Meteo Xavier Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 I keep reading this as "Mini" Oh noes... which sounds like a hilarious childhood disease or something. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 So how had magfest been anyways? Never been to one myself so... Quote
Bahamut Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 Still at the hotel right now - awesome moment recaps! 1) Hanging out with everyone here! 2) Smash Brothers 3) DoD 4) Chanting "Holy shit" with everyone when it was announced that OA & Stevo won DoD by one point over virt and the likes of SnappleMan, Prince of Darkness, norg, danimal cannon, etc...and with OA & Stevo not in sight! 5) Pictures! 6) I'll probably figure something out for here by the time I get back home on Wednesday night Not so awesome 1) I only had 13-14 drinks TOTAL during MAGFest (including the wine) - never was drunk you bums, despite pounding the beers. 2) The concerts - I dunno, maybe I've just gotten tired from everything else, but I wasn't particularly interested in some of them that I went to, and seeing people mosh at close to the dumbest times I've ever seen during Armcannon put me off (and I so was pumped up to start pits too). Quote
Palpable Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 diotrans and I were calling this PMD (Post-MAG depression) as we were leaving yesterday, unfortunately unable to come back to MAG today because of work. I gotta say that while I enjoyed M7, this year was unreal. So many damn people made it out, so much fun was had. I could walk around the convention and find someone to hang out with pretty much 24/7, it reminded Amy and me of high school. Anyway, awesome seeing everyone. It's crazy to think I must have met up with like 50-60 people and still didn't see everyone from the site. Hope everyone makes it home safe. Quote
Bahamut Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 PMD is starting to seep in after saying goodbye to some people . Here's some of my thoughts here: Quote
Brushfire Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 and seeing people mosh at close to the dumbest times So Sporknight, Orwell, and Me moshing to Brentalfloss's Mario Rev? Quote
Bahamut Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 So Sporknight, Orwell, and Me moshing to Brentalfloss's Mario Rev? I meant during the ArmCannon set - people were moshing through a piano part for example. Quote
Salluz Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 Rubbing all the Magfest awesomeness in our faces you mean. Bastard.You guys have a great time. Drink one for me. Heh, I was born as a bastard, come to think of it. ROCK ON NEKO! Quote
Global-Trance Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 ok can i srsly dj next year (Glad ya'll had boat loads of fun) Quote
Obtuse Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 My awesome moment recaps 1) Watching Metroid Metal. So good! 2) Me dancing to q-pa's set. You were awesome man. I never dance but the music felt tight and I had to. 3) Finding out that I have an addiction to Frogger. 4) Staying up all night and talking with Moguta, Liz, Monobrow, and others at the DoD listening party. 5) The OCAD podcast. 6) Eating at Subway full of OCR people. 7) Meeting all of you fine folks! Watching Zen Albatross make sweet chiptune music. Stuff that I didn't enjoy 1) From the descriptions of MAGFEST on the site, I was convinced there would be a bass sitting there for me to play. Next year I will bring mine. 2) I had to leave sunday morning. Quote
prophetik music Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 HOW MANY FISH HEADS? jhalsdfjhalsdf WARP ME TO HALIFAX Quote
prophetik music Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 i'm home and happy to finally sleep in a real bed - but i still miss everyone =( diotrans, we'll catan it up next year! Quote
Murmeli Walan Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I'm treating my MAGFlu with a prescription of The OneUps album download cards given to me by friendly Dr. Mustin, followed up with a chaser of The Megas and This Place Is Haunted. I should make a full recovery (and a long-winded post/mini-novel about my first MAGFest experience) very soon. Quote
Broken Posted January 5, 2010 Author Posted January 5, 2010 Before I get busy with school again, I would just like to thank Brushfire, DJP, BGC, and Devin. The first two I'd like to thank for housing me and the other two I would like to thank for transporting me. You guys made this con possible for me and I am truly grateful for all of your help. I also would like to shout out to all the awesome people I met at the con. To everyone that I got to introduce myself to, I'm glad to have met you and next year I will try to be more sociable and to meet even more of you guys. To those of you that I played fighting games with - you are some hip cats. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with that competitive spirit around here. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 OK, I finally have time to write a bit more about MAGfest. On the way to MAGfest, I had a minor sore throat -- my guess is that at any other time of year, it would have been a mild cold. However, at MAGfest it is unusual to sleep more than an hour or two per night, and this year was no exception. The result, of course, is that this run-of-the-mill cold turned into the cold from hell. Uber sore throat and zero energy for the whole weekend. Also, by the end of the con half the attendees (if not more) had the same thing. And despite this, it was STILL face-meltingly awesome. Jamming with the Xenotones, going to concerts, and best of all sharing a few TITANIC pizzas with the OCR crew. Not to mention my annual epic Tetris Attack/Panel De Pon battle with Bahamut (he finally beat me this year -- I'll have to whip his ass extra hard next year). All in all, it was an amazing weekend, as MAGfest always is. Can't wait for next year. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 It was honestly really weird being at an OCR meetup without Jill and Andy -- I think it's the first one I've been to that neither of them came to. Definitely missed them both Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 DAMN it sounded like fun. I need to find a Knoxville person who's shit list I am not on for next year. Quote
Sindra Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 Still upset I haven't been able to go to MAGfest thus far. Hopefully some people make it to PAX east. Quote
zircon Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 It was honestly really weird being at an OCR meetup without Jill and Andy -- I think it's the first one I've been to that neither of them came to.Definitely missed them both All of MAGfest was our missed connection Next time, we will return STRONGER THAN EVER!!!!@#! Quote
Dyne Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 It was honestly really weird being at an OCR meetup without Jill and Andy -- I think it's the first one I've been to that neither of them came to.Definitely missed them both Yeah, I know... I think we entered the Twilight Zone or something. All of MAGfest was our missed connection Next time, we will return STRONGER THAN EVER!!!!@#! Oh good God! Stronger than ever... I best stock up on Bawls if I'm to keep up! Quote
Dyne Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I really miss everyone. It was way cool staying with Bahamut, Halt, Newt and DrumUltima. And I got to hang out with a lot of people, meet new faces that I've only ever talked to online, and just in general have a kick ass time. I am really jonesing for next MAGFest. I cannot wait. Quote
Dyne Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 My awesome moment recaps1) Watching Metroid Metal. So good! 2) Me dancing to q-pa's set. You were awesome man. I never dance but the music felt tight and I had to. 5) The OCAD podcast. 6) Eating at Subway full of OCR people. 7) Meeting all of you fine folks! 2) I had to leave sunday morning. Metroid Metal did indeed own. q-pa brough the phat beats to MAGFest! The OCAD podcast recording was incredible, I have never seen a bigger crowd for any podcast being recorded live, save for maybe the episode of VGDJ recorded at zircon and pixietricks' apartment. Eating at Subway and basically taking over the entire store for an hour, that was kick ass. Finally... meeting everyone that I had the opportunity to meet... Let me just say, you have no idea how sad I am now that I am home, I miss each and every one of you. And to be honest, this is why I love the community so much. I live for these times. These are the times that I feel most alive, when I'm with all of you at MAGFest. To good times, good friends, and many adventures ahead! Quote
Theophany Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 I may try to go as well. I have a friend who moved to DC, so it might actually be a possibility. I've never actually met anyone who knows about OCR outside my own circle of friends. But there's definitely a few people around here I'd like to meet. And if I ever get any good at playing an instrument, it would be even cooler to making-the-jams with them. Quote
Bleck Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 magfest must not be very fun if all these people have time to post on the internet Quote
Dyne Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 magfest must not be very fun if all these people have time to post on the internet Learn to troll. MAGFest is over for the year. Quote
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