djpretzel Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
ffmusic dj Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 Finally!! it's posted! the orgy of this song is amazing and bright with colors, I love all the aspects of this song, espically the instruments used to make this song. nice use fo drums and lead synth, OMG this freash from SGX's lap and smokin hot!! a absolute recommend form FFmusic Dj to you guys. Quote
sgx Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 Heyheyhey. This version is the actual SHORT version of the mix . If you want a full 9 minutes of this, you can grab it at my page (8.3mb). Please do check that version. It made me sad to cut it down for OC . Edit: is going down. You can get it now at or EDIT: I'll also temporarily host a high quality mp3 of the long version. (11.5mb) EDIT: Not available any more. EDIT 2: For your 160kbps 9 min, 10.3 mb version. Quote
Meiguoren Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 I've been loving the original version of this mix for months now (the nine minute long track) and I have to say that this piece still impresses me to no end. I was very pleased to discover that this OCR Edit manages to maintain every aspect of the original without losing anything whatsoever. I have had it on my Walkman for at least four months and I end up listening to it every third or fourth walk I embark upon. This song is amazingly beautiful and only helps to amplify the beauty of the natural world that exists around me as I travel. The dialouge from the game is used quite well and the transitions are easy to handle, nothing too sharp or jarring. The piece just flows too well. The song itself weaves quite easily into the background of whatever the listener may be doing. But it is never so far gone that your thoughts do not register the pacing and the flow and your heart rate may increase as the piece builds to a super intense climax. The music of one SuperGreenX is like the band-aid that your mother placed upon your six year old knee. It just makes everything better. This is one of the first trance pieces that ever made me sit up and pay attention. I first listened to this before I had ever seen Ico in action, and it inspired me to finally hunt the game down, an action that I do not regret. Quote
GrayLightning Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 Very pleasant indeed. Good to see this finally up on OC. Congratulations SGX. Quote
McNoods Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 There are many sweet things about this mix. Besides the fact that 'save me' coming from a save theme kinda makes me chuckle, I think the mix is the best mix that SGX has put out. And he puts out a lot. Of mixes. Right, so like I'd probably say this is my favorite trance song. I'm relatively new to the trance genre, having only listened to it a decent amount for like half a year or so or somethin, but there's something about this song in particular that stands out over others. Its diversity and varying elements have a wide range of appeal that I think allows for a large group of listeners to enjoy it. The whole song in entirety just sounds... epic. This mix is teh hotness. Listen to it now if you haven't already. Kthx. Quote
Joe Redifer Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 Excellent! I downloaded, listened, and enjoyed. So why did I delete the MP3 file after only one listen? Because the high-quality longer version is even better! Thanks for offering that, SuperGreenX. I like good melody and this tune definitely has that. I don't remember much music from ICO, though. Oh well. That doesn't stop me from enjoying this. Quote
MC Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 I think this is your most moving work to date, and I'll almost be disappointed if you ever eclipse it, because I like what you've done here so much. I really enjoy the senses of urgency and desperation I get from listening to this... you know I wanted to do a right treatment of the piece in a remix of this remix but I couldn't get off the ground, mainly because I couldn't come up with a way to encapsulate in music what you had. This is my favorite of yours. Hats off, gentlemen--genius! Quote
Xelebes Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 I must concur that techno fill you got there was uber nice. This has more energy that is more my thing. Quote
Fray Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 I totally flipped for this one when I first heard it a few months back, and the effect has not worn off yet after what's probably over 100 listens. This is (no exaggeration) one of my favorite pieces of music ever. I'm not gonna waste OCR bandwidth d/ling the short version, so I won't be commenting on that... Thx for posting the high quality one though! You know I'm gettin me some of that Quote
endblink Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 This is, hands down, my favourite SGX ReMix. It's not good; it's fucking BRILLIANT. Quote
DarkeSword Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 You know how much I love the full version man. This is hands down one of my favorite songs. Period. I think you've done an excellent job constructing an excellent smooth texture with this song, and the balance between everything is just right. Excellent work man, as always. SOLID™ Quote
Sweet and Sexy Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 ICO = one of the best games ever Trance= Sucks But I'll keep this one because it's from ICO and it's pretty good. And I loved the Save Couch theme. ICO IS BETTER THAN YOU! PLAY IT NOW DUMBASS! Quote
solid_blue_ico Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 I actually like the short version better. Only slightly better though. Both versions are great. I plan on burning them to CD when OCR gets enough ICO Remixes Quote
HUNGRYWOLF Posted October 19, 2003 Posted October 19, 2003 I don't read this forum or post any replies, but I thought I had to say something about this ReMix, coming from one of my favorite games. It's great to see an Ico ReMix, but I can't say I like this too much. The original Ico sound track wasn't much as stand-alone music (that is to say it was meant to be heard while playing the game, not on its own -- the structure of a stand-alone track is fundamentally different than that of an ambient track) but it was great stuff nonetheless. This ReMix is a little too incoherent. I normally hate all techno-ish stuff, because techno tends to focus on flashy effects and not on intelligent arrangement (personally I prefer arrangement to flash, such as with ReMixes like BottledMetro from Sonic 2 (sorry, I forget the author)). It's a decent Mix, even if it is just techno-fying an ambient track, rather than working with the original track to make it more of a stand-alone composition worth listening to on its own. But it's the type of thing you listen to once then forget about, moving on to more intelligent tracks like SunkenSuite (Super Mario 64) or aneurysm's TheDarkReachesofSMW (now that's what I call a ReMix). (I don't listen to music to "zone out" or anything like that. In fact, I'm insulted when people say that music is for "zoning out", because in a way such a statement is akin to calling all musicians drug dealers.) I admit the ReMixer didn't have much to work with in regard to source material, but this ReMix gives me the idea he doesn't really understand the original track very well. It's kind of like how The RZA rapped over O-Ren Ishii's theme on the Kill Bill OST (a track that appeared rap-less in the movie). Of course you're all free to insult me or start in with the "who the hell are you to say such a thing" nonsense, about how no interpretation is wrong or right and blah blah blah subjective wishy-washiness until the end of time, etc., but like I said I don't read these forums so I won't be back anytime soon. Sayounara and keep working hard. Quote
SaintWeb Posted October 20, 2003 Posted October 20, 2003 Oh great, I have a NEW favorite song. You rock, SuperGreenX. Seriously, I'm really shocked and amazed at how he actually took a game with a very minimalistic soundtrack and turned it into an absolutely awesome trace tune - and I usually hate trance. This one's on my favorites list for sure, and it just goes to show why SuperGreenX is my favorite remixer on this site. Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted October 20, 2003 Posted October 20, 2003 I picked this track up months ago and instantly fell in love with it. I listened to it constantly, and burned it onto a CD I played all the time. It fell out of my rotation though when I got sick of the CD and my computer crashed. But now, listening to it again, I've yet again got a raging Coke-bottle sized erection from the sheer awesomeness of this song. There is nothing unsatisfactory about it. I wouldn'y go as far as some of you crazies in saying it's one of my favorite songs ever because that's simply not true. (and in fact, I find it frightening some of you think that) However, I love this track to no end, and plan very much on keeping it on my Winanmp playlist for a long time. Quote
Ellie Posted October 20, 2003 Posted October 20, 2003 A friend of mine sent me a recommendation for the long version of this mix. Downloaded it and I love it! It's fabulous! (And I've never even played the game, nor heard of it until I checked out this mix. Don't hurt me.) My fav is about halfway through where the beat switches up on ya but it still all comes back together in the end. Well done! Quote
Snyderman Posted October 20, 2003 Posted October 20, 2003 This ReMix is a little too incoherent. I normally hate all techno-ish stuff, because techno tends to focus on flashy effects and not on intelligent arrangement (personally I prefer arrangement to flash, such as with ReMixes like BottledMetro from Sonic 2 (sorry, I forget the author)). So you're saying you prefer when a track (or two in Bottled Metro's case) is copied almost verbatim? Then what's the point of remixing it? If the original is good, I'll listen to it in its unadultered form, no point in wasting my time listening to a remix with merely higher quality instruments. As for this mix by SGX, excellent. I've never played ICO, but I love this track. It's one of those long songs that doesn't feel too long (like Wanderer Flayer by Bart Klepta or BrinstarBenLewis... good songs but a tad too long). Quote
z38stinger Posted October 20, 2003 Posted October 20, 2003 sgx.istheman == true; if(sgx.istheman==true){ thissong.rulzeverything==true; thissong.ismynewfave==true; } self.votesformoresongslikethisfromSGX==true; // Quote
Nigel Simmons Posted October 21, 2003 Posted October 21, 2003 Damn, dance/techno again? All techno sounds cheesey to me, and it all sounds the same. Why do people like to remix in techno more than anything? Quote
osamasmama Posted October 21, 2003 Posted October 21, 2003 ThE UnInViTeD <---one of these days ill learn how to shpell, anyway i can see why you guys saying this is a good mix, and i have to agree it is good but it its not the best, sorry Quote
GrayLightning Posted October 21, 2003 Posted October 21, 2003 Damn, dance/techno again? All techno sounds cheesey to me, and it all sounds the same. Why do people like to remix in techno more than anything? I sympathize given that electronica is not my music of choice either. But as a listener I listen to mixes based on quality, regardless of genre. This mix is just really great. Call it electronica or gangster rap (it isn't), I don't think it makes a difference. The composition and execution is extremely well done and that's really what matters when reviewing in a fair way anyway. You're not going to win over people with those kinds of comments though. Quote
sgx Posted October 21, 2003 Posted October 21, 2003 Damn, dance/techno again? All techno sounds cheesey to me, and it all sounds the same. Why do people like to remix in techno more than anything? Seriously, how does all 'techno' (this is trance, btw, kthx) sound the same? Every song has different/new synths and ideas. That is why I like electronic music: because it uses new sounds and is interesting every time. Orchestral music, Ork Estral, all sounds the same. The same set of intruments is used over and over again. I like orchestral music (I use strings quite often in my music) and I'm not bashing it, but saying that electronic music all sounds the same coming from someone who does orchestral music is ridiculous. Thanks for the constructive criticism. Quote
bartkusa Posted October 21, 2003 Posted October 21, 2003 I love reading the condescending comments from the elitists. "Techno sucks, blah." I'm sure you get enrage when you hear someone say "Classical music is sooooo boring" when talking about something from the Romantic period or something. Shut your face and let people enjoy their genre of choice. Take the time to learn about electronic music, and you'll understand what a well-produced track this is. If you're not willing to spend the time to understand what you're talking about, then you really shouldn't be saying at all. It doesn't contribute anything to the review pool. If someone doesn't like techno, then they probably won't be checking out the reviews anyways. Quote
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