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What's so bad about the guy? He also does other things besides his version of game reviews(which I've been watching since he called himself the Angry Nintendo Nerd) that are pretty good.


He always came off as being too fucking nitpicky for my tastes.

Of course now that I'm doing video game reviews, I'm starting to be likened to him. :|

He always came off as being too fucking nitpicky for my tastes.

Of course now that I'm doing video game reviews, I'm starting to be likened to him. :|

It's not like they're 100% serious reviews though. He purposely tries to nitpick every flaw that he can find.


Y'know, I just realized the last time I took a number rating seriously on any game was when my PSM subscription ended five years ago.

I've been totally relying on the opinions of people I know personally, since.

I'm a big fan - it was great seeing him at MAGfest. His reviews definitely aren't serious. The AVGN is really a character, not HIS personality.

This is true. I'm not saying he's bad as a PERSON. He's probably a really fun guy who I'd be happy to hang with. I guess the fangirl in me takes things a wee bit too seriously at times.


Nekofrog and I have watched his reviews since 2007. Some are pretty awesome, others are okay, but we enjoy what he does. His early stuff is extremely hilarious (Bible Games, I'm looking at you).

Now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't watched the videos he put up for April. I really should do that.


You guys have to see the "Dick Tracy for the NES" review. If that didn't give you a sign that he's just "in character" of the AVGN I don't know what will. :lol:

Bible Adventures review was fucking funny along with some chuckles with his Michael Jackson's "Moonwalker" review.

I'm a big fan - it was great seeing him at MAGfest. His reviews definitely aren't serious. The AVGN is really a character, not HIS personality.

Yeah, he wasn't in character at all at MAGFest. It was sort've odd, I expected him to act a little bit like the Nerd maybe at the start of his panel, but no, he was just kind of chill the whole time. All my friends and I got our pictures with him!

Fake ZOMG NERDRAGE doesn't amuse me at all.

I don't like Stephen Colbert either.

Have you ever played Silver Surfer or TMNT 1? They actually are that frustrating, if not more so. Yeah, the AVGN is a character, but it's funny because we all can empathize with playing (and being disappointed in) shitty games. Quit trying to be cool by hating on popular stuff.


AVGN fan here. I totally agree with his Silver Surfer review, ironically, yet I still love that game... probably due to my countless hours invested into beating the damn thing (and the awesome soundtrack).

Personally, I find that his jokes have been slightly lacking as of late, but he's still quite good. He's funny, yet looks at the games as a critic and a gamer. It's rare to find someone like that (Zero Punctuation is funny and a critic, but you know I tend to get the 'non-gamer' vibe from that guy... Not saying he isn't one, it's just the feel of his videos).

Actually, the 'nerdrage' parts generally aren't that great, imo, but the cracks he makes at the games are priceless.


Love the guy, and have seen all of his reviews so far. I'm not too crazy about the "stunts" he pulls in his reviews, like when he tenderized Bugs Bunny, but sometimes it's still funny.

His battle with the devil was fricking epic...

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