This is a great tragedy, and all my sympathy goes out to Pyke's family and friends, but this just made me cringe:

...tips on strategy, characters and plots for the Nintendo game, Advanced Wars. The game pits armies of cartoon characters against each other.

Easy mistake to make, but it still bugs me when press does that.


Ay, maybe this'll stop people from being complete pricks on the internet....nope, I doubt it. Not saying that this guy was actually being a prick or anything. Either way, killing over an internet squabble may have been a bit much.

Out of morbid curiosity, I really want to see the exchange between these guys online that lead to this.

And talk about an unnecessary tragedy.

Yeah, I kinda do as well. What kind of conversation, on an Advance Wars forum no less, would lead to this? The admin seems to have blocked registration and ATM is only allowing members to read the forums. Probably for the best, I'm sure this has stirred up plenty of curiosity about the forum.

Nobody deserves physical injury for doing things on the internet.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Yes... and no.

Let me explain: I see the whole "Internet is Serious Business" mantra two ways:

  • Good: "Chill out, you didn't lose any money or teeth, people behave like asses online, etc."
  • Bad: "It's just the Internet. People can and should act like douches with zero repercussions because the Internet is a trivial waste of time and common decency is overrated in the first place."

In other words, I think the whole "it's just the Internet" argument is a little self-defeating. Billions of dollars move back and forth on the Internet every day. People are introduced to gals/guys they end up marrying. Company secrets are leaked and corrupt business practices exposed that would previously have gotten little to no coverage whatsoever. Bloggers that aren't part of the mainstream media give the average citizen a powerful voice in elections and other aspects of the political process. People from all over the world collaborate, argue, share ideas, and yes, act like idiots, but on a platform that allows (for the first time since ever) significant cultural and geographic diversity.

Honestly, if I didn't think the Internet was ACTUALLY at least SEMI-serious business, I'd feel like a jackass for wasting so much time on it, and I don't see why anyone else who's poured their heart and soul into a website, or been introduced to new ideas & people, or had their prejudices and stereotypes shattered time and again, would feel differently. Too often I feel like the whole "Internet is serious business" line is being used either by people who want to excuse their own stupidity by contextualizing, or to criticize the overreactions of others... which would be overreactions in real life, too, by the way. Every time something like this happens online, the common reaction is always "it's just the Internet"... as if people killing each other for $100 sneakers, or in bar fights, made any more sense. I don't see why we need to marginalize/trivialize the Internet specifically: people do this sort of shit, one way or the other.

To sum things up, I don't think anyone deserves to die for anything they say, period. On the Internet, or off. The Internet is no more or less "serious business" than real life, in this particular regard.

Yeah, I kinda do as well. What kind of conversation, on an Advance Wars forum no less, would lead to this? The admin seems to have blocked registration and ATM is only allowing members to read the forums. Probably for the best, I'm sure this has stirred up plenty of curiosity about the forum.

That's a good idea seeing that they what to avoid controversy and maybe the press.

100% absolutely positively wholeheartedly agreed


I would never wish physical harm on another person PERIOD but to do so on the internet is ridiculous. It almost irks me when someone in #ocremix (because it's just one big barrel of love) tells another person to "kill themself" or "die" or anything similar. Even jokingly I don't see how someone in their right mind can say such a thing to another person (and I always wanted such things said to be a bannable offense but obviously that never happened).

seriously atmuh, it's the internet.

It's a nice sentiment, but we don't really know the guy. It's a little odd to do such a huge tribute for someone like that.
How about doing it just because advanced wars has a totally badass soundtrack? Or that it'll give OCR great publicity? But aside from that, I think it's a stereotype that german gamers get ESPECIALLY riled up in game and on game forums... so I just found it interesting that the killer was german.
How about doing it just because advanced wars has a totally badass soundtrack? Or that it'll give OCR great publicity? But aside from that, I think it's a stereotype that german gamers get ESPECIALLY riled up in game and on game forums... so I just found it interesting that the killer was german.

It could be seen in bad taste. It would be a bad attempt at a publicity stunt using a bit of a tragedy as a launching point

I think it's a stereotype that german gamers get ESPECIALLY riled up in game and on game forums... so I just found it interesting that the killer was german.

I feel bad for saying this, but this was one of the first things that crossed my mind after reading the article.


What a way to go. I wonder what sort of mental issues this guy has. Seriously, who goes on a many-hour trip just to kill someone in another country altogether over an argument that probably meant nothing? It boggles the mind.

That said, I have to admit that the first thing that popped into my mind upon reading this, the very first thing, was this. I'm not sure how I feel about that.


Something to consider:

Some people here have already mentioned that the real life and internet lives of a person should be kept separate. I agree with this to an extent.

The unfortunate truth is that for some people on the internet, most especially those considering themselves gamers, their internet life is pretty much their only real life.

Pathetic and sad, but true.


Some people are just nuts.

Gosh. In a forum about Advance Wars, where the strongest arguments come about via the choice of CO's.

Wrong. Choice of maps seems to be the thing nowadays, because CO's lost their powers and uniqueness for the most part.

I'm pretty sure this issue can't possibly rise out of the game itself. I mean come on.


My internet life and real life intersect a lot. Most of my friends in real life are the ones I talk to and play games with online. I even met a guy in Florida and he flew out to my apartment to chill with me and other friends (that he also knew over the internet and I know irl) and it was a blast.

This whole isolation thing is too extreme. The chances of you getting killed by some guy over the internet is slim to none. This guy just happened to piss off the one guy who would go and do that.


I think the only action when you should do something in real life that is related to online is when something illegal goes down on the internet such as a plan to attack somebody, predators, etc. Not some bullshit name-calling and harassment.

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