Atomicfog Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Heh, Keanu Reeves is probably the most emotionless actor in existance, which actually made him perfect for some movies, though I suppose we'll have to see with this one. Regardless of what it is, it won't change the fact that the anime kicks ass, so I'm glad for its existence. And really, at the end of the day, it's pretty easy to bash Keanu, but we all know he's awesome. For this role? I don't know, but awesome none-the-less. He's fucking Neo. Quote
Brushfire Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Heh, Keanu Reeves is probably the most emotionless actor in existance, Hayden "Doesn't like Sand" Christensen And I am not hating. I find it rather nobel of Mr. Reeves that he is standing up for a cause that he believes in. I mean rumors have been going around the net about a Bebop movie for years and this is a step towards making it happen. On the subject of sub watchers, if you can't keep up with the subs, FOR GOD SAKE PLEASE DO NOT PAUSE THE GODDAMN SHOW EVERY 5 SECONDS TO READ THE SUBTITLE THAT YOU COULDN'T READ QUICK ENOUGH. I had a roomate in Airforce Tech School that did that and my God, he was the worst roomate ever. Now Dragonball Movie on thee other hand. OH GOD. No matter how bad your movie is, at least it's not Dragonball. Or Batman and Robin Quote
Brycepops Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 And I am not hating. I find it rather nobel of Mr. Reeves that he is standing up for a cause that he believes in. I mean rumors have been going around the net about a Bebop movie for years and this is a step towards making it happen. I meant about anime >_> I can understand that you don't like it (except speed grapher xD), but do you have to keep saying it? Quote
Chris8282 Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Why would anyone turn an anime into a live-action movie? It's bad enough when it's in cartoon form. Quote
Ferret Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Even more tl;dr The lesson here is that you're getting your feathers in a ruffle over something that WASN'T EVEN YOUR BUSINESS to begin with. I mean for fuck's sake, man, stop trying to protect everyone because you fucking suck at it. Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 I want to post something, but I think I'll run like hell instead. Quote
glasfen Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 ...... I had hoped it was a rumor. Do they think he resembles the character? What reason could they have for choosing him? Audience draw? Unless he was cheap, I'm stumped. EDIT: All right, maybe, maybe it could be done... I just wish they would cast unknowns for a movie with this much potential. Quote
Jam Stunna Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Cowboy Bebop is my favorite anime ever. I don't care how you try to dress it up in some ironic sentiment about the dangers of fanboyism, but I love that show. And this live-action movie is going to be terrible, no matter how you slice it. It has nothing to do with America "breaking everything" or the casting or the producers or anything. It's just not a conversion that can work. How do you condense all of the subtext of Cowboy Bebop into 90 minutes (it's an action movie, no two hours here)? How do you communicate the tragedy of an entire cast who's futures are doomed by their pasts? It's not just that Spike was awesome, or Faye was hot, or Ed was funny. It was everything AROUND them: the syndicate, the ruined earth, the different architecture of the various planets in our solar system, the atmosphere of the show. That can't be put into a movie. That's exactly why they DIDN'T try it for the animated movie; if you didn't watch the series, the movie made no sense to you. But they're going to try, and they're going to fail. They're going to try and market it to as a wide an audience as possible; the casting of Keanu Reeves guarantees that (no matter what you think of him, his services are by no means cheap). Which means they're going to try and make the movie self contained, so that people who didn't watch the anime can follow the story. It won't work, because it's impossible. What's not said in the anime is even more important than what is. How do you put that into a movie? And without all that subtext, it's just a standard revenge tale, and Joe Moviegoer has a hundred of those to choose from. He's not going to watch the one with the stupid name. Call this a fanboy rant, because that's exactly what it is. This movie doesn't take anything away from one of my favorite shows ever, but it doesn't add to it either. So I don't want it to happen. I don't want all my nay-saying to be confirmed. Just leave it alone. You already got as much out of it as you could. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Ferret, cut the internet tough guy gimmick, it doesn't suit you. You're just gonna get banned here like you did in the IRC channel, but if you want to keep going round and round with people, go right ahead. On topic of course, the internet nerd rage is at an all time high on this one. It's like people's mothers are getting raped by keanu reeves. I'm enjoying it Quote
Ferret Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Hey, EdgeCrusher, I've got a newsflash for you. Nobody asked you, and nobody asked Dyne, so: Do yourself a favor. Take a step back, take a deep breath, and shut the fuck up. Please, for the love of God. Neither you nor he have to come running to shoot your mouth off just because I say something. It's old. It's tired. And nobody appreciates it. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 And what puts you in the "no wrong" zone there mister? Don't come in here jumping on someone's case calling them a fag just for saying something about the series. But go right ahead and keep on asperging here and get banned. We will continue the cowboy bebop talk. Quote
starla Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 It's too bad that ferret won't take other peoples advice to heart (obvious because rather than actually reposting it, he will do a "tl;dr") because people are really trying to help him out and ask him not to get himself banned. It's also too bad this thread is now about him. I want to post something, but I think I'll run like hell instead. This makes me sad. Please don't be afraid to post on our forums. In my honest opinion, I feel Keanu Reeves would do well in this role. It's unfortunate that so many people don't understand that during a live action film there is no way to replicate everything that is done in a cartoon, so they need to expect something different. It's got a cool story, and I think Keanu is actually a really great choice for the role. Quote
Atomicfog Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Call this a fanboy rant, because that's exactly what it is. This movie doesn't take anything away from one of my favorite shows ever, but it doesn't add to it either. So I don't want it to happen. I don't want all my nay-saying to be confirmed. Just leave it alone. You already got as much out of it as you could. So what if it doesn't add anything to it? There are lots of movies that don't add to other things, why does that matter? You can still watch the anime as much as you want, so really, I would like to know, why does it matter to you? I agree with you, there is no way they can do the entire series of Cowboy Bebop justice with only a movie, but that's not what it's intended to do. It's intended to be an entertaining live-action interpretation, nothing more, and similarly, the effect it will have on the show as it stands is nothing. In fact, if anything, it might inspire enough popularity within the series to warrant more episodes. As a Cowboy Bebop fan boy myself, I see no reason to rant. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 As long as they don't do a resident evil style setup where they go off in some random direction and have main characters in storylines that make no sense, then it can't be THAT bad. Quote
Stitch Faced Angel Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Cowboy Bebop is my favorite anime ever. I don't care how you try to dress it up in some ironic sentiment about the dangers of fanboyism, but I love that show. And this live-action movie is going to be terrible, no matter how you slice it. It has nothing to do with America "breaking everything" or the casting or the producers or anything. It's just not a conversion that can work. How do you condense all of the subtext of Cowboy Bebop into 90 minutes (it's an action movie, no two hours here)? How do you communicate the tragedy of an entire cast who's futures are doomed by their pasts? It's not just that Spike was awesome, or Faye was hot, or Ed was funny. It was everything AROUND them: the syndicate, the ruined earth, the different architecture of the various planets in our solar system, the atmosphere of the show. That can't be put into a movie. That's exactly why they DIDN'T try it for the animated movie; if you didn't watch the series, the movie made no sense to you. But they're going to try, and they're going to fail. They're going to try and market it to as a wide an audience as possible; the casting of Keanu Reeves guarantees that (no matter what you think of him, his services are by no means cheap). Which means they're going to try and make the movie self contained, so that people who didn't watch the anime can follow the story. It won't work, because it's impossible. What's not said in the anime is even more important than what is. How do you put that into a movie? And without all that subtext, it's just a standard revenge tale, and Joe Moviegoer has a hundred of those to choose from. He's not going to watch the one with the stupid name. Call this a fanboy rant, because that's exactly what it is. This movie doesn't take anything away from one of my favorite shows ever, but it doesn't add to it either. So I don't want it to happen. I don't want all my nay-saying to be confirmed. Just leave it alone. You already got as much out of it as you could. I don't post often in the forums, so sorry to just drop in here. I agree with Jam on this one. It is going to be hard as all hell to make a live action movie out of this, and it is going to be even harder for any fans, including myself, to even think that this is a good idea. To even think that someone wasted precious brain energy on an idea like this makes my head hurt in ways I never thought possible. Regardless of everyone's opinions (including mine), this will more then likely be as good of a movie as say, the Dragon Ball Movie, Street Fighter, Hard Target, The Watcher, A Walk in the Clouds, Hardball, and Ewoks Combined. Just my opinion. The series was something of style, and in depth story telling. If there is anything that American movie making has taught me over the years, is that it will take this series and and make it into something that will have little to know style, and will take the story line and make it into a monster with more tumors than the Abomination. It is just going to be hard for a group of American film makers to take a 26 episode Japanese series (and movie) and make a 90 minute movie with an actor that has a resume of crap movies and about 5-7 good ones, and keep the vision that was intended from the original creators. /rant Quote
Sindra Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Heath Ledger could have been Spike. Srsly. Quote
Tricklozen Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Maybe some good music will come out of this. Quote
OverCoat Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Why would anyone turn an anime into a live-action movie? It's bad enough when it's in cartoon form. Quote
Skrypnyk Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 leave it to overcoat to bring some sense into this thread. Quote
Dyne Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Well, I'm done talking to and about a person who simply refuses to take simple advice. Truly, I'm done. On topic, however, I have to say that if they do this movie, at least let them get Yoko Kanno to write the music for it, and have none of that "Music Inspired By" bullshit. Also, I agree, Dakota Fanning as Ed, but can she pull off the insanity? Well, it's not really insanity, it's more like playful banter or something. Let's just hope they don't make this movie suck, period. I really enjoyed Cowboy Bebop, and I honestly don't think it needs a live action movie. I mean, look at other live action movies that were based on game franchises, then look at how successful or unsuccessful they were. That should be enough to make them rethink this idea. Then is Hollywood, and they're going to make money however they want to. Quote
OverCoat Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Yoko Kanno doesn't need to write any more Cowboy Bebop music. The full soundtrack plus the limited edition soundtrack is 14 CDs. That's like 10 or 11 more discs than the actual anime needs. Quote
Brushfire Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Still doesn't hold a candle to the full works of Neon Genesis Evangelion, which has I kid you not 22 different albums ranging from 1 to 6 discs a pop. I know, I own them all... I am kinda ashamed of that. Quote
Dyne Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Brushfire, don't be ashamed to own music, even if it's from an Anime. It's still music, and still good to have. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted January 18, 2009 Posted January 18, 2009 Nothing wrong with Evangelion stuff. I got so much shit for having the complete series on dvd though. I thought it was good. Quote
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