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Yeah, they're never gonna get better without practice. And at least they seem to be off to a good start.

most video game fan videos I've seen I thought were really good

Umm, you didn't see Hero of Time, then. Latino goron man? Blonde-wigged Link? Horrid excuse for plot? Yeah. That was a debacle.

The first trailer has Transformer's music.

Oh, my mistake, then. It's been so long since I saw the first trailer, I thought he was reacting to the new one. In which case, I retract what I said earlier, there's much better film music to crib from than Transformers.

There Will Be Brawl is how you do something relatively low-budget and succeed.

Totally. A good plot and characters always beats special effects.

Umm, you didn't see Hero of Time, then. Latino goron man? Blonde-wigged Link? Horrid excuse for plot? Yeah. That was a debacle.

I actually skipped seeing Hero of Time because of all the negative things being said about it, mostly from this forum. I know that totally goes against what I said earlier about "even if it's bad, at least I'm not paying for it", but ah well. I seem to remember something about the filmmakers of that posting here acting like it was the greatest film ever produced, but I may be wrong.


[sarcasm]Dr. Light sounds nothing like he does in Mega Man 8! I want to hear some vintage "Wee kahn't wett dokawh wahwee git hid hawnds awn ouwh enuhjee weesauwses!" Until that day I am saddened by this film.[/sarcasm]

Also: Hello OCRemix, I've been lurking for a while here.. like 2 years or so I think :)


Hi coder. I was a lurker myself, at least for a while. The OCremix community grows on ya, after a while (ignoring a few individuals, lol).

I saw something on gametrailers about the Mega Man movie being on Screwattack.com. Can anyone confirm this? I wasn't really paying attention to the trailer.


So... I just finished watching it (it's available on screwattack.com) and I have to say... it wasn't that bad. There are numerous references to the original game (including sprites and such), and it's all around not too bad. There are things I didn't like, but overall the little references outweighed that stuff for me. Go watch it if you want to!


The movie was pretty good for fanmade. better than anything I could do. While the CG was glaringly obvious, they interacted well with the environment. When I first saw the robot masters, I thought they were statues.

My favourite Zelda movie is by far The Legend of Link (LoL). Pure awesome.


I thought this was pretty good, for a fan-movie.

There is a whole lot more sincerity here than in Hero of Time, or rather, Hero of Shit and Asian Gorons.

It was cheesy, but in the good kind of way, and actually enjoyable.


I'd have to agree with what the general consensus says: it's pretty good for a low-budget fan film. Some of the CG was pretty hokey and I agree that the fight scenes were awful, but I found myself pretty entertained for the length of the movie.

And seriously, they found the perfect guy to play Dr. Wily. He was a stereotypical villain, but at the same time very believable.


Not amazing or classic, but it made me smile. It was enjoyable, which is great for free! Nothing like paying for a hyped moving and discovering it sucks. Watching a free movie with caution and enjoying it when all is said and done? Success.

I think Roll could have had a nicer wig though.


I'm impressed. Yes the acting was off, and the CGI was bad at times, but truth is, they have the scenario thing covered. In a fan film, I can accept bad special effects and average acting, if you can see the intention of the movie hitting the target.

Wily was well established as villain, Light was pretty much how I imagined him to be, and Roll was obnoxious, but it was a character trait more than anything. Yes it suffered during action sequences, but hey, CGI is a bitch, and try filming good action sequences without a proper budget if you make a sci fi movie about robots fighting. I don't really like the use of Blues, but I can see why they did it.

Overall, this left me quite satisfied.


I think Roll could have had a nicer wig though.

"Hey Rock, does my hair look fake?"

I never got the whole "Rock/Roll" thing until this movie pointed it out to me, lol.

What I loved about the movie in a kind of cheesy way was how Light was a total giant dick towards Wily.

"Well Wily you helped me build these Robot Masters, so I'm firing you now!"

"Oh I'll do the interview by myself sorry Wily no one cares about you!"

"Wily you have to rethink your priorities while I rebuild my dead wife's children!"

It's funny in a "if you think about it" kinda way.

I enjoyed it minus the action parts...I feel like those were just done badly :-( .

Pretty much this. Considering it was all fan made, this could have been a lot more craptastic than it wound up being, 'even' the CG battle scenes, so I'm willing to forgive. Now, if this had been on the big screen or you had to pay to watch it on DVD or something, I'd tear it a new one, but this is nowhere near as bad as, say, the Mario movie. Hell, I enjoyed this more than Spirits Within, but that might just be me. =/

The only thing I wished for is a little bit more recognizable music. I only really picked up Protoman's jingle and Wily's Castle.

I found a download of the film's OST (get it here), and yeah, other than Protoman and Wily, the rest of the tracks are your standard orchestral film fare. Not to say it's bad (it's from the same composer for MGS: Philanthropy), it's just generic.

And as far as EC's comments go, that's interesting that this filmmaker is working on a Ghostbusters project, seeing as how relatively well Mega Man turned out.


See, with fan made movies, you can't really say it sucks because you double think yourself and realize it was a fan made movie. But you still want to say it sucks.

Honestly, I had a lot more fun watching the Super Mario Bros. movie. I enjoyed the Super Mario Bros. movie mainly because I knew from the get-go that it wasn't going to be faithful, and that it knew how to keep things at a slightly professional level. With the Mega Man movie, it's incredibly tough to stay faithful without making it seem, I don't know, lame? Throughout most of the movie I felt like it was just too boring and expected. The Metal Gear Awesome cameo and the inclusion of sprites from the actual game just seemed tacky.

The thing is, it tried hard to be what a professional film is, but kept the parts that make it obviously fan-made. That's probably what's bugging me most about this film. It's tons better than an average fan-made movie, but it hit that middle area where it seemed more like a really badly written, poorly acted C-list movie.

But it's a fan-made video, so I can't really say anything, can I.

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