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God, if you're really that concerned about the interweb maybe you need to actually leave your machine once in a while. Most of my posts are just quick responses and I just don't feel like doing the whole cut and paste multiple actions to properly quote multiple people within one post.

Again, if the way people post on a virtual message board means that much to you I'd hate to see how you do in real life social situations.

Eat a big furry dick, kthx.

Eat a big furry dick, kthx.

YAY! I was wondering when you were going to say that :3

Most of my posts are just quick responses and I just don't feel like doing the whole cut and paste multiple actions to properly quote multiple people within one post.

Yeah well, that's how we do things around here. Get with the program or get out.

And this is what happens with favorite/anti-favorite threads.

It's not even the thread, it's that silly alt.slack's fault for failing to post correctly and filling the thread with shenanigans.

God, if you're really that concerned about the interweb maybe you need to actually leave your machine once in a while. Most of my posts are just quick responses and I just don't feel like doing the whole cut and paste multiple actions to properly quote multiple people within one post.

Again, if the way people post on a virtual message board means that much to you I'd hate to see how you do in real life social situations.

I hope you see the irony in even mentioning 'real life social situations' when you play TFC.

Most of my posts are just quick responses and I just don't feel like doing the whole cut and paste multiple actions to properly quote multiple people within one post.

You might want to consider not making quick responses seeing as you're a little slow...

And this is what happens with favorite/anti-favorite threads.

Eh, I'm starting to see what you mean. Not with the triple-posting business, but after the 5th or 6th page it seemed to just get to talking about overrated movies.

...well, except for the mention of SciFi Originals. Those are pretty horrendous. KF

God, if you're really that concerned about the interweb maybe you need to actually leave your machine once in a while. Most of my posts are just quick responses and I just don't feel like doing the whole cut and paste multiple actions to properly quote multiple people within one post.

Again, if the way people post on a virtual message board means that much to you I'd hate to see how you do in real life social situations.

This is from an article I had lying around from another site some time ago, and I just remembered I had it. I think most of it applies to you directly.

(PS: It helps if you think it's being read by Douglas Adams or someone like him. Every time I read stuff like this, it instantly makes it sound waaaaay more authoritive)

In an almost purely text-driven environment, such as an internet forum, the use of proper posting etiquette is important. Think of everything that goes on here as being like a face to face, verbal discussion.

Bumping the Dead Horse

On the subject of posting in older, inactive topics, it's best to think about what you are going to say. Of course, this applies to all forms of discussion, but in the interest of text-driven enviro-yadda-yadda-yaddas, this is especially important. When one replies to a post several months after the topic has ended, it is important that the new post be on topic and, most importantly, relevant. If you have decided to say something that is appropriate, it not only adds to the discussion, but may even revive it.

However, should you just post non-relevant or even pointless blathering, it comes off as if everyone else had left the room months ago, and just now, you walked in and said "Yes, that's right" to an empty room, and then promptly left. If you had done that in real life, you would have received some rather strange looks from the people outside, and maybe a phone call from the nervous old lady in the hallway.

Multiple Posts Are Not Necessary

From time to time, you will be tempted to respond to a message quickly, and more often than not, repeatedly. While there is something to be said of plentiful dialog, most of it is not appropriate for this article, seeing how it is intended for a general audience and must be kept as polite as possible. Suffice to say, just because you can make ten posts in a row does not mean you should. Most sites offer some form of editing feature, which will allow you to go back to any one of your previous retorts and replies, and alter them. This would allow you to correct and glaring errors, as well as cover up any heinous misdeeds you may have committed upon the language of your choice. Grammar, punctuation and, yes, even spelling can be salvaged from the depths of your linguistic barbarity with the use of this feature, and a little time and effort.

It also serves another purpose, and one that applies directly to the matter at hand: not posting message after message after message. If you have the time to add to your last verbal barrage against the man that detests your favorite rock music band, by all means, show him your internet skill and plump up that post up a bit.

Compared to a real-life situation, this would be akin to someone making a wonderfully robust, but poorly worded speech. One that would, hopefully, impart upon the listening audience some form of wisdom or, at the very least, enough confusion to prevent them from realizing how much you are talking out of your posterior.

Making several smaller posts one after the other would be akin to

someone speaking one line, sitting down, then suddenly standing up again, speaking one more line, and then sitting down once more, only to repeat the whole thing over again. This not only makes it difficult to for other to follow, but wastes time that could be far better spent arguing over who is the better Doctor Who.

If you find that you do not have the time nor the inclination to buff up that one post, than I would suggest to you that you should be spending your time away from your computer, as you obviously have no time for any one thing at all. It is obvious that you are a very busy person and should not waste your precious life on some random site while, instead, you could be solving more important things, like cancer or where all of your time has gone. I can not help you on the first matter, as I am not a medical doctor, but I do have a theory on the second one.



Alright. This movie is like a well-executed remix of a song from a game you grew up with .. in the one genre you hate.

Le Dîner de cons... it served its purpose well as an annoying movie; it's a comedy, but it gets on your nerves. But it's so well-done. BUT I HATE IT.

Best worst movie ever.


Hmmm... worst movie ever.

Well, going with what I've watched, it's a toss up between The Crow: City of Angles, or Wheels of Terror. The first was so horrifically dull that I couldn't even sit through all of it (and I've sat all the way through some pretty horrid movies), and the second has a twenty minute final car chase that's littered with pointless slow motion shots, in order to give a climactic finish to an equally slow and dull movie (it's like The Car, only with every semblance of anything interesting sucked right out of it).

They never answered the Question about neo being the 6th one.

No it didn't, but at least the 3rd movie had something most of us were looking forward to since the first movie. Humans vs machines?

I'm not a big fan of the third one, but i think it's better then the second one seeing as the second was nothing but pointless fighting and blabla-scenes that had no impact or no real relevance later on. That Merovingian (or however it's spelled) was a complete waste of half a movie, seeing as he did NOT have a huge role later on.

The fights were cool, but again, too long, and in some cases, just plain stupid. "I believe you are the one". "You could've just asked...". "No, only by fighting another, can you tell who they are". SERIOUSLY.

The 3rd one was ok because it ended the trilogy. The second just felt like filler. "Oh snap, we don't have enough idea's for our so-called intended trilogy...oh well, we'll just shoot two fight scenes and make that the second movie..."

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Christian Bale is a terrible Bruce Wayne/Batman. He's too damn small and skinny......

(Blah Blah Blah, POintless Ranting, Blah Blah, I didn't get it.)

I'm sorry but you just can't take Batman seriously. No matter how hardcore or how much of a badass he is, it's still a guy in a bat suit. Same with the Joker, Nichelsons joker was far supperior. He didn't take it so seriously, he was more of a "joker" than Ledgers was. You couldn't take some criminal wearing green and white face paint seriously either. If they were real life characters, I would be like yeah, Batman is awesome and one hardcore motherfucker, but I'd still chuckle everytime I say a picture of a full grown male in a bat suit, acting serious.

take Batman serious?!?! Hes a comic book character. What is there to take serious?!?

The movie wasnt really about the joker but the fight for Gothams Soul aka Harvy Dent. Though Nichelsons Joker was good, i wouldnt say it was better. Point is, they were playing two different Jokers. I dont know what you mean by Ledger took it too serious, and to be honest, i dont care. I doubt from your rant that you would be able to clarify and his performance was nothing but gold. I like Bale as Batman, def better than Clooney.

Though the movie might not be for everyone, As an overall movie, I think it was a well made movie from soundtrack to camera work. I dont think youre wrong for not liking it, i just thought your rant was BS.


HAHAHA Hypercube is on that list.

I'm gonna have to agree with them based on just that.

Heh, yeah, it's an understandable error, considering the distinction is between "SciFi [Channel] Original" and "original SciFi". Science fiction's one of my favorite genres, so I hate to see it done so slipshod. ...also, I'd never down a group of movies that includes Metropolis--it's been 80 years and that film is still amazing. But this thread is about the worst movies, not the best. KF


Also, what's all the Tropic Thunder hate? I thought was one of the funniest movies I saw all year. Tom Cruise was awesome, RDJ was incredible, Jack Black was great - I even have a can of Booty Sweat on my DAW desk.

Agreed. Tom Cruise was surprisingly awesome. "I. WILL. FUCK. YOU. UP !"

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