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Master of Orion I. Two's great, but I wish I could find the stupid diskettes for One :).

Warlords II Deluxe. Don't know what happened to that one either.

Can't think of any more at the moment that I don't still have, but I'm sure they'll come to me.

EDIT: OOOH, Warlords I and II can be downloaded for free now. I love this thread.


Let's see...

PC - Secret of Monkey Island, Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, Loom, Sam and Max Hit the Road, Day of the Tentacle, TradeWars 2002, SimCity, SimCity 2000, SimCity 3000, Civilization, Civilization II, Star Control, Star Control 2, Star Control 3, StarCraft, Prince of Persia, A-Train, Railroad Tycoon, SimEarth, SimAnt, Star Wars: Episode 1: Podracer, Commander Keen 4, Novastorm, Secrets of the Luftwaffe, Oregon Trail, Rise of the Triad, Wolfenstein 3D, Rise of the Dragon, Kings Quest VI, Half-Life, Longbow, TIE Fighter, X-Wing, etc.

NES - Mega Man 3, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Dodgeball, Super Spike Volleyball, Bubble Bobble, Double Dragon, Tetris, etc.

SNES - Super Mario World, Aladdin, Addams' Family, Mega Man X, Donkey Kong Country, etc.

Genesis - Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Quackshot, etc.

N64 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, 1080, etc.

I think that covers most of it... (this is only counting things that remind me of before high school)...


NES - Super Mario Bros. 3

GB - Super Mario Land 2

SNES - Mega Man X

N64 - [tie] Banjo-Kazooie, Zelda: Majora's Mask

PC - King's Quest 1

For perspective, I'm 22, so the most recent game on this list is from 2000, at which time I was 14.


NES - Duckhunt

SNES - PLOK!, Super Mario Allstars and World, Super Metroid, and DKC 1 and 2

N64 - Hybrid Heaven, Winback, Mischief Makers, Super Mario 64, Goldeneye, and Mario Kart 64

Gamecube - Paper Mario TTYD, Luigi's Mansion, and Beyond Good and Evil.

PC - Blade Runner, Half Life, Advent Rising

XBOX - Halo 2, Oddworld Stranger's Wrath, Outrun 2, and Shenmue II

Sorry, can't narrow them down to just one....


offtopic I know, but...

Traffic Department 2192. Great story, great music, great humour. Meh gameplay. But it's free now, so go download it.
I remember hearing about that game before; specifically it's music. Apparently some of the tracks were written by a then-13-year-old Owen Pallett, a Canadian artist who goes by the name Final Fantasy. I had no idea that the game had been released for free, thanks for pointing that out!

...back to the topic at hand.

Sierra / Game Arts' Silpheed for PC/DOS. My parents had it on their first PC, which was probably older than I am. I don't think I've ever fully completed it, though. I could get as far as Gloire (the final boss), but that's as far as I ever got. Even when I found and downloaded it last summer, I STILL couldn't beat it.

I've wanted to do a remix of the 'Silph of Wind' theme for a long time, but I haven't been able to come up with anything I've been satisfied with.


Amongst others, the first Wario Land for GB.

Also, Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds for DOS:


You don't even know how great this game is. Plus, it runs perfectly at 100% speed in dosbox, so I just played it through once again last year!

Let's see...

PC - Secret of Monkey Island, Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, Loom, Sam and Max Hit the Road, Day of the Tentacle, TradeWars 2002, SimCity, SimCity 2000, SimCity 3000, Civilization, Civilization II, Star Control, Star Control 2, Star Control 3, StarCraft, Prince of Persia, A-Train, Railroad Tycoon, SimEarth, SimAnt, Star Wars: Episode 1: Podracer, Commander Keen 4, Novastorm, Secrets of the Luftwaffe, Oregon Trail, Rise of the Triad, Wolfenstein 3D, Rise of the Dragon, Kings Quest VI, Half-Life, Longbow, etc.

NES - Mega Man 3, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Dodgeball, Super Spike Volleyball, Bubble Bobble, Double Dragon, Tetris, etc.

SNES - Super Mario World, Aladdin, Addams' Family, Mega Man X, Donkey Kong Country, etc.

Genesis - Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Quackshot, etc.

N64 - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, 1080, etc.

I think that covers most of it... (this is only counting things that remind me of before high school)...

Yes... yes, I do...


For me it would have to be Phantasy Star II. I remember watching my brother play Phantasty Star for the Master System a lot, but it was too complex for me at that age. When Phantasy Star II came out, my dad and I played through the whole game together. We would play it together almost every night. He would actually control the game most of the time, but I had the strategy guide and maps and would help guide us through all the dungeons and whatnot. Not only was the first RPG I played through, but it really is a great one. Cool futuristic setting, pretty deep plot/dialog, awesome music and graphics, and challenging gameplay. It still stands up to the test of time and is a challenging, rewarding play! I've played through it several times, and the Sega Ages PS2 remake is quite good.

Link's awakening. I stole a gameboy and a ton of games from somebody a long time ago, then lost it when our house burned down.

That's what you get! I used to own that!

Really though, I miss Link's Awakening. Also:

  • Chrono Trigger
  • Sonic Adventure 1/2, Sonic 3 (Genesis)
  • Zelda OoT and MM, along with the other Zelda/Link series
  • Mario 1/2/3/World/RPG/64/Kart 64
  • SML (Super Mario Land)
  • Nights Into Dreams
  • Castlevania: Dracula X, along with Castlevania 64
  • Marvel vs Capcom 2
  • One of the arcade X-Men games (I think you could use up to 4-6 people at once)
  • King of Fighters '99 Dream Match
  • Skies of Arcadia
  • Power Stone 1/2

How did it slip my mind

mothafukkin Tyrian

This is another one of those threads that grows too fast for me to read, because it's about people listing games from their childhood. On that note: WOO TYRIAN!!

But even moreso: StarTropics and Super Mario Bros 2. I excluded SMB1 and 3 because I try not to go for too many decades without playing them. Yes, one decade is too many. You can add Megaman 1 through 4 to this list as well.

And I keep forgetting, is SMB2 the game that everybody thinks is too easy, or that everybody thinks is too hard? For me it's just the game that's AWESOME.

Ohwait I have a StarTropics cartridge less than 3 feet away from me as I type, along with a working NES... Must.... not.... drop....... university!!

I still haven't played Chrono Cross, but I will one day.


Nah, I jokings. Hell, I didn't even know it existed until 03... since then, I've played it through about a dozen times and I still listen to the soundtrack on an *almost* daily basis.

that looks great actually! is it considered abandonware yet? :3

I dunno, probably! I mean it was made by Bullfrog, a new dead company somewhere in the bowels of EA. I don't know how easy it is to find anymore but I remember getting it free with an old Sound Blaster Gold card back in the day. It actually runs legitimately on comps up through win2k, but xp for whatever reason needs dosbox.

No but seriously. This game is AMAZING. Tons of land-warping spells and things (like, say, make a volcano surge up and erupt on a town, or cause an earthquake or lightning storm - and then stuff like shooting fireballs, teleporting, building castles, throwing meteors, and other awesome stuff. The enemy design is really cool too, even though it's all sprites. The spell menu is still better-handled than about any game of this type I've played. Plus secret levels to find by finishing missions in alternate ways, and stuff like that!

So basically, it's a sort of first-person flying/adventure game. There's lots of objectives like "fly to point", "blow up these buildings" or "find your way out" but a lot of the missions consist of "kill creatures to get mana, use mana to kill wizards, and destroy wizard's castle in time (before he respawns) to permanently kill him". It's a really addictive system. You should try to get ahold of it!





I'd kill for them to make a sequel/some kind of XBLA revival or something of this game, no matter how small. Actually, I've always thought the design would fit PERFECTLY on the DS with some minor tweaking. Hell, some of those shots even kind of look like DS shots.

I dunno, probably! I mean it was made by Bullfrog, a new dead company somewhere in the bowels of EA. I don't know how easy it is to find anymore but I remember getting it free with an old Sound Blaster Gold card back in the day. It actually runs legitimately on comps up through win2k, but xp for whatever reason needs dosbox.

No but seriously. This game is AMAZING. Tons of land-warping spells and things (like, say, make a volcano surge up and erupt on a town, or cause an earthquake or lightning storm - and then stuff like shooting fireballs, teleporting, building castles, throwing meteors, and other awesome stuff. The enemy design is really cool too, even though it's all sprites. The spell menu is still better-handled than about any game of this type I've played. Plus secret levels to find by finishing missions in alternate ways, and stuff like that!

So basically, it's a sort of first-person flying/adventure game. There's lots of objectives like "fly to point", "blow up these buildings" or "find your way out" but a lot of the missions consist of "kill creatures to get mana, use mana to kill wizards, and destroy wizard's castle in time (before he respawns) to permanently kill him". It's a really addictive system. You should try to get ahold of it!

That game sounds awesome I want it now :D

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