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As 08 comes to a close, I think we'd all be hard pressed to say that it's been a great year for games again. All 3 systems have seen their share of hits and misses, and there were a few surprises thrown in there as well.

I remembered that the Nintendo Power of old had an annual awards thing, and that one award was for the Top Gaming Moment of blank(Limited to Nintendo Systems of course). So I'm curious as to what the members of OCR would say their top moment of 08 was. I think that things out of game should count to, for example, I know that the release of Street Fighter 2 HD was a huge moment to many here. So tell us: What was your top gaming moment of 2008?

What's mine you ask? I'll have to get back to you on that...too many too decide from:razz:


i had a couple of them. crysis at maximum for the first time was one (i saw bullet holes in the leaves!). finishing hitman 4 on the hardest difficulty was another. buying a 360, radical dreamers being released (and no one cared), fable II and gears II being released, and some halo parties with my old roomie.

top gaming moment? i don'tknow for sure. radical dreamers was a really big deal for me, even with all the issues that came with it. but i'd have to say that sitting down and beating halo 3 with my old roomie on legendary in one sitting was the culmination of my gaming year.

pathetic, i know.


There were a few of em in there, but it'd have to be a part of the storyline in Valkyria Chronicles (which I don't think many people have played unfortunately).


When Isara gets killed. Had me sitting there goin' "What the fuck? What the fuck?!?"


That and finally getting to play MGS4 after heck knows how long of trying to dodge spoilers.


Top video game moment? L4D. Last level first campaign, 2 tanks, 2 smokers and a hunter. i missed getting to because a smoke dragged me back.. and i had 5 health left. and didnt make it. Was good fun :-P

Seriously? Out of all of 2008? Think back to January.

Somehow I doubt losing a campaign in L4D is your greatest video game moment of the year.

that's what i thought. both of my 'top' moments came in the beginning few months of the year. i think l4d's a little too fresh in most people's minds.

i should add 'beating freelancer in a freighter on the expert setting' as one of my greatest achievements this year, but that's not really a moment, that was a labor of love :<


Best gaming moment, eh?

In no random order, my top 3:

*) Entering Howling Fjord last night on my first foray back into WoW. So much more epic than the game has ever been.

*) Playing through Halflife2 for the first time this year, and then the episodes. Seriously fantastic.

*) Getting ridiculously high scores in Audiosurf while inebriated. That's good stuff, right there.

Runners up: Left4Dead, Tf2, CTDS

Couldn't have put it better myself.

that's or grenade. Or a critical plasma rifle hit (especially when Col Autumn is the target)

Other game: GTA IV, Magical Starsign and Mother 3. Also smash bros brawl.


It would have to be when I first downloaded and played Mega Man 9. What a relief. I felt like I was 7 years old again, playing games on saturday morning with my best friend who spent the night. The music, the look, the gameplay, the sound effects. All perfect.

It's not just the retro look and feel to the game that made it so amazing, it's that Capcom to the incentive to show how addicting a game can be when teh gameplay is put at the core of the games design. Every level, every boss battle, every powerup has been thought out so well. Then the speedrun ladders, they equal instant replayability. It brings back the gameplay that made gaming so much fun to begin with. When you die you know it's due to your lack of skill. When you finally master a stage and have every inch memorized it's an insane feeling of accomplishment knowing that you beat a machine at something. Knowing that you can do something so perfect a computer can't beat you feels rather good.


My personal top moment of 2008 would probably be Chrono Trigger DS. I never got the opportunity to play the game on SNES, so to finally be able to play an RPG spoken so highly of that I missed out on originally was a pretty big deal for me.

When you finally master a stage and have every inch memorized it's an insane feeling of accomplishment knowing that you beat a machine at something.

Memorizing levels makes you feel accomplished? I thought it was about skill...that just sounds like trial and error.

Memorizing levels makes you feel accomplished? I thought it was about skill...that just sounds like trial and error.

It's the skill to still be able to pull off a perfect run thru the level once memorized. Feels a lot better than getting an easy snipe shot in CS or Crysis thats for sure. Find me a game from 08 that offers anywhere near the challenge of MM9 and I'll be very impressed.

Memorization is a big part of speedrunning a game.

Hell, think about old sonic games (and the sonic rush games); memorization is key.

That's 'cause that's the sort of challenge Sonic games are giving you, as opposed to something like Megaman where the challenge is to analyze the situation and to react accordingly. The faster the pace of a game, the more memorization and less analysis.


HD Remix wins by a mile for me, so here's my runner-up: Jeanne D'Arc was the first SRPG I played - and liked - since Shining Force II, and with all the shizz that's been going on this year I still managed to find the time to beat it, making it the first RPG of any kind that I've beaten in quite awhile.

Memorization is a big part of speedrunning a game.

Hell, think about old sonic games (and the sonic rush games); memorization is key.

Yeah for speedruns I can understand, but if memorization is just as much a factor to merely progressing in the game as reaction and skill, that just smells of bad game design. Challenge is good, but that particular kind of challenge seems forced to me - it's unfair and is essentially a cop-out method of artificially lengthening games, IMO.

I don't know if any of this actually applies to MM9, so don't take this as a bash against it or any other particular game, but it does seem to be a relic of the NES era that a lot of people have acquired a taste for when they actually had the time to deal with that sort of BS when they were kids. :P

Seriously? Out of all of 2008? Think back to January.

Somehow I doubt losing a campaign in L4D is your greatest video game moment of the year.

Eh. Only other game I have been playing is CoD5. Im not as much as a Hardcore Gamer as I used to be. Before CoD5. Fable 2. Which was fun. If I shouldn't choose L4D.

Then Happend, eh. Last week or so playing with a few friends online CoD5. Search and Destroy. I planted a few Bouncin' Bettys, as I was nearing a guy, a guy ran into one of my claymores. then the guy who i was approching, neared me. he died on my other one. And, killed the other 2 and planted the bomb, and won that round.

I do not have a comp to run TF2 YET. will in june though :D

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