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I don't care if the game was pure shit on top of a urine smoothee: I still wanted to play DNF. They started losing me at "land of the babes", but I even tolerated Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (me and my middle brother would spend hours sniping each other), and Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project (I still have my copy of it). Duke Nukem 3d was the Demotion Man equivalent to the FPS world: take common action cliches, make ridiculous characters and story, and set loose the destruction. One liners and hillarious sexuality abound, it so begged for the sequel, even 12+ years in the making. If it was all a vaporware joke, and I'll admit to having laughed at them along the way, it was a very cruel joke. I always kept the thought in the back of my mind whenever replaying DN3D that "one day, one day the sequel will come. It may be total crap, but it'll come."

If it gets leaked or eventually released, great, but even if you thought 3d realms didn't deserve to stay open as long as it did, the bottom line that everyone can agree on is that now even more people are without jobs in this terrible economy.

I'm going to go play some 360 arcade DN3d later...I just hope my controller doesn't short circuit in the tears I cry whilst freezing some aliens and then kicking their corpses into icicles.

I'm really hoping someone steps in to save it, just because even if it's a trainwreck, I'm curious to see what 13 years of game development yields.

Every play Prey on the 360 or PC? It's probably be something like that.

I liked Prey.

Every play Prey on the 360 or PC? It's probably be something like that.

I liked Prey.

Played the demo, never really could get into it.

Unfortunately, the more I think about it, the less I think we'll ever see DNF completed (as if today's news isn't enough indication). I mean if the game was that good or close to being complete and barely competent, Take 2 could've marketed this out as a Rockstar-something release, and the resulting T&A and political incorrectness alone would've probably moved a couple million copies.

One day the story behind the game might make for an interesting book, or magazine article, depending how much time was really dedicated to making the game instead of announcing and retracting release dates...

If it really is dead and never to be revived, expect the code to eventually start leaking onto the web in way or another.


Haha, thus ends the golden age. They had a good run, and probably set the record for a good many years. Let us toast our glasses to the failure of this venture *clink*

Haha, thus ends the golden age. They had a good run, and probably set the record for a good many years. Let us toast our glasses to the failure of this venture *clink*

I'd wager the "devs" are toasting too. For a completely different reason.

"Here's to the longest and most costly running joke in gaming history, as made by us."

Also, see this amusing little comic on the topic:


What's REALLY sad here is that, given 13 years, a dedicated fan effort could easily have produced something playable & commercially viable by now, that could have been marketed with compensation to those involved. We could have done the music. It could have been beautiful.

Well, what's happening to the DN franchise now, and who owns the title? Depending on circumstances, something like this could still be done under a different publisher.

Well, what's happening to the DN franchise now, and who owns the title? Depending on circumstances, something like this could still be done under a different publisher.

It's all 3DR's property, as far as I know. Take-Two just had publishing rights for DNF. It's up to whatever's left of 3DR if they want to find someone to make the game for them or let it die.

At least we still have Duke Nukem Trilogy to look forward to.


Call me a stupidly optimistic, but I was actually looking forward to seeing DNF. All the teasers, occasional screenshots and whatnot, gave me some small glimmer of hope that the sequel might actually turn out to be a decent FPS. Not great or spectacular, but at least decent.

Hope someone picks this up and brings the long running saga of DNF to a close with a release... preferably before we all die on 12/12/2012.

What's REALLY sad here is that, given 13 years, a dedicated fan effort could easily have produced something playable & commercially viable by now, that could have been marketed with compensation to those involved. We could have done the music. It could have been beautiful.

Very true. Even if it were just a mod using the Source and Havok engines (something that the fans are using effectively with the GoldenEye remake) it could really be a great game. Maybe a team can get together and make it happen. And OCR doing the music would be excellent.

...preferably before we all die on 12/21/2012.


And I would love to see this done in my life but that probably wont happen.

13 years of game development. Wow.


Ok, that's it. I don't want to live in a world where DNF is not in development.

Do you think we could start some sort of fund raising effort online? I want this game to exist in some fashion, it just feels wrong that after all these years, us fans who actually want to see it released just for the fact that no one believes it would be.

I mean, not like I would play it... well, maybe.

But I don't want this game to die like this. It doesn't take much, just a small effort, but I know the money could be found somewhere...

If 500 000 gamers were to donate 40$, They would have more than enough money to operate, and then the game would come out and...



1.) The idea is there, no doubt, but getting people to pitch in...

2.) Good Question.

If all the bits and pieces mentioned in various places (true or not) were put together it would go something like this:

1. George and Scott own equal parts of 3D Realms.

2. DNF taking forever to make costs tons of money.

3. Scott who is arguably the smarter businessman gets tired of this over time and doesn't want to dump his money into it anymore.

4. Scott looks to other things like Radar Group and newly launched Apogee Software LLC and leaves 3D Realms in Georges hands.

5. Scott is still technically a manager at 3D Realms but is effectively done with 3D Realms at that point.

6. Scott is now free to run companies as he sees fit without dealing with a 50% partner.

7. A year or so later George wasn't able to handle it, especially with lack of Scott's personal and financial cooperation.

8. Eventually funds begin to run low.

9. Since Scott is out, and so is money, George drives out to California to show Take 2 the game in an attempt to wow them into funding development to finish DNF.

10. Vague references were made to Take 2 possibly having (verbally) promising money, but didn't deliver.

11. When George requested the $5 million from Take 2 so DNF development could be funded.

12. Take 2 counter-offered with giving 3D Realms $30 million instead.... *IF*3D Realms sells all rights to the Duke IP. (currently Take2's only has publishing rights)

13. George\They refuse this and keep the Duke IP, instead shutting down the company and going on life support.

14. The purpose of not selling the IP is because the Duke IP still has the potential to make money, and it is their trademark. It would be like iD selling the Doom IP.

15. George is said to have previously went to iD Software and Epic in an attempt to make a deal with funding for them, but is turned down.

16. ..was also said to still have plans to contact other companies to make similar requests.

17. A company in a better position to spend $5 million, such as EA or Microsoft are seen as the most likely candidates for possibly investing in saving DNF.

Alegged DNF screens from a designer


overheard in #ocremix many years ago:

_Equinox_: omg y dont we all use fyrefox guyz?

Xelebes: i runo

MisterToad: I use IE

MisterToad: Fuck anything else

_Equinox_: IE is for fgts

MisterToad: Nerds

Xelebes: I use Netscape, don't tell anyone

_Equinox_: Xelebes used Netscape, right?

djpretzel: HOTJAVA 4 life

CXI: wget -o 4 eva

CHz: CyberDog, niggaz.

Xelebes: Lynx

Xelebes: omg Freenet

CHz: I browsed the ARPANET.

CXI: I was surfing for porn on charles babbage's fucking analytical engine

CHz: Get any good naked pictures of Ada Lovelace?

CXI: yeah, she's hawt

djpretzel: well, I got viagra spam on my freakin' ABACUS, so quit talkin smack

CHz: I sent you that spam in cuneiform, bitch.

CXI: I was getting cave drawings of degrees from an accredited university based on life experience

Xelebes: I sent you penis-enlarging spam in petrohlyphs

djpretzel: Well, I evolved from Australopithecus with the help of Dr. Kubundo from Nigeria

CHz: My mRNA was the original chain letter.

djpretzel: Yeah, well, in the future I'll send quantum-encrypted nano male-enhancers straight to your cortex.

djpretzel: plus, Duke Nukem Forever will finally be out

CXI: haha

CXI: now you're just talking shit

djpretzel: okay, yeah, that was a bit implausible

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