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Very nice re-interpretation, but being a trumpet player myself, I'm going to be a little harsh on the trumpet portion. It sounds like you're slowing your air down when you hold some of the notes. As another poster here said, you go from sounding beautiful to sounding like a 5th grader =(. please don't take this as a nasty comment, because I did think that you had very good tone at parts, but this remix would be much better with a more sustained trumpet sound.

Very nice re-interpretation, but being a trumpet player myself, I'm going to be a little harsh on the trumpet portion. I don't know if you're slowing your air down or what, but as another poster here said, you go from sounding beautiful to sounding like a 5th grader. Don't take this as a nasty comment please, because I did think that you had very good tone at parts, but this remix would be awesome with a more sustained trumpet sound.

One of the reasons I sound like a 5th grader is that i when i started recording this, I hadn't touched my horn in a few months (and it's been several years since I've practiced regularly). My chops were never outstanding, but when this was recorded my options were to do the trumpet parts myself on what little proficiency my lips could muster, or use synth patches. I hate brass synth patches. They're lame.

P.S. One look at your sig shows me that you ARE in fact a real trumpet player ;)


My first post. :D I think this remix was done very well. However, I do have a request of the trumpet playing. I don't know if you were trying to play softly and that made it sound gagged but I really would have liked a more solid sound and some vibrato, the duet is great but it would have been so much better with solidity. I do not doubt the musical talent, being able to play that many instruments says a lot. That is my only complaint. :)


I personally like this very much. I hum "bastardized" versions of video game tunes all the time, so I don't have the same kind of knee-jerk "no!" reaction to new interpretations of the tunes./editorial

The organ solo is awesome and all, but that first part with the trumpets is the one that pulls the heartstrings and captures the imagination. Great stuff.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Quite possibly my favorite remix on this site. The jazz-inspired motif is an excellent choice, and the trumpets really bring out the regal mood of the Figaros. The organ solo near the end adds to the originality of this piece, and that is what I like about it. It's absolutely original. Congratulations on a job well done.

  • 4 months later...

I must begin with an often-heard "I love OCRemix!"

I've been "lurking" about here for a while, and recently (September, as you can see to the left) registered as a member here. Needless to say, this site is a blast, and I've finally got into the swing of things to start requesting ReMixes of music I like, as you will see on the Request forum...

When djpretzel said this site was originally made to combine... I hate the term "old"... Game music of the past with new, modern techniques, and to expand the musical horizons of musicians kept herein, I think he may have forgotten the impact of these music interpretations upon the general viewing public... Now I am not an ordinary teenager (15, as a matter of fact *cringes as the expected people stop listening immediately at the sound of his age*), but I have never had too strong of a passion for jazz. I mainly orient my tastes around rock (classic and modern), pop, electronica, classical orchestra, and other genres. This song, I believe, puts a few jazzy songs into a certain perspective for me, personally, and may open me up to future jazz songs.

JigginJonT (I feel abbreviated names for people to be looked up to as demeaning, no offense to those who don't, or feel the opposite), this is an awesome remix from an awesome game. Keep up the good work, and draw more people... maybe even those "young whippersnappers" the youth are often called... into your circle of music...

And that goes for all of you here!

  • 5 months later...

This is one of my favorite remixes here so far. The arrangement is amazing, with so many textures, if you know what I mean. I love the floating piano and guitar bits towards the end.

Overall it has a solemn tone... it really does something interesting with the original theme.

This is just great music. This is the kind of music that makes me love this site.

  • 5 months later...

8O D.O.W.N.L.O.A.D.I.M.M.E.D.I.A.T.E.L.Y. 8O

Seriously, this could have come from an arranged Final Fantasy soundtrack. It is just awesome. The transition to smooth jazz at 1:54 and what comes after it is simply jawdropping.

  • 1 month later...
Allthough the original is a statement of freedom, this song definetly ISN'T. It's meant to be a musical journey detailing Sabin's exile from Figaro. The emotions being conveyed are sadness, mourning, and a hope that lies buried underneath all of that. Why would I want to re-create the exact setting of the theme when you can just listen to the MIDI?

Sadness eh? Then how do you explain that part at 2:19? That was a pure jazz arrangement to be sure, very nice done, and the rest of the whole remix was actually a very sad trumpet in exile. My family actually have a trumpet, but I can only manage to blow air through it. How do you play that thing?!

Very solid mix JonT, did it all by yourself and got in my opinion a good remix with a soothing trumpet and piano with a slight touch of jazz. Bravo.

  • 1 month later...

I cant think of anything bad about this song, and there's no reason too. Usually, it's best if a artist sticks with a compatible title, but hearing someone double-fist out an organ solo, you honestly don't care anymore. I love the song, and it makes a amazing Listerine to rinse out the taste of other....well, nevermind that. The point is that I've been downloading for a while, and this song made me register just to say how utterly brilliant it is. This is, without a doubt, my favorite song on OCRemix, with "Seized with Fury" as a close second. Thank you for a trip I can keep on taking for a long time.

  • 6 months later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...

The live quality keeps me coming back to this. There's a humanistic air about this that adds so much to the emotive aspects of the theme. I'm all for synth instruments, but in this instance, the outcome of actually performing this was an extremely smart and productive move.

Of all the instruments, the drums stick out as the weakest. But it almost doesn't matter. This mix isn't supposed to be flashy and robust. Merely emotive. And that it is. The trumpets sound incredible, and as per usual, JJT is a master of the ivory. The organ solo, whilst unnecessary, also sounds great.

I could have listened to five minutes of this, even if it were just just the piano and trumpets. Everything else is just spoiling me. I wish we'd see more mixes convey the feelings and conviction present here. I'm a massive fan of this mix, and what it stands for.

  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Right out of the gate, great trumpet playing Jon. It was a good performance and was captured well. The piano accompaniment was a great driving force. It's almost something that I would hear in Final Fantasy 11, but much better produced! The slight panning of the trumpets was a good way to seperate the parts to have them heard easier.

The drums, while I liked the beat, felt thin. The gut bustin' clav/organ solo was great, but the drums needed more meat behind them to really drive them! The bass is groovin' left and right. Like it. The acoustic guitar was a nice element, but could've used a little less verb. In fact, the song kind of feels like its drowning in parts from it when everything kicks in. I only bring it up cause it drowns out the awesome parts.

This is a rare occasion where the fade out worked well. Great job Jon!

  • 1 year later...

Oh yes. This was one of the first FFVI remixes I fell in love with many years ago. I never paid attention to how old this actually was, and it surprised me when I saw the posting date. Sure, the drums sounded a little weak and the solo never worked for me, but the beauty in the from of trumpets, guitar and piano made up for it by a hundred miles... The arrangement is just perfect.

This is an OCR classic for me, and listening to it still gets me emotionally invested like so many years ago.

  • 8 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01081 - Final Fantasy VI "Anthem of Exile"

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