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If this were any other reality I would say that a list this big, each word turned into a game object, you'd surely be joking me.

But there it is. I honestly pour my heart out for the testers having to try EVERY SINGLE WORD on that list, time and time again, through the revisions of the game. On top of that, testing the connection points and how each one reacts to one or more of the other ones... seriously, just thinking of a task like that is actually making me go a little mental.

I had budgeted out money for this, but had a recent impulse of charity so I'm not supposed to buy it...but I may find a way to do so yet! Goodbye, part-of-monthly-food-budget, helloooooo scribblishnautasticness!

Goodbye, part-of-monthly-food-budget, helloooooo scribblishnautasticness!
Good thing too, because this game is quite delicious! I can't put it down.

Some of the puzzles are maddening, but they really make you think and challenge your imagination to the fullest extent. It's weird to find out how your brain thinks when you're trying to come up with random stuff to help you out when nothing else works. Like summoning some blobs to hold down some switches while I make my way to the starite. Would I have thought to do that in any other game? Nuh-uh.

Only the most imaginative gamers will get the most out of this game and love it when they do.


Jetpack is alright, but a pegasus doesn't run out of fuel. A mech is pretty weak, surprisingly. For fun, I tried Longcat... He doesn't even do anything. :P

But I managed to beat the heist by using a tranq gun and an axe to chop away the wood objects blocking the path. It was great.



5TH Cell creative director Jeremiah Slaczka told Fast Company that the leaked word list was not comprehensive, though he said it much more colorfully than we did:

"That was leaked by a hacker who does not know anything," Slaczka said. "It's more than that."

Mind blown.

For fun, I tried Longcat... He doesn't even do anything. :P

Are you kidding me? He mews and goes from long to short while floating around. It's absolutely adorable. :3

And while I'm here, Challenge 4-9 is kicking my ass. I would really like to figure it out, but can't seem to distract that witch for the life of me. Any ideas? PM me if you have to. I've been trying for a day to pull it off, and grrrrrrrrrr.


I love spawning Giant Enemy Crab to kill things. Then killing it with a hammer. It's just so fun. And I like using viruses and poisons. Kid needs to wake up? Drop a virus on him. Guy is thirsty? Give him poison and he drinks it. And the game calls me a bio terrorist at the end of the level? Game of the year.


A couple really powerful items.

Black Hole = almost surefire way to remove anything.

Large Air Vent = Moves things. VERY powerful and trivializes many levels.

Pegasus = Great compact flight, unlimited and not hostile. Ceases to be controllable if hit.

Dragon + Mind Control Device = Great melee attack flying mount. Hostile until mind controlled.

Dragon + Shrink Ray + Mind Control Device = Compact powerful attacking unlimited flying mount. Use a Pterodactyl + Mind Control Device if you can sacrifice some power to use fewer items

Fighter Jet or Stealth Bomber = Great ranged flying attack vehicle. Fighter shoots forward, bomber drops bombs mostly downward.

Spaceship = fastest non-combat flying vehicle I've found. Shorter than UFO.

For bridges, try "Bridge Ladder" or "Large steel door red" instead of bridge. They're longer.

Also try Science, Xray Goggles, NVG, LOL WUT, Wand, Spell book, Nuke.

Nuke + Bomb Shelter unfortunately does not work.

Fun times.

A couple really powerful items.

Black Hole = almost surefire way to remove anything.

Large Air Vent = Moves things. VERY powerful and trivializes many levels.

Pegasus = Great compact flight, unlimited and not hostile

Dragon + Mind Control Device = Great melee attack flying mount. Hostile until mind controlled.

Dragon + Shrink Ray + Mind Control Device = Compact powerful attacking unlimited flying mount.

Fighter Jet or Stealth Bomber = Great ranged flying attack vehicle. Fighter shoots forward, bomber drops bombs mostly downward.

Spaceship = fastest non-combat flying vehicle I've found. Shorter than UFO.

Also try Science, Xray Goggles, NVG, LOL WUT, Wand, Spell book, Nuke.

Fun times.

Via XKCD, you can also summon the Large Hadron Collider...and it too makes a black hole...awesome...


Okay, I absolutely can't take it anymore. I'm buying this game on my lunch break, eating one of my emergency protein bars, and playing until my lunch break is over. A game where you can spawn the LHC and it makes a black hole? I took the tinyest look at the strategy guide last night when I stopped in best buy after dinner, saw one page of one of the puzzles and nearly creamed my pants right then and there.

Are you kidding me? He mews and goes from long to short while floating around. It's absolutely adorable. :3

And while I'm here, Challenge 4-9 is kicking my ass. I would really like to figure it out, but can't seem to distract that witch for the life of me. Any ideas? PM me if you have to. I've been trying for a day to pull it off, and grrrrrrrrrr.

You can wall her off. Use a bridge ladder as a bridge to get you and the knight across and let the knight do his thing. Next, summon a wall. Wait until she's right up against the left wall and then place the wall you just summoned right next to her. Now, put that bridge ladder from before on top of both walls which will serve as both a bridge to get across to the princess and a lid to keep the witch from doing anything to you. Now use a trampoline to get up to the second level. Use the trampoline again to get up the wall and cross the bridge ladder to the princess. Voila, 3 moves. Because the AI is a bit of a retard when it comes to following you, it might be a bit fiddly getting the knight to jump on the trampoline with you. Also, the knight has a habit of bumping the bridge ladder so that the witch gets exposed but this method works 8/10.


There are no words to describe how content I am with this game. Oh, and there also are no words to describe some of the cheapness and frustrating deaths, as well as "I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING, WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT" moments. This is a shinning example of the kind of thought process we ensare ourselves into as adults when we can't solve certain puzzles that children may solve easily...

On a side note, long cat and LHC are both awesome.

Edit: I can't put the baby in the guillotine...*sigh*


God + Philosopher = Frightened philosopher.

God + Heathen = Believer.

Uranium + Anyone = Mutant

Cthulhu + Any person besides God/Dracula = Dead something besides Cthulhu.

I love this fucking game so much.

Are you kidding me? He mews and goes from long to short while floating around. It's absolutely adorable. :3

And while I'm here, Challenge 4-9 is kicking my ass. I would really like to figure it out, but can't seem to distract that witch for the life of me. Any ideas? PM me if you have to. I've been trying for a day to pull it off, and grrrrrrrrrr.

Longcat only attacks when he has been attacked, and reportedly he's pretty strong.


A level in world 3, one where you gotta get a cow home, is stumping me. Basically, there's a cow, and a bunch of cars on the left, and on the right is a killer chef.

If the cow dies, I lose.

If the chef dies, I lose.

I assume if any of the cars get blown up, I lose.

I tried riding the cow past the chef after tranqing him, but I think a car ended up running him over after, so I lost.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to finish this one?


Okay, I have to say, I'm chuckling at the things I'm thinking as well as saying out loud when playing this.

Why does God lose in a fight with the ooze?

Why can a policeman beat up medusa?

Why does the fish explode if toss it to the ground?

Why does the mechanic sit in a car instead of fix it?

What the bloody hell is a tapajara, and why did it pop up when I started typing in "tapeworm"?

As for level 3, I'd say ride the cow after tranquing and put a wall up against the cars. I haven't gotten to that level yet.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to finish this one?

Level 3-7: Summon a helicopter and get inside of it. Fly over and hover above the cow. Then summon a rope. Attach one end of the rope to the bottom of the copter and the other end to the cow. Fly up and carry the cow back to the left side of the screen as far as you can go. While you're doing this, the cars will drive on ahead and a starite will appear. You'll also get a nice -1 for your Par.


Communists are fun to summon...

Make a lot of money and then summon a communist.

Summon a capitalist next to a communist.

Try giving a priest the necronomicon and have him fight Death with it, it's pretty amusing.

Also for some reason if you have an ape fight a shark underwater the ape will win.

Somebody mentioned Longcat earlier, but yeah he can kill Tacgnol in a couple hits. I had Longcat fight a giant enemy crab and they were both duking it out for a very long time without a clear winner, until I hit the giant enemy crab with a laser sword.

You can summon an Anonymous or just Anon, and he'll make little boys and girls run away from him.

Level 3-7: Summon a helicopter and get inside of it. Fly over and hover above the cow. Then summon a rope. Attach one end of the rope to the bottom of the copter and the other end to the cow. Fly up and carry the cow back to the left side of the screen as far as you can go. While you're doing this, the cars will drive on ahead and a starite will appear. You'll also get a nice -1 for your Par.

This is exactly what I did three nights ago and it worked for me, too.

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