DarkeSword Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 oh god the witch oh god don't startle her sing a song a sing a song a turn off your flashlight Quote
Nekofrog Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Me, Bleck, my girlfriend, and a few others have been playing it pretty heavily as of last night. Will probably play it pretty heavily throughout the day. I run a Q6600 Quad Core 2.4GHz with 2GB of RAM and a very lame GeForce 8500 (can't afford a decent card, shut up). My GF runs exactly the same except with an Ati X600 (can't afford a decent card, shut up). Her brother runs a P4 2.52 GHz, 1.5GB RAM and an X800 PRO. His system sucks ass and it still runs great for him. <3 the source engine Quote
Triad Orion Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Considering other people are running the demo with an underpowered computer, I'm wondering why Valve made the minimum requirements so high. It's confusing to me. Quote
Archaon Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Considering other people are running the demo with an underpowered computer, I'm wondering why Valve made the minimum requirements so high. Insurance. If they set the minimum requirements to what they think is the actual, absolute minimum then when the people whose computers are only just barely good enough to run the game have problems, Valve has to cater to them. On the other hand, if they say that the minimum requirements are a bit higher than they actually are then if/when the complaints start coming in from people with old and decrepit hardware, they can just say "Yeah, that's all happening because your rig isn't sweet enough. Upgrade your shit, then talk to us." Quote
Triad Orion Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 So I tried out the demo. And it is good. Very good. I do want. Quote
SirChadlyOC Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 I can't believe I like this game. I usually do horribly at survival-horror games because I get scared, wet my pants, and never play again. This, on the other hand, makes we want more. I will probably leave work an hour early today so I can play L4D again one hour sooner. Playing with friends makes it way better too. Thank goodness a ton of OCR people became friends through Team Fortress 2 because now I join games with Dhsu, EdgeCrusher, and "He Who Smiles But Must Not Be Named." Then some of us got kicked out, and I was playing with Starla and Effef. If you downloaded the Left4Dead Demo but have no OCR friends, join the OCR group on STEAM to find us. We promise not to take all the (4) health packs! Quote
Dhsu Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 This is incredible Be sure to check out the related vid too. Quote
Meeting_Gman Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 I've finished the single player mode and while I enjoyed it it's obvious that online is where you want to go. Sniping zombies was lots of fun. Quote
Effef Posted November 12, 2008 Posted November 12, 2008 Immense fun. Even though there are just two levels in the demo I havent come close to being bored with it. Up for some games tonight. Quote
The Damned Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 So I joined OCR and there's no one playing anything... what's the deal, guys? Come on! Also, bought that complete package. Every game they have on Steam. EVERY GAME. All the HLs and spin-offs, and even some stuff I never heard of before. Quote
RoeTaKa Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I joined the OCR group, loving the demo but goddamn it's fucking hard doing the game on the hardest difficulty, even on co-op. I think to make the game more fun I will always play on the harder difficulty, makes it so damn tense! Awesome game. Quote
mattoco Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I joined the OCR group, loving the demo but goddamn it's fucking hard doing the game on the hardest difficulty, even on co-op. I think to make the game more fun I will always play on the harder difficulty, makes it so damn tense! Awesome game. Seconded; we got destroyed by the sheer amount of random back spawning bosses, and we never even got far enough to see a tank (the witch was always in a bad place). Quote
Triad Orion Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Expert Mode's a bit much for my tastes. I'm not great at shooters to begin with, so I initially stuck to Normal but my friends and I moved up to Advanced and we're going to stick with that until the game comes out. Then we switch back to Normal to get adjusted for a marathon five-map session, then go back to Advanced once we're fully acquainted with everything in the game. Sorry, I'm not hardcore enough for Expert. XD Quote
The Damned Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I actually made it through an Expert game. We lost a guy, and most of us were hurting like hell, but we ran for the safe room and just got in. We went back to Advanced after that. Quote
Zephyr Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I find that whenever I play we can make it through on advanced almost every time with quite a bit of trouble, but can't make it through the first level on expert. We almost made it until someone set off the car alarm... Quote
Effef Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Advanced is the best difficulty. Its just hard enough to make you feel like you fought for it, but not so hard that you get destroyed before you even get out of the apartments. Boomers are pretty much the worst thing ever in expert, and the expert director loves to spawn them and smokers in twos in rooms that have already been cleared. Quote
Gollgagh Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I can't get this shit to run tonight for some reason. Quote
Triad Orion Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Advanced is the best difficulty. Its just hard enough to make you feel like you fought for it, but not so hard that you get destroyed before you even get out of the apartments. Boomers are pretty much the worst thing ever in expert, and the expert director loves to spawn them and smokers in twos in rooms that have already been cleared. Boomers are about the worst thing ever in Advanced too, even if the swarm is easier to handle. On Normal I found them to be pretty laughable, but Advanced quickly instilled the fear of bile in me. It gets ugly really fast. @_@ That said, Smokers are by far my favorite boss Infected, from a conceptual standpoint. A crowning moment of awesome in the game is one plucked me right from the gun turret at the end of the subway while I was firing at a group of closing Infected. My friends were quick to save me, but it was quite a thrill to be reminded that even with firepower, the cunning and guile used by the Smokers can quickly ruin you. I can't wait to actually use one of these in Versus Mode. Quote
mattoco Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I just had a great game where I learned a key weakness of the Hunters: open areas (strafe for the win). But of course I then had two games in a row where the witch was either at the minigun, or at the door switch. Quote
Sensai Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Mattoco, hey there. We played earlier and I had no idea you visited these forums, haha. I was actually going to post something about one of our runs (when the witch was literally on the last set of stairs up to the safe room), but I see I don't need to. And while I agree that Advanced is probably the right difficulty, I really do enjoy playing on Expert. Sure, I get my ass kicked, but it really makes me feel frantic about the fact that, holy shit, there are zombies coming up the hell right now. Run, run! Shoot 'em! Help, I'm down! Etc. Quote
The Dennis Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I will be living and breathing this game once it comes out. This is everything I wanted in an FPS, actually... me and my friends had been talking years ago about how awesome it would be to make a co-op fast-paced FPS. This is it. I'd love to play with you guys some, as I'm in the OCR steam group! My current name in there is Oops! All Berries! Some helpful tactics for anyone perplexed by expert mode(me and my buddies routinely play this difficulty): -Have one person always watching six o'clock. They won't get the highest score, but neither will your team get gang-raped by a surprise swarm/boomer/etc. -Have whoever's leading always crouch. One shotgun blast to the back is an incapacitate in expert mode so you wanna make sure you're not in a position to catch a money shot! -Tanks: spread around him. If someone gets knocked over (instant incap in expert), run up and melee the tank in the back. Many times this will stop him from beating on and killing the incapped teammate! -Witch in the way: if you can't avoid the witch (one-hit kill in expert), have one person shoot her from very far away and then run the other way. Have the other teammates flank her, as most of the time she will run after the person who startled her. -Boomer: if you get puked on, find a corner and have your teammates fan out in front of you. The resulting horde of zombies won't even attack them, so they can block you with lots of melee in between shots! zomg <3 survival horror Quote
RoeTaKa Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I actually made it through an Expert game.We lost a guy, and most of us were hurting like hell, but we ran for the safe room and just got in. We went back to Advanced after that. Haha "let us never speak of this again" XD On expert we made it all the way to the last room with the gun turret but...fuck man, we got raped. I encountered a witch right near the end and we took no chances, all pounded the bitch with lead and I even threw a molotov on her even when she died, I was that distraught. Quote
Effef Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 oh man i just played some rounds as a hunter infected on a non-patched server That is seriously the most fun i have had with a video game since TF2 first came out. Stalking people as a hunter is mid-blowingly entertaining. if you weren't convinced already BUY THIS Quote
Sporknight Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 This game got my brother, who normally cant STAND multiplayer games, to say he loved it. It's definitely GOTY material, imo, and I cant wait until next week to play all the levels. Also, protip for Boomers: If you get barfed on, just get your back to a wall and spam the hell out of melee. Actually, melee spam seems to help a lot in general, I've found, so long as your 'mates dont shoot the hell out of you too. Quote
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