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I don't really like the first part - the melody sounds err... like midi, but after 0'58'' it gets a lot better. Nicely done; catchy beats, there is emotion in the piece, very likeable!


What can I say, I liked this piece a lot particularly the drums. I don't have a full understanding of how remixing is done with reverb and all that music jargon you all use. But keep in mind that Marc Star dosen't have all of the weapons at his disposal like Nobuo Uematsu. So he had to use whatever he had/could get his hands on. The thing about doing remixes of games on Next Gen Systems (I know the PSX is old) is that people expect you to out do the original which can sometimes be down right impossible. I must admit that it did sound a lot like a 16-bit game and if FF8 was on the SNES, that's what it would sound like.

Nice work Marc Star



Well, one has to admit that compared to most of the other mixes on this site, this does feel a little amateur... bland drum loop with a few other instruments sprinked on it. It doesn't do much and I didn't see the point, other than maybe this being Marc's first attempt at a remix and trying things out? It's not bad to listen to, nevertheless.


hmm. what song from ff8 is bein mixed here? i cant place my ear on it.

its sounds nice to me with da breakbeats(makes me wanna 'gasm everywhere). but i must agree, a lil bit more ambience. and at 0'58", if those snares were held a lil bit longer, that part would be made perfectly. they just were cut off way too soon. actually, all around the song, lengthen snares until the completely fade cuz it sounds like you just.....decapited(sp) them. other than that. 8/10 here.

EDIT: just caught on to what song this was. is this attack on dollet? if it is, i was just about to make a post on sumone doing a remix of that. :lol:


Wow, wtf. I love the drums. Very very cool and interesting rhythms. I dig that synth that everyone is whining about. Old school sounding. Really goes well with this tune's interesting ideas. Very cool.

There is some really high (like almost dog-whistle high) tone that sounds throughout the whole song. It starts right when the file starts and goes to the end. Weird. Hmmm.

I really liked this mix. It's full of cool ideas that are pulled off well and doesn't overstay its welcome. Nice job.


I really wanted to like this. I did. But I can't get over how much like the original it sounds, with just some changed instruments and a bit of interesting drum/bass work.

I guess I'm just too much in love with the original piece (Credit roll, End Titles). If you like this, I highly recommend checking that out as well.



IMO, the drums and percussion is just entirely too overwhelming, and for most of the first minute, the melody was barely audible. Still, it does seem to bring out the "SNES FF8" feeling that others mentioned, which may or may not have been intentional.


It sounds pretty good, but for some reason something seems to be missing. I mean nothing seems glaringly wrong, but yet the piece feels incomplete or lacking.

SGX is right about that strange dog-whistle thing throughout the song, which reminds me of "And Your Bird Can Sing" by the Beatles.

The synths sounded fine to me, and the arrangement was solid. The triplet sections were a nice touch, and the guita-centric breakdowns were well executed as well. The drums gave a nice driving feel to the song, and the bass pulls some awesome moves now and then. So although all's well nothing really comes out and kicks me in the pants or makes the song memorable. Something like that, I think.

A good listen, didn't knock my socks off but I thought it wasn't bad at all.


Quote me wrong, but I think this is a remix of Liberi Fatali. :)

I find it a bit short in places, as well as a bit midi-involved, but it didn't really bug me as such when listening though. ;) A few more effects to be rolled in and we should have had a winner here. 8)

[edit: ok, I'm wrong, it WAS the ending theme! *gives a handshake to Google* -.o]


Im in love with this remix. Im suprised not that many others liked it. Judging off of his other tracks i don't think he put the drums in to sound "cheesy" but to give it a different feel or twist. I guess its one of those songs where....you really like it or you really hate it lol. Anyway i really really loved this piece. Nice work.

Work on making them longer please? :evil:


I like this mix!. Sure it's different from his others, but it's very nicely put together. I love the drums in the beginning into the baseline. Oh yea. This song is going about on an angle that not everyone is use to or ready for, i think. Still a hot track. Thumbs up! Keep it up!


Sup, Thanks for the support and criticism weither you liked it or hated it.

I personally like the drums on the track, they were the most fun part to program(no loops). I do see what you mean by the 16 bit feel tho. Ah well, I love to do this stuff so im gonna try to keep 'em coming.

I guess its one of those songs where....you really like it or you really hate it lol.

Like Marmite! :lol:

hmmm... yeah, I think it has that James Bond feel with its drum beat, which isn't a bad thing ;) and making it longer must have been a possibility, as most of the great ones I know go for around five minutes. ^_^

And MarcStar, you're welcome for accepting our reviews. :)


I hardly post on remix reviews because, well, to tell the truth I dont know much, at all, about remixing and such, so I honestly dont feel like i'm one to judge. And just to also point out ahead of time, Marc Star I have some of your other remixes and I really like them. But i'm gonna have to agree with some here and say that at points it does seem somewhat like this is out of an unnamed SNES game, which, technically, even on some levels isnt such a bad thing. I think that alot of SNES games out there had EXCELLENT music. So dont take that as a put down.

However, here's the part that I noticed the most, at 0:58, the part that alot of people here have REALLY liked, I noticed it sounds VERY similar to a song by an old 80's band, The Eurythmics, the song "Here Comes The Rain Again", they sound almost completely the same in my head (it's been along time since I heard that song) Anyway, just thought i'd give my two cents. I think its a good mix, and i'm definatly keeping it on my playlist.


i like the track, but..... this remix left an awkward taste in my mouth. part of it is because its almost too straightforward. etc....

but kudos to your taste in music. ^_^

  • 3 weeks later...

I liked the mix, it's prolly about what I caould do if I had the full version

of Fruity Loops... :( (expensive shizzles...I'm so poor...)

The thing that struck me was the ending. I liked that short prelude thing.

6.5/10 didn't stick to me, but nothing bad in the piece.

  • 3 weeks later...

Just so you know, this is my first review, and probably one of the few I've ever do. This piece just amazed me, I saw the comments that it sounded SNES-y and it does and it's fricking awesome! I think the cool thing is that the instruments sound kinda simple, but the awesome content of the piece makes the simplistic sound awesome, so much is going on in the piece, and it just sounds great. Congratulations on an incredibly awesome piece and I'd love to hear more. The length is short, which is a bit bad because I really want more, but you definitely didn't drag out this piece like many people often do with their pieces, so that's good too. And hey, the short length really makes me (and I'm sure others) want more (uh I already said that) so that's cool too then. Thank you very much for posting this!


I really like this song. I also really like Marc Star's "CrossFire" and "RosettaRefrain". I guess I'm a Marc Star fan. Now that I think about it, he may be the only Remixer on this site with no submissions that I don't really like. Granted, there are only three right now, but I don't label too many songs from OCR as good keepers.

Keep up the ass-kicking work, Marc Star!

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Tis indeed a Liberi Fatali remix. I really like it...Meaning...um...that I kinda peed my pants it was so good... :oops: But this remix is quite awesome. LF has always been one of my favorite pieces from Nobuo's repitoir. I think it is a very comfortable song to listen to. In short, it is LF, really good, need a different pair of pants, you rock.

  • 7 months later...
Quote me wrong, but I think this is a remix of Liberi Fatali. :)

That may well be the case, there are some tracks that has the same melody as LF too but with other instruments, but yeah, it´s Liberi Fatali alright, and the FFprelude at the end.

This mix is a tie for me. I like techno-orchestra very much, but it did not in some way have that feel of rush and balance. I´m not sure what I´m talking about, but I just think there were almost too much difference between the instruments. But then again, at 0:58 it´s real sweet, then continues a half minute later with the same but now with a electric guitar. It´s all good, but I can´t decide if I shall download it or not.

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