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OCR01105 - Mega Man 2 "Tickle My Wily"


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One day, I want a do-over of this one with less goofy, less synthy (read: real) horns/woodwinds/whatever. The strings are pretty decently convincing, still synth, but it works because that's the style. The horns, though... they'll never work and desperately need some attention to production.

That microbitching aside, the thing as a whole is just one hell of a fun ride. Whether or not it really was, it feels like there was a decent amount of preplanning and forethought put into it, instead of just slappin a bunch of presets and plopping out... something... that kinda sounds like a song.

I love good drama without pretentiousness and this mix delivers that pretty well. On the dramatic bits, it stays modest without losing punch where it could have turned into this arrangementally masturbatory, over-syrupy "i w4nt t0 b3 +h3 n3x+ johrn w1llyumz`!!!1accentaccent!1tildehowyadoin" pretentious sap-fest. Good going.

Now... find some musicians who work for free who can play instruments that need to be blown.

Wait. 8O:whatevaa:

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If AmIEvil's Mega Man 4 "Let There Be Light" remix could be a Mega Man movie opening theme, this remix could be the ending theme... I hear no faults in this one. I love dramatics in a remix... especially when the majority of the Wily mixes are in the techno genre. Flipping things around certainly did this song justice... Great job Star.

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That problem being, it is just not long enough.

Seriously, after 5 and a half minutes, and am never ready for this song to be over. I usually play it about 3 times through before I move on to the next song and find myself running the tune through my head when I'm off doing something else.

Absolutely excellent.

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Well shit, this one's amazing :) Stop reading reviews and download it immediately. It treats one of video game music's finest tunes to to a number of different styles, and every one of them is dead-on.

There's only one thing I didn't like: the first 18 seconds or so... It sounds like an amateurish take on a piano concerto style intro. It's not bad or anything, it's just a lot weaker than the rest of the piece, which sounds very professional and perfected.

Overall this is freaking incredible. It's a level of complexity that as a very green remixer I can't even imagine achieving... Just... download it :P

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This is just plain awesome. I'm not a remixer myself, so being ignorant, I can't comment on what should have been done, but I just had to pop in and say how much I love this song. The 4:26 thru 4:43 area in particular owns my soul.

Yes, this is DEFINITELY continuous loop material. :) Thank you, Star, for the opportunity and pleasure of listening to this piece.

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I've never heard the original of this, so I don't know what sort of an achievement it is in that respect. But it's utterly unmissable.

It's one of the few songs I've heard in the past year to actually give me the musical chills. It's utterly incredible. Not as a remix, but as a piece of music. I mean... I don't knkow how to put it into words.

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WOW! This is a perfect TITLE music. It would be a crime to make a megaman anime-movie and not put this as the title music..

The ambience is unbelieveable. A nice orginal tough to the energetic original. This is SUPERB. Beautiful. Definatly a top5 megaman remix.

I would´ve never believed that a song that fast and pumped-up would work as a calm, ambient song, but this works just as good as the original, maybe better!

The only bad thing about this remix is that you have to be on the right mood to listen to it.. But that´s just me.

Oh man.. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.


no.. wait


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This has got to be the greatest mix of this theme ever made! I'm constantly putting this on repeat, I can't get enough of it. I've had it for quite a while now, too, and I still haven't gotten tired of listening to it. It's that good. Never question Star's ability to produce such great mixes. Never.

Thank you Star, for making this awesome mix.

For those reading the review: if you haven't already, download this mix right now!!!

(Side note: The only thing wrong with this mix is the name... it doesn't fit the music. Maybe a name along the lines of "Destiny's Way" would have been better... the song sounds like something that would go along with someone facing his destiny. And if you need some more explanation... it's the stage music for the Skull Castle, and Mega Man is moving along the path (the "Way") and will be facing Dr. Wily sometime afterwards (his "Destiny")... yeah. But that's just my opinion... I'll shut up now.)

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