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Ah Moon Patrol.

Many an hour spent in the arcade and on my Atari XE playing that game. Catchy little basic tune that I used to play on my old K-mart special keyboard :lol:

First off, I'll give this mix credit for being creative in it's intro and outro. Cool bits of nastalgia there :D. The mix when the music gets started uses nice, clean samples with some interesting effects added into the rhythm and some good sequencing to boot. I like the electric piano sounding solo and thought it added a good touch.

But... well...

Something felt like it was missing. As the song progessed, I expected this thing to bust out into an all out assault (namely after the electric piano solo), but that bust out never came. It felt like a build up that never lead anywhere... it just came back in on itself and left.

As I said, it's well crafted. But, it just didn't feel like it really went anywhere. That's just my thoughts.


...this thing has pac-man in the intro.

+5 points straight off.

And also Defender, slot machines and...I think Joust...

¿Im not overly keen on the mish-mash at the beginning...though thats pretty much a direct recording of the game, isnt it?

Something like that.

Its pretty repetetive...and only an okay track so that kinda grinds it.

Its pretty okay and only gets slightly better when the drums kick in.

not really a lot I can say cause there's not a huge ammount there to comment on, but a pretty good tune.

Much recommended (and especially for those who love this game)


This is one of the coolest remixes I've heard in a while. The game itself hearkens me back to obscure yet pleasant memories of a short-lived friendship when I was 4 or 5 with a guy who seemed to have it all. Awesome room, awesome house, and he had a video game system! I guess it was a commodore or something...I don't know. But he played this game all the time - - anyway - - the MIX:

it's repetitive but it's handled with the greatest of ease - it's a catchy melody i don't mind repeating especially with the variations of it each time it passes. the sound quality is top-notch, the use of the bookended sound effects is clever and perfect for creating an atmosphere conducive to enjoying the mix in the head of any child of the '80's arcades.

Great first submission.

  • 2 weeks later...

I really had no idea how this arrangement would be received. In truth, I'd given up on it until I came across something in my server logs that pointed back to the judge's forum. So, I *just now* found out TRTTS had made the cut. Woohoo!

This was a lot of fun to do. Simplistic? Oh yeah. That's me to a tee. :lol: I've been composing and arranging for years, and I guess I've sort of developed a "sound" that's nice-happy-upbeat, but sappy in a Commodore 64 sort of way. That's why Moon Patrol was the perfect first-submission to OCR.

Anyway, thanks for the comments and kind words. I've got my eye on a few oooooold pieces that I hope will bring back some fun memories. Anything but another Final Fantasy remix. Ack. If anyone's interested, there are a few interesting pieces and a great War of The Worlds bit I did for Halloween last year on my website. http://www.spookyblue.com/sounds.htm

I'd love to hear reaction on that one.

Thanks again!


  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

cool arcadeish intro that sets the mood well, and you can actually hear when thematically you'd put the quarter into the moonpatrol game. I admit I thought it stagnated a bit until there was a nice solo section right before the ending, but if you loved Moon Patrol, this should bring back some good memories.

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

I love how the intro and ending is basically the background noise from an arcade. :grin:

One word leaps to my mind: Funky.

It is a little repetitive, but when factored into the grand scheme of things, it's doesn't matter that much.

This is an awesome mix and a new favorite of mine.

  • 9 months later...

That intro brings back memories ha!

The samples are pretty rough. The arrangement is ok, but I would've liked to hear this mix end with a sound from the arcade of someone dying in this game before fading in the other arcade sounds - I could be wrong with how the game works though, as I'm just assuming. I never actually played Moon Patrol myself...I think.

The intro also took too long to come in - the arcade background noise could be cut shorter so the listeners can get more into listening to the meat of the mix. I would've also liked to see some more progression & development of the main part of the mix too, as the intro really killed its true length.

  • 2 months later...

That intro is absolutely classic. The sounds of all those classic games...it's audio-nostalgia-love.

I feel like that's the best part of the song too. The song was enjoyable, especially in that 80's-trying-to-be-futuristic musical sense. The panning on the drums was something I wasn't a fan of, though. Later on, when the panning-effects happen during the break, I liked it a little more, but it just feels very odd an unbalanced otherwise. Also, I like the lack of lots of layering to a point, but this felt a little empty at times.

Bringing back the sounds at the end was nice, too. In total, though, this could have had more substance, could have had gone more places, and could have gone longer. Oh well, still pretty cool.

  • 10 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01007 - Moon Patrol "The Road to Tyco Station"

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