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VGM SURVEY: Help the University of Wisconsin-Madison!

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GAME MUSIC SURVEY: Help OC ReMix & the University of Wisconsin-Madison!

Hey guys,

If you enjoy game music enough to take a quick survey (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=HFyUHjM0BHA8lH_2b_2bgR2j5Q_3d_3d), your answers will help University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate student Chris Russell for his ethnographical study of OC ReMix and game music fans like you!

The survey is brief, asking about your favorite game music, composers, thoughts on being a musician (if you are one), as well as where you fit into the OC ReMix community. If you're not a musician, just fill in "N/A" (not applicable) for any questions you don't need to answer. If you're a lurker or long-time holdout, it's OK; share your answers on game music, and swing by http://www.ocremix.org again! 1,600 ReMixes strong, and we're still free.

If your responses are good, your answers may be quoted in Chris's ethnographical study of OC ReMix, both in his paper as well as his presentation at next month's Art of Record Production conference!

Now Chris is going to hijack my message to tell you a little bit more. Have fun answering the survey, and thanks as always for listening to our community's music and supporting OC ReMix!

Larry "Liontamer" Oji

Assistant Soundtrack Director, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

Head Submissions Evaluator, OverClocked ReMix - http://www.ocremix.org

Creator, VG Frequency - http://www.vgfrequency.com

Staff, VGMdb - http://www.vgmdb.net


Hi everyone -

My name is Chris Russell, a graduate student in Music Theory at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. In about a month, I will be presenting a paper about OC ReMix at the Art of Record Production Conference, a joint academic/industry conference in Lowell, Massachusetts. I'm hoping to ask you all, the OC ReMix community, to help me represent you at this conference by taking a brief survey.

The survey should take no longer than 20-30 minutes, and is intended for all members of the community - whether you've got a ReMix up on the site or not. Please take a moment to assist me in this endeavor.

The survey is available at:


Thanks in advance for your time.

Chris Russell

Master's Candidate in Music Theory

Department of Music

University of Wisconsin - Madison

I didn't know how to answer the question, "What is your favorite ReMix?" I've always been discouraged from that line of thinking. :<

I was going to ask to have that question removed; I don't see the relevance to the topic of the paper, and I don't really want the results posted here as some sort of a popularity contest. Larry gave the green light, so I blame him - this is what happens when you delegate :nicework:

Kidding aside, I do encourage skipping this specific question.


Is it possible that someone like myself can attend this conference? Is it open to the public?

Hopefully so because I practically live in Lowell, MA. :<

Also, can we retake the survey? I rushed through it, and I might want to add some things.

// Roth

I was going to ask to have that question removed; I don't see the relevance to the topic of the paper, and I don't really want the results posted here as some sort of a popularity contest. Larry gave the green light, so I blame him - this is what happens when you delegate :nicework:

Kidding aside, I do encourage skipping this specific question.

Aside from aggregating the results to somehow "conclude" the best mix evar (which doesn't seem practical), it's fine. It could be used to see if there's actually been any sort of leaning toward a particular track, game, game series, original composer or ReMixer given how many ReMixes are hosted and how many contributors are in the community. Obviously we'll let Chris know, but for the purposes of actually conducting a study of the community, it seems fair game. I think, whatever the results are, they'll actually show off that there is no commonly agreed "best mix".



I also basically went with "which one have I listened to the most" for the 'best remix' question, despite there being a ton of them that are awesome.

I was going to ask to have that question removed; I don't see the relevance to the topic of the paper, and I don't really want the results posted here as some sort of a popularity contest. Larry gave the green light, so I blame him - this is what happens when you delegate :nicework:

Kidding aside, I do encourage skipping this specific question.

I was also kidding about posting the results, I thought the tomato face made that clear :P

that being said, my official answer to that question was:

These questions are terrible. You get a giant mad face.


I'll tell you what, I'll list some of the remixers who have arranged some of my favorite remixes. In no particular order, [r3m1x0rz]

Also, don't take that literally. I didn't think the questions were terrible. You'd have to see my responses to other questions first I suppose to see that I was jesting.

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