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If you actually got him to dress as moneypenny, in-full, in the best attempt to become that character...

...this might just be the best new years ever, if that happened.

Also, DrumUltimA, let me know about the 31st. I need to call the hotel about checkin since my crew has our hotel room for that night and I need to pick up OA from Dulles in the afternoon. I'm sure we'll be able to work something out, you only need a ride to MAG, right?

I'll be able to get to B-more fine, and I'll probably be able to make the new years party as well. I'm super flexible, so just lemme know what's up with you!

SO does this mean no beardfest?

Just like the 4th Brosnan-Bond movie (Die Another Day) where he had that full-grown beard from when he was tortured for a few months. Or was it during the 3rd?

Connery didn't have his beard yet when he played Bond.


So, I'm taking off for Tennessee tomorrow and, after Christmas with the family, driving up with Audio Fidelity to MAG. That means that I might not have a guaranteed connection to the internet for a while. All this to say, if I'm not on before MAG, have a Merry Christmas and see you all there! :D


The BBQ is cancel at my house.

Just the BBQ, though, right? I mean, those of us planning on staying at your place don't need to make frantic last-minute lodging arrangements, do we?

(Just being hyper-careful because I do not want to get in to the airport and have nowhere to go.)


Ladies and Gentlemen, the time is almost upon us...

Hopefully, this is the last update I'll need to make for my crew for MAG. At the moment, the carpool has simmered down from extra people to pretty much just some of the people I'm rooming with at MAG, and who they're carpooling with. Gotta pick OA up from the airport at around 2 on Thursday, so expect myself, OA, and Avaris to arrive at around 3ish (just in time for check-ins, woo!). Prophet and Cyril may or may not be joining the carpool, we have to figure it out this week. This is a last-call for anyone looking to try to join a Baltimore carpool that leaves the 31st mid-day and comes back sometime in late afternoon on the 4th.

After MAG ends, AeroZ, Audio Fidelity, and Abadoss (wow, that's a lot of A's) will be staying with me for a few days. I'm going to start a separate thread for post-MAG activities. Anyone who's staying in the area should feel free to pitch ideas. Maybe we can plan another group outing since the Brush BBQ was cancelled.

Well, I'll see most of you in a few days. Can't wait to get snazzified for the Bond part!


Short and to the point: I have one spot of floor space in my room available (provided you split the cost with the other 3 of us). I must know who you are and be OK with you sleeping there. PM me for details. I'm trying not to ruin MAG for a first-timer here, so that's why I'm being selective. :)

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