Xelebes Posted April 22, 2004 Posted April 22, 2004 Odo B-Station Krakli Flea3 Look on www.kvr-vst.com for them. Quote
DM Lee Posted May 25, 2004 Author Posted May 25, 2004 I was bored the other night and made this... every sound you hear except the drums was made with egokiller (which i talked about earlier in the thread). I think I used six egokillers in this and part way through just changed octaves or pitches for certain ones. This is basically to show a little of what the synth can do, dont think everything you make will sound this dirty, I didnt use a single bit of processing (no eq, no reverb, any delay was from the synth itself) the only thing i did was threw a light limiter on to the master fx channel. I guess i would like opinions on this since it only took me about ten minutes to make and i havent been doing much with my own synths so i was wondering if any of these sounds are good, or if they work well together. Prolly not its all pretty weird. Quote
skulkrusha Posted May 26, 2004 Posted May 26, 2004 I know it's not really a VST or a DX (although I think this guy should seriously consider releasing it as a VST), but I was pretty darn impressed by this little gem when I noticed it crop up in unmod (as the target of a flamewar, no less; cookie to anyone who can guess why). It's capable of some very nice sounds, and I quite like it. IMO, the guy who wrote it is a bit of a nut, though. http://zynaddsubfx.sourceforge.net/ DM: That demo wasn't too bad, although I think you could have shown a bit more versatility in the sounds. I like that distorted saw wave sound, but it seems to be one of the only sounds you used (other than that high chirpy synth). Quote
DM Lee Posted May 26, 2004 Author Posted May 26, 2004 most of them used saws and pulse/saw oscillators. I didnt really mean to make this to show off the synth or anything, I was just messing around and made that lead melody and rather liked it so i just added stuff to see hwo it would sound in a mix so I just rhew random crap into it so i can mess with egokiller some more. I was bored and just wanted to make sounds. I plan on making a demo for egokiller that actually is meant to be a demo. After "Ego Killer" I am going to do a pentagon demo because I really like that synth generator, if not that then I am going to make one for "Triangle II" or maybe even "3Xosc" from fruity loops... though I should probably just direct people to old mixes from sirnuts to show the capabilities of 3xosc. I dont remember who, but someone in this thread said they used superwavep8 a lot, maybe they should make a demo for it, others should demo their favorite synths too. Quote
DM Lee Posted May 27, 2004 Author Posted May 27, 2004 Heres another demo type thing for egokiller. So far you can tell its pretty good for dirty bass synths and detuned stuff. The cleaner sounds are pretty hard to produce especially since if you have the built in distortion turned all the way down you hardly hear anything. This time i used multiple types of oscillators. For the lead, glassy, synth i used the doublesine for the main and sub oscillator. (i probably might have had a bit cleaner sound for that lead had I used no sub oscillator, oh well). For anyone who has used egokiller, what is the doublesine? is it a sine oscillator with another sine right after it so that they follow each other and add just a bit of detuning, or do they fluctaute at opposite times like when the first sine wave reaches the top peak the other sine is at the bottom? Im just curious as to how the double sine option works. The arrpegio is also made with a double sine in both osc's but it has different filtering and amp envelope. The bass is two square wavs. and the chord stabs are i think saw/pulse and saw. Again i didnt use any kind of processing, not even a limiter or compressor. Nothing on the drums either. Listening now i would have boosted the bass and probably threw some reverb on the chord stabs and definately proceess the drums a lot, i would eq everything so its not so cluttered. This would sound better with processing, but i want to show the synths on its own abilities. I dont know, this isnt that great but its probbably better sounds than the last demo. I didnt make this to sound good as an arrangement so its pretty flawed in that department, but i want to show a little different sounds from the generator. Like i said, if you like kinda dirty grungy basses or detuned leads, etc then you should definately become familiar with this synth. Quote
DM Lee Posted May 28, 2004 Author Posted May 28, 2004 Has anyone had a chance to try out the new stringer vst over at kvr? I was wondering if it sounds pretty nice because it doesnt look too editable and i imagine if it has crappy sounds to start off with then you would just be editing crap (like the wombat solina series vst's IMO). Quote
Rellik Posted May 29, 2004 Posted May 29, 2004 Meh... stringer. Not my type of thing (by the way, it's not new). It's basically just a bunch of synth string samples, and they're not even all tuned correctly =(. I wouldn't recommend it, but people seem to like it... people seem to like a lot of crap, though (not that it's crap). For FM, check out OxeFM. Quote
DM Lee Posted May 29, 2004 Author Posted May 29, 2004 I have noticed a lot of sample based vst's sound like crap. There are some nice ones like sampletank (though ive never used it and have no idea of its editability or anything like that) and a couple others. ooooh, like the ummm... the series of sampled vst's with a rhodes piano one, a piano, electric piano, and a bass guitar... thats it, its bugging me (looks for the name) Ok, found it, the 4front series found here>>> http://www.yohng.com/ Maybe the stringer was just updated or something because when i go to kvr to see whats new, i set the search to show the most recently added stuff and its like one of the most recent three or something. Quote
DM Lee Posted June 11, 2004 Author Posted June 11, 2004 Heres a new egokiller demo. I think analoq will like this one, because when i hear the main synth i used it just makes me think of synths i have heard analoq use before, not this exact kind, but similair styling. I dont know, i just thought of analoq when i made this. The sounds in this fit together a lot better than the other egokiller deom mixes, and this one has some processing done to it and a much much better drumset and melodic value. In my opinion this is a very nice synth... I tried saving the preset but fruitydemo didnt let me save it, it saved it as a wrapper file or some crap and doesnt even work as a preset so its lost but i am sure i can reconstruct it easily. I have a wav sample of the synth if anyone wants it at all. Quote
Xelebes Posted June 11, 2004 Posted June 11, 2004 Does anyone know of any good free FM VST synths? Thanks in advance. Land of Cockaigne's Panzertank PM4 or this OxeVST who I forgot made this or where it can be found. It's quite cool. 8 oscillators that can be modulated or something. Has a whole matrix of modulation controls and that. Quote
analoq Posted June 11, 2004 Posted June 11, 2004 I think analoq will like this one, because when i hear the main synth i used it just makes me think of synths i have heard analoq use before, not this exact kind, but similair styling. hehe. catchy synth bass, what's not to like? (: cheers. Quote
Xelebes Posted June 17, 2004 Posted June 17, 2004 Ok, time for me to ask something from you guys. I want a VSTi that can pulse modulate a saw wave. I have the JunoX2, I can do that but I am looking for a more efficient VSTi than that. Gotta be free. Or am I just looking over the obvious here? Quote
analoq Posted June 17, 2004 Posted June 17, 2004 sorry, the phrase "pulse modulate a saw wave" doesn't immediately return anything. can you elaborate on this is? i'd look up the junoX2 specs to try and guess but i'm feeling lazy right now. cheers. Quote
Xelebes Posted June 17, 2004 Posted June 17, 2004 Ok, the Juno X2 is a not so good emulation of the Alpha Juno. It has the ability to pulse width modulate a saw wave which I am not too sure if any other synths are capable of doing this. Quote
analoq Posted June 17, 2004 Posted June 17, 2004 i don't think i'm familiar with such an oscillator that does that. could record a slow sweep the pulse of the sawtooth generator and post it? i'm curious to know how it sounds. cheers. Quote
Xelebes Posted June 17, 2004 Posted June 17, 2004 sample is here: http://echogames.com/~apm/upload/files/pwmsaw-sweep.mp3 Quote
nostalgic gen Posted June 24, 2004 Posted June 24, 2004 I think I have a synth that allows you to so-called pwm all waveforms. It might be the z3ta+ in fact. I don't know what it's actually doing, but I presume it's made possible due to the way pwm is implentated on wavetable synths. If a synth creates pulse width modulation of a square wave by applying an algorithm to the wavetable itself then clearly if you load a new sample into the wavetable it too will be affected in the same way by that modulation. I discovered this freeware synth from NI today. I'll share it here for anyone who's interested. Quote
Northern_Fist Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 I don't mean to intergect anything too soon, or out of place, but this seemed like an appropriate thread: Do any of you own the refx Vanguard softsynth? What do you make of it? Yeah, from what I've seen in my research for good VST's the Juno is definately kick-azz, but I'm pretty poor at the moment, and the Vanguard is definately affordable. Do you agree that it's potential is mostly in trance? Quote
zircon Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 I don't mean to intergect anything too soon, or out of place, but this seemed like an appropriate thread: Do any of you own the refx Vanguard softsynth? What do you make of it?Yeah, from what I've seen in my research for good VST's the Juno is definately kick-azz, but I'm pretty poor at the moment, and the Vanguard is definately affordable. Do you agree that it's potential is mostly in trance? As far as I am aware, Vanguard is a high-quality VA synth. I don't own it, but I've heard plenty of good things about it. Though it has some features that seem to be trance-oriented, I think it seems to be a good VA all-around, and could fit it one of many genres. The reason why it's popular for trance/dance etc. is because of the presets, which are particularly suited for those genres. However, if you're looking for a synth that would fit in a variety of genres and packs a lot of power, you might want to look elsewhere. Some synths you might consider are z3ta+, Rhino, and fm7. Quote
Northern_Fist Posted July 22, 2004 Posted July 22, 2004 Thanks! I'll be looking into those - but half of what I do is trance anyways, so - this is good. Quote
zircon Posted July 28, 2004 Posted July 28, 2004 I'm very bored at work, so I thought I'd write out some VST/DX recommendations of mine. - Recommended free VSTs - * Superwave p8 (http://home.btconnect.com/christopherg/main.htm) - The ultimate free softsynth for dance music. This has a Prophet-ish sound coming from it's "Super Wave" function and massive detuning capabilities. It's CPU-heavy, a bit buggy, and not that flexible, but is superb for making any sort of dance/trance sounds. The presets are also great. * Crystal (http://www.greenoak.com/crystal/download.html) - A real beast of a softsynth. Crystal has more sound-mangling capability than any other free synth I've yet tried, putting it in a class of its own. It uses up massive CPU, is complicated to program, and is not good for simple VA (virtual analog) stuff, but for strange sounds, effects, and pads, this is your synth. * sfz (http://www.rgcaudio.com/sfz.htm) - a simple but effective soundfont player. I both love and hate this plugin; I love it because the sound quality is better than any other free soundfont player I've tried, and even better than FL's commercial player. But I hate it because it refuses to load large soundfonts if it thinks you don't have enough memory. Nonetheless, I would recommend no other free soundfont player over this one. * polyIblit (http://www.bostreammail.net/ers/polyiblit.html) - A surprisingly in-depth VA synth that's not too heavy on CPU. The presets are pretty "blah" in my opinion, but the synth is very flexible and is really all you need for relatively simple subtractive synthesis. * String Theory (http://www.kvr-vst.com/get/1074.html) - A "physical-modelling" softsynth that emulates string/plucked instruments. While it won't convince anyone if you use it to replace real string instruments, I find it can create a whole lot of unique pluck sounds that fit in much better than pluck sounds generated from normal subtractive synthesizers. Very cool. * Drumatic (http://www.e-phonic.com/vstplugins/drumatic.html) - A simple but effective drum machine that's very CPU efficient. Using 808 and 606-modelled sounds, you'll find a lot of potential uses for this synth in any type of electronic music. * Ganymed (http://www.kvr-vst.com/get/217.html) - A complex FM synthesizer that's a bit heavy on CPU. This synth has a set of rock-solid presets, all displaying the potential of the synth; from sharp, digital, sequenced patches to warm pluck sounds. This might be my favorite free synthesizer, and my second favorite FM synthesizer. * "Classic" effects series (http://www.kjaerhusaudio.com/classic-series.php) - A set of excellent, CPU-efficient effects. All of them sound exceptional, better than most free effects I've seen. There aren't many presets for each, but what's there is good. If you're looking for a simple, core set of effects, look no further. - Recommended commercial VSTs - * Native Instruments Absynth 2, Pro-53, fm7(www.nativeinstruments.com) - Ok, I know I'm going to sound like an NI salesperson, but I absolutely LOVE these products, which range in price from $200 to $400. fm7 is an incredibly powerful FM synth modelled after the Yamaha DX7, Pro-53 is a near-flawless emulation of the Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 (and is probably my favorite VA synth), and Absynth 2 is a modular synth capable of producing a range of sounds, excelling at ambient effects and pads. I use these synths *constantly*, and they're worth every penny. * rgc:audio z3ta+ (http://www.rgcaudio.com/z3ta%2B.htm) - One of the most powerful softsynths in existence, available for a mere 150 pounds (about $230 USD). It eats up CPU like crazy, but is capable of almost any type of synthesis you can imagine. The presets are very good, and the interface is slick and smooth. I believe AE is a big fan of this synth as well. If you're going to buy one synth to fit all your needs, this one is probably your best bet. * Cyanide 2 (can't seem to find a link for this.. where did it go?) - An excellent waveshaping distortion effect. This easy-to-use plugin, which combines waveshaping with EQ and filtering, can turn a mild synth sound into a screaming lead or rumbling bass in no time. There are very few presets, but they should give you a good idea of what the effect can do. CPU usage is not too bad, but grows when you make more complex waveforms for the distortion. Quote
SirRus Posted July 29, 2004 Posted July 29, 2004 wow, praise be to zircon, your post is extremely helpful. I grabbed most of that stuff that I didn't already have. There is such thing as a "better" soundfont player? So if I loaded my soundfonts into the sfz VST I would get a "better" sound than the commercial FL one I am currently using? Just curious what you meant by that. Also if you could look into my question I posted on the Software/Hardware sticky - would Native Instruments more cost effective than a Korg Trinity rack module/Reason. Now I'm really comparing apples/oranges/grapes, but I don't know how to spend money! I guess I couldn't go wrong with any of these quality products, but curious what the zircon has to say about it, if you had to choose one (since we both currently use FLStudio) "upgrade" to Reason for its professional sounds etc vs Korg module vs Native Instruments Quote
zircon Posted July 29, 2004 Posted July 29, 2004 wow, praise be to zircon, your post is extremely helpful. I grabbed most of that stuff that I didn't already have.There is such thing as a "better" soundfont player? So if I loaded my soundfonts into the sfz VST I would get a "better" sound than the commercial FL one I am currently using? Just curious what you meant by that. Well, it might be just me, but when I use sfz and set the 'quality' to uber or uber++, I find, say, Squidfont to sound better than the fruity SF player. You could try comparing them side by side and see what you come up with. One big advantage the fruity SF player has, though, is that it doesn't give you memory errors like sfz will if you load big soundfonts, and it can do slides Also if you could look into my question I posted on the Software/Hardware sticky - would Native Instruments more cost effective than a Korg Trinity rack module/Reason. Now I'm really comparing apples/oranges/grapes, but I don't know how to spend money! I guess I couldn't go wrong with any of these quality products, but curious what the zircon has to say about it, if you had to choose one (since we both currently use FLStudio)"upgrade" to Reason for its professional sounds etc vs Korg module vs Native Instruments I'll post my thoughts on that issue in the other thread. Quote
-RK- Posted July 30, 2004 Posted July 30, 2004 http://www.smartelectronix.com/ Cyanide 2 is somewhere on this site. Quote
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