Gonsai The Mysterious Scr Posted December 25, 2002 Posted December 25, 2002 The lyrics are repulsive. This remix is very, very annoying. I can't believe that people give this sort of crap any praise at all. People that like this must be the same type of people that like Wayne's World or Austin Powers. In other words, they like things that are profoundly annoying. Oh hush, you insignifigant little mizer. No one cares about your idea of what the hell comedy is. This isn't art school or Juliard school for the Performing Arts. This is OverClocked ReMix. Let Shael have his fun and you take care of having a 2X4 shoved up your butt for the rest of us and leave us out of you pissy moaning about how much this remix sucks and how we aren't allowed to have fun here, you stupid little peon. What? I'm sorry, I can't here you... You say I've offended you? I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!!!! You can give your opinion about the remix, buddy, but this isn't the place to lower everyone else who happened to chuckle even slightly at this quite comical song. Go to Hell, Jodo. It will be a lot more pleasent than what I'd do to you if you started berating me like that in person... Quote
ckmike Posted December 25, 2002 Posted December 25, 2002 The music is awful. But the lyrics are classic! The only annoying about it is when he says "you know" in that awful canadian accent. Must have! Quote
Christopher7XII Posted December 25, 2002 Posted December 25, 2002 profoundly annoying. Profoundly... annoying... Something about that line just makes me think stupid is loose here. Makes me wonder what series on panelists gave their approval and this was deemed annoying? I enjoy it on account of the humor... Heh, kinda like the begining of that Bubble Bobble remix by djpretzel... and the insanity that followed it =) ------- Eitherway, I liked the Music of the Groin... Me and my friends were laughin' over that for some time. Fun little piece, and everyone else said... Afterwards you wonder how disfigured one's groin must be to look like Link. Quote
Doc Shinryuu Posted January 20, 2003 Posted January 20, 2003 Wow... That's all I can say... The fact that someone would be crazy enough to make something like this is just... Insane. Due to this insanity, I give "Zelda: The Music of My Groin" a 9/10. Could be better, but it's catchy, and it's insanity on level with Wierd Al and Dr. Demento. Quote
Fygee Posted January 21, 2003 Posted January 21, 2003 The lyrics are repulsive. This remix is very, very annoying. I can't believe that people give this sort of crap any praise at all. People that like this must be the same type of people that like Wayne's World or Austin Powers. In other words, they like things that are profoundly annoying. You don't laugh very often do you. Quote
Shael Riley Posted January 21, 2003 Posted January 21, 2003 The music is awful. But the lyrics are classic! The only annoying about it is when he says "you know" in that awful canadian accent. Must have! I had no idea I was doing a Canadian accent at the time but it seems that I was, inadvertently. I'm not Cannadian, though. I'm from New York! Downstate New York, even! Quote
Straziante Posted January 21, 2003 Posted January 21, 2003 The lyrics are repulsive. This remix is very, very annoying. I can't believe that people give this sort of crap any praise at all. People that like this must be the same type of people that like Wayne's World or Austin Powers. In other words, they like things that are profoundly annoying. Hence the reason why you should sit down with your family and listen to this now! Wholesome family entertainment that the kids will love! If they don't, make the little bastards like it! Quote
Mogrothir Posted January 22, 2003 Posted January 22, 2003 I have to say that after I heard this song, I IMMEDIATELY burned it onto a CD and now listen to it at least once everyday. It has to be THE FUNNIEST song I've ever heard, and EVERY time someone asks me what I'm listening to, I play it for them. I DO NOT want to know where the inspiration for the song came from, but I do have to say keep up the good work. This is a masterpiece. If your next pieces are anything like this one, I will be a fan of yours for a LONG time. Quote
Bagel Fuzzynuts Posted January 22, 2003 Posted January 22, 2003 *LMAO* Oh my god, that's the funniest crap I've heard in a long time. Quality is crappy, but the song's hilarious. It might be worth a remix (which might provide an even greater laugh....) Quote
Malefactor Posted January 29, 2003 Posted January 29, 2003 Sheal Riley, I am your biggest fan. I know the words to every one of you’re songs. You rock hard like a mullet! If I were a gay man, I'd sex you up... and we'd make lil'Shael clone babies. They're names would be Groin, Groiny, Groinetta, and Mathew G. Riley. Guess what the G stands for. It stands for Gus! Wait... what did you think it stood for? Honestly. You'd think you’re future gay husband would know his youngest child's middle name. Quote
Lurch Posted January 31, 2003 Posted January 31, 2003 I heard the zelda theme on a cell phone today and you know what the first thing that came to my mind was......"groin". This song sticks in your head worse than an Huey Lewis and the News song. Quote
Ice Sage Posted February 23, 2003 Posted February 23, 2003 [MUSICALPURIST]Oh God...this song is utter crap. The music is unoriginal and the lyrics are awful.[/MUSICALPURIST] Ok now I'm done being the musical purist and I can just be me. This has to be the funniest Zelda song I have ever heard since "Link Came to Town." I was cracking up the entire time! *listens to it again* Quote
PassivePretentiousness Posted February 24, 2003 Posted February 24, 2003 AAAHHHH!!!!! NO REFERENCES TO COWS, YOU FOOL! Umm... that randomness aside, I feel that this song should set a true example for all other remixers, even those without vocal talent. Fart jokes and poor random humor made cartoon network popular, so why not use it to expand our little community of video game music. 7/8, only because he runs out of things to say at the end and repeats himself Quote
The Hiryuu Posted February 25, 2003 Posted February 25, 2003 The lyrics are repulsive. This remix is very, very annoying. I can't believe that people give this sort of crap any praise at all. People that like this must be the same type of people that like Wayne's World or Austin Powers. In other words, they like things that are profoundly annoying. And people like you must be those without a sense of humor. In other words, you have a rod up your ass. Quote
Trax Posted February 27, 2003 Posted February 27, 2003 Well, seeing how some people criticize this "song" and how the other ones bash them only twice as hardly as the critics did in the first place, I don't think neither sides respect the other's opinions. When I first downloaded this song, I had an idea that it would be some silly recording which is stupid on purpose, and that makes the tune funny, for certain kind of people. But even with that in mind, after hearing the first 20 seconds, my face got down a bit, since it was not what I was expecting from remix.overclocked.org, especially after listening to some excellent techno and orchestral masterpieces. Personally, I think it's far from what I consider funny, not really what I think makes me laugh either. But I agree that some people find it funny, especially the ones who actually took part in the creation of the song. People should be less rude when expressing their feelings about a creation, though... Quote
Dougzee Posted March 21, 2003 Posted March 21, 2003 This song rocks. For everyone who doesnt like it: Can you honestly say you've sat there through a video game, listening to its music, and never thought up lyrics for the wordless songs in the game? This dude just did us all one better and -recorded- what he thought up as lyrics. I should start doing that..It rocks. I cant stop listening to this song. And even if I could, I refuse to do so. -Doug Quote
lefty Posted April 11, 2003 Posted April 11, 2003 if your groin starts making music... be afraid.... BE VERY AFRAID.... Quote
rebirth9283 Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 Well... Uh... For the first time in my life, I'm speechless. Twenty posts down the road to reviewing every remix on this site, and I run into this. It would be pointless to debate musical theory, decency, or even the basics of tact here. I think Mr. Riley has done something that not even I can be long-winded about. I'll just give you the awards and be done with it. =Fit For Human Consumption= =Stamp of General Weirdity= Quote
Ruby-Eyes Lynx Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 Holy crap-monkeys on a stick, Batman! This mix has got to be...the strangest thing I have ever heard in my life...It's not something I would listen to religiously, but it's indeed quite the musical stunt. Kudos for thinking up the strangest Zelda ReMix I will probably ever hear in my entire life. Quote
Hostile Rabbi Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 The first openly gay remix on OC. J/P Very, very wierd stuff. 10/10 for originality though. Quote
Shael Riley Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 -]The first openly gay remix on OC.J/P Very, very wierd stuff. 10/10 for originality though. hehe. Well, the body of work can speak for itself. The author, however, is not gay and, in fact, is dating a rather atractive woman who dressed up as Lulu from Final Fantasy X at last year's Magfest. And thanks for the praise I'm amazed that this is still getting reviews after almost three years. Sweet! Quote
DarkeSword Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 (I WAS A COMPLETE IDIOT WHEN I JOINED THIS SITE) Zircon, to be fair, this mix is about 3 years old, and was accepted at a time when the acceptance criteria were a bit more umm...lenient. A lot of older mixes on this site wouldn't stand a chance today. OCR has evolved and changed since then. It's a joke mix, yeah, and it's not for everyone, but think about it: because of THIS song, you're not going to donate to OCR? What about all the GOOD music on this site? Don't you think that counts for something? As for UnMod...no comment. Anyway, just something to think about. edit: I should probably post my review of this song, seeing as how I finally listened to it just now. I didn't really think it's as funny as people say it is. The guitar was nice tho. Good job Shael. Quote
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