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Anyone see this yet?

I went to a showing this afternoon with some friends after a 4-hour final exam this morning, and I've gotta say it was pretty cool. I never read any of the X-Men comics, so I can't comment on whether they got characters right or not, but just as an action movie fan I enjoyed it.


I saw it today with my wife. She hasn't seen much of the comics, so she was spared many a facepalm. I had many, however. I won't spoil the movie, but I will say it has plenty of action, awesome fight scenes and testesterone up the wah-zoo. For hardcore fans, well...just view at your own risk.


Well, when I first saw the teaser for the movie, I was excited, then I saw the trailer for the movie, and the action in it was just like, wha? And my suspicions for the movie were correct of if it was going to be bad (at least for me). Look, I don't go to movies for realism, nor do I expect it (I'm of the very few that probably enjoyed Indiana Jones 4). But at least make most of it consistent as you can.

It did some of the Wolverine comics okay, but that's from what I know of Wolverine. I liked some of the cameos, but even then, some of them just didn't seem that necessary, or important.

Oh well, at least Star Trek comes out next week...


Awful, just awful.

How many times does Wolverine yell at the overhead camera as it zoomes out and pans over the landscape? Like 4 times?

That was cliche in 1985.


Deadpool - raped him. Utterly raped him.


The only thing I enjoyed was the performance and characterization of the Blob, but the boxing scene? Utterly retarded.

Fuck the movie, but get the game. Best semi movie tie in game ever made. Fact. If you like god of war, you will love this. Download the demo on live or psn.
IAWTC. Had a blast with the PC version last night, even if it is horribly repetitive at times. But man, the brutal violence and array of different moves definitely makes up for it.

As for the movie, two words: mute Deadpool. I rarely ever read comics and even that pissed me off.


I see where this thread is going now that more have seen it.

I'm beginning to agree about Deadpool, he's a good character in the comics, and he was woefully under used in the movie, then again, this is about Wolverine here. At least Stan Lee didn't make his 8 billionth cameo in this movie (sorry, he's been in enough comic book movies now)....

I'm very hopeful for Star Trek, counting the days till Terminator, and amped to see Transformers.

Yeah, I know Transformers 2 is going to have just as much ridiculous action as Wolverine, but at least that's what I expect from Michael Bay. Plus, the special effects will look way more realistic than it did with some of Wolverine (at least to me).


I'm the lame-o guy in the theater who sort of knew X-Men but didn't know who deadpool was, and I thought the movie was okay. Cheesy to the max, but all the X-Men movies are.

I wish they had more Gambit though :(


There were some pretty terrible parts (HEY LEMME FIRE MAH LASER TO DESTROY THIS ENTIRE TOWER EVEN THOUGH I'M DEAD), but I was still entertained. Made me want to go out and fight someone or do something though, lol. Also, what the hell, if Hugh Jackman really doesn't do steroids then he must actually be Wolverine...


I loled at this

There are rumours that one possible ending has Hugh Jackman's Wolverine disembowel 'The Pirate Bay Four', the owners of a torrent tracking website who were found guilty of copyright infringement earlier this month, after mistaking them as the source for the film being leaked on to the internet.

I can't wait for any possibly good memes to come out of the movie. :lol:


This movie has Gambit in it?

Is he awesome? Gambit was always the awesomest X-man. I mean, his power is "makes stuff explode". And he's Cajun. And he beats people to death with a big stick.

He better be awesome.

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