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HAHAHAHAHA! Oh god, it hurts.

I saw it coming a mile away and it was still hilarious. The best part is that the advice he gives is actually pretty good, and it sounds like he knows what he's talking about... but then he mucks it up anyway.


When I use 5/4 I think of the 5th beat more as the dramatic beat, most people naturally count the 4/4 and the 5th abrupts the pacing so it seems more uncertain. Depends how it's used though, it can give something more bounce. When it comes to time signatures when they stand alone they do their thing as they do, but when you combine them into a composition their uses become pacing techniques. I always count everything beat for beat, 5/4 and 7/4 have a similar vibe to me as the odd number creates an unforeseeable mood.

When I use 5/4 I think of the 5th beat more as the dramatic beat, most people naturally count the 4/4 and the 5th abrupts the pacing so it seems more uncertain. Depends how it's used though, it can give something more bounce.

Or alternatively you can use it to sort of mess with a waltz feeling people are expecting; a measure of 3/4, a measure of 2/4. There's a lovely jazz piece called Decoupage by the Stan Kenton Orchestra that plays with that a little. Even Take Five's classic piano line's first three beats makes you think of a jazz waltz.

I love all those time signatures like 5/4, 7/8, 7/4, etc. A lot of fun to play with.

(Transcript starting at 1:31)

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5

"..., 3, 4, 5

"1, 2, *breathes*

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5

"There is some 5/4 timing."

Wow, I never knew that you could adjust the timing of a track just by counting over the bar, especially by breathing. I LEARNED SOMETHING. =D

I still want to know if the guy is series or pulling a bad prank, though.

Ya know, behind closed doors, I've done the same thing while trying to get the hang of a weird time signature. I'm sure most of us have. I'm just smart enough to catch myself and make sure I've got the rhythm ingrained in my head before I do it in public. There are plenty of stupid, unaware people out there, so if this video is real, it doesn't seem too far out of the realm of possibility to me.

I don't think he's pulling a prank; I think he's completely serious.

Well there is another video of him doing an example of 6/8 timing, and he gets that spot on.

Not sure what he was thinking in the 5/4 video to be honest, but he gets the timing messed up when he counts as well, so I'm assuming that he knew that he had made the mistake which raises the question as to why he would post it on the internet.

Well, regardless as to whether it was intentional or not, it doesn't change the fact that the video is hilarious :P

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