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Congrats to you both! Looks like Blind's thread gave you the courage to announce this.

I remember finding out about you two dating through VGDJ...giving hints and stuff. Good times.

Curious, was that New York meet-up the same one which you guys made "Lover's Reef"? 'cause the picture has the same people responsible for this remix...

Speaking of pics, the 2nd one is cute. :P


Nice fingernails :P

Congratulations, you two! I saw that coming for a while, but wasn't sure when Andy would actually do it. Really nice choice of ring too; it suits you and isn't overly large for your hand.

Best comment though is on Andy's Facebook wall from one John "The Wingless" Burnett. I think it goes something like this:


First OA gets a baby, then bLiNd gets married, and now THIS? Jeez, it seems like everything is happening all at once! Incidentally, you notice that it seems to be a backwards trend?

Sweet, hopefully that means I'll be able to get a date soon.

Congrats you two. Nothing but zircon-pixietricks colabs from now on! :3


Huzzah! Congrats on it finally happening, but be honest guys, we all knew it was coming. How'sabout you do a Pixiecon collab for every page that the thread grows to!

Just kidding, but have a great life together!


I'd offer to buy both your albums to celebrate, but... I already have. And Antigravity just finished playing, right after Breathing You In. Very, very awesome coincidence.

So congratulations! We're all happy for you, and I wish you two the best of luck!


Eeee, thank you guys! What a way to wake up the morning after... So much loooorrrrve in this thread.

To answer some questions that have been popping up:

- It is in fact a diamond - 37 of them, to be precise! ^_~ But perhaps I'll wear some cubic zirconium earrings sometime...

- I plan on taking Andy's last name, professionally as well. Never been a fan of the hyphen thing, and it's early enough in my career that I think people will be able to make the adjustment.

- The wedding is going to in July! Andy's family is enormous (11 sets of aunts and uncles), so we'll only be able to invite some of our closest OCR buddies. But perhaps a pre or post-wedding meetup would be in order... :D

in before lock

congrats, you two! can't wait to see you both at mag! jill, this may sound a bit gay but do you want to see my wedding album? it's all artsy and i think you might get some ideas for photographers from it =)

YES! I would love to see it.


You are one step closer to his money Jill.... :<

I'm kidding, Awesome to see you guys finally tying the knot. You guys are getting married just two months after I am with my fiancee. Treat her well Andy!

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