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Is the final name really going to be Windows 7? Seemed more like project name or a code name rather than the final name. Though I have to admit, going to a simple number system would be nice. Every other OS is like that, and service packs could be seen as a sub version (ie 7.2 would be Windows 7 with service pack 2). Ah well, we'll see what happens with this.


After the nightmare that was the Vista launch, I don't think Microsoft is willing to take ANY major risks (or major steps forward for that matter) without having some kind of safety net under them; hence the 32-bit version.

I wish someone would kick 32-bit in the face and just make 64-bit the new standard.

Will it be the huge resource hog that vista is?

If so, that's already a no go for me.

I know that Vista is technically more resource intensive than XP (assuming you don't turn off a lot of the visual options), but unless you're trying to load it on a 5 year old PC with a P4 and 512MB of RAM, I can honestly say you'll never really experience a performance drop. I'll be one of the first to admit that I gave Vista a lot of flak in the past, but I run it on my desktop currently and have absolutely no issues.

But to answer you're question, it is my understanding that Windows 7 will use fewer resources, but someone correct me if I'm mistaken there.


I never used vista, not even on someone else's computer. It got so many bad reviews, and all my games/programs worked fine on xp so I never saw any reason to ever swap. Reading about the changes planned for 7, it looks like they're approaching it in the right way and the screens look nice.

Musically speaking; I think the only thing that could pry OSX from me as a *main* audio workstation OS is if pro tools discontinued its mac version. Still, if 7 is good for whatever next gen gaming that comes out then that's all I really care about for a windows partition. Windows looks like its always going to be the main os for gaming.


I gotta say, I've never moved over to Vista, partly because of the resources it uses and the security confirmations I have to wade through to actually do anything. Mostly because of the file I/O issues that Dave addressed a year ago right here.

Seriously, the effort it takes for that OS to simply copy, move, or delete a file is astounding. At this point, I find XP to be a highly compatible and very stable OS. I'd be happy to continue using it quite indefinitely, unless Windows 7 has something quite revolutionary to offer.


I was fortunate enough to have an extra copy of XP long enough to install it on my self-built computer, but the laptop that I use has Vista. Vista's definitely the more painful of the two to deal with, even after getting used to it - I have had some high hopes for Windows 7, especially after hearing how they were rebuilding the kernel from scratch. Everything I've heard so far has more or less confirmed that this is just a tweaked, "fixed" version of Vista with all the crap taken out, which is exactly what I would like.

I am still annoyed at how Windows Media Player options are so hard-integrated into Windows Explorer, and I'm kind of hoping they'll drop that from 7 - since even with the quick-launch version of WMP, I still won't use it.


I haven't kept up with the updates because I don't have the OS. But I actually have a friend's Vista PC sitting next to me right now getting all the spyware cleaned off it. I put SP1 on it yesterday and it's still asking me for security confirmations every time I wanna install something or make any major change. Copying and moving files does seem to be significantly improved though.


So uh, what's gonna happen to vista?

My dad got me a new computer about 3 months ago and dell forced us to install vista on it. Does that mean people with Vista are screwed unless they want to shell out the cash to buy Windows 7?

So uh, what's gonna happen to vista?

My dad got me a new computer about 3 months ago and dell forced us to install vista on it. Does that mean people with Vista are screwed unless they want to shell out the cash to buy Windows 7?

Man, this is the same horrible mistaken notion people had in the Nintendo DSi topic. Why does everyone somehow think that the minute the latest version of something is released, that the previous version ceases to exist?

One, Windows 7 doesn't come out until at least summer of next year, and that's ignoring any (inevitable, in my mind) delays.

Two, Microsoft continued to support Windows XP for a long while after Vista came out, and I have no reason to believe they would suddenly act like it never existed once W7 ("wuh-seven") comes out.


Well... I don't mind XP, Vista, or W7. The only thing pissing me off are the FUCKING MAC ADS. When will this stop? We get it, if you make up BS, you can attack any company... Hopefully, W7 will still outsell any Mac OS and one day Apple will realize that Microsoft is doing that without bombarding with ads.

Man, this is the same horrible mistaken notion people had in the Nintendo DSi topic. Why does everyone somehow think that the minute the latest version of something is released, that the previous version ceases to exist?

One, Windows 7 doesn't come out until at least summer of next year, and that's ignoring any (inevitable, in my mind) delays.

Two, Microsoft continued to support Windows XP for a long while after Vista came out, and I have no reason to believe they would suddenly act like it never existed once W7 ("wuh-seven") comes out.

Because I like to use something for a very long time before having to replace it that's why, sure they'll keep supporting vista for a while, but somehow I doubt they'll do it for long enough to keep me happy, given how long I tend to hold onto a computer before replacing it. This basically means I'll probably have to replace my desktop a lot sooner than I normally would, which is irritating. It has nothing to do with me thinking it'll suddenly cease to exist go be high and mighty somewhere else.

Oh well, I guess at least when I save up for a laptop since I travel so damn much I can get it with windows 7 instead of Vista.

Because I like to use something for a very long time before having to replace it that's why, sure they'll keep supporting vista for a while, but somehow I doubt they'll do it for long enough to keep me happy, given how long I tend to hold onto a computer before replacing it. This basically means I'll probably have to replace my desktop a lot sooner than I normally would, which is irritating. It has nothing to do with me thinking it'll suddenly cease to exist go be high and mighty somewhere else.

Oh well, I guess at least when I save up for a laptop since I travel so damn much I can get it with windows 7 instead of Vista.

Replace your desktop? I thought that's what they made upgrade discs for.


From what I read last week Windows 7 will be more like a Vista Plus, with the major selling points being GUI changes? In addition, they might be adding an autorun-type screen for anything you connect to the computer, with space for advertisements from whoever made the device (e.g. Nokia if you're hooking up your phone).

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