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Diablo 'Wet Grass Inspired'

AmIEviL's take on Diablo. Great panning of the acoustic (it's really wide - do I detect a touch of chorus?). A variety of percussion makes up the beat, and some strings and organ are used to bring a little more melody into the song. Sort of samish the whole way, but doesn't really get boring surprisingly (at least the first time anyway). I liked it for the couple of times I heard it, but I think AmI was holding back a bit here. Fits into the Diablo mood well.

  • 3 months later...

If there ever was a second villiage in Diablo, this would be it. The theme is a wonderful, soothing tune that gets you, just like Tristram's Theme did when I played Diablo for the first time... it was nice, and wanted an MP3 right away, which I still haven't gotten :(

Glad to have this theme though, it gets you just like Tristram, and it doesn't go so far as to say, "Yea, thats a good remix of Diablo". Instead, it makes you say, "This WOULD have been good for Diablo." Excellent once again, AmIEviL, you have placed another 10 out of 10 with me. Just in case you still can't tell... 10 out of 10 stars.

(edited: After accusations made to AmIEvil, I have had the chance to listen to the song, and the riffs are identical. However, this is not a point where the entire song is a cheat. The guitar riffs are suspiciously identical, however, and since this doesn't make the song completly original, as I had looked at it before, I am docking 2 points away from the final score.)


  • 1 month later...

I would like anyone who downloads this remix to also go on Kazaa, Morpheus, or whatever, and download the song "Blood Tears" by Blind Guardian. Blind Guardian is a little known fantasy rock band from Germany. I am one of the few American fans. Anyway, the central riff of this remix is, as I discovered, taken right from that Blind Guardian song. It even contains similar accents provided by chimes and a bass drum sounding noise. As a fan of their music, and also a fan of the game Diablo, I feel as though it is my duty to expose Mr. AmIEvil, and stop him from getting credit for the riff in this remix. AmIEvil did not create the riff that is the center of this remix. I think Blind Guardian would be mad if they found out that Mr. Evil was trying to pass off their work as his own.


  • 1 month later...

Hrm . . . after downloading both this song and the Blood Tears song, I can definetly see where those guitar riffs were taken from . . . but it doesn't make the song any less better than it already is. It really adds to it, and well, seeing that this is a remix . . . I think there's nothing wrong in adding a bit of something totally new, if credit is given to it.

That being said, I really like this mix . . . I can see it being played in the game, and well, I wish it really was, hehe. It's got a real diabloy feel to it, and is just a good tune. :)

Besides . . . I can't say much. The one remix I've made so far (in MIDI format, unfortunately) is a remix of a Xenosaga song and the Halloween movie theme. ;) Hey, it worked for me.

  • 2 months later...

You know, Blind Guardian is one of the most famous modern power metal bands around, so I wouldn't exactly call them little known. :wink:

But anyway- I'm still really annoyed that I missed their recent US tour. They passed through Dallas which is just an hour from where I live...and I missed it. Arggh!! :evil:

  • 2 months later...

Okay, so there's some stuff going around about where some of the source of this song is coming from? Hmmm, I'm going to have to listen to that song and see for myself, but even if it is, this song is still really great. Out of the Diablo Remixes on this site, including Diablo 2, this is my favorite of them. It's a nice gentle feel, that leaves a strange residue of eeriness, hence why it would be great for the DIablo game itself.

Its a shame we don't hear more remixes from Blizzard games. THey always have great music for their games that I'm sure the awesome remixers at this site could make even greater.

This song could very well kick Diablo's ass back to hell.

  • 4 months later...

This song takes me back to when I actually played Diablo, I don't know if that's a good thing. But anyways, I really love it, whoever it was that talked about the eerieness of it; they got it exactly right. Would recommend.


  • 2 years later...

I think I found the best possible way to listen to this song.

Driving home from work late tonight, a a bit of a chill in the air, nobody else on the streets, and this comes up on my mp3 player. It just... fit. Perfectly.

I didn't get the eerie feeling some of you seemed to get, just a serene feeling passing over me. All thoughts of my stressful day, gone.

Great stuff to relax to. :)

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to zircon for obtaining a copy of "Blood Tears" for us. I checked this out regarding the Blind Guardian riffs, and 1) they're sequenced (and subsequently arranged) by Stefan, not directly sampled from "Blood Tears", 2) they're used tastefully, i.e. don't dominate the mix in any way, 3) they merely decorate and supplement an otherwise viable arrangement of the Diablo source material. For example, at :58 AmIEviL's guitar segues from the Blood Tears riff into original stuff, then at 1:23 into arrangement of the supporting acoustic guitar work from 1:10 of Diablo's Tristam/town theme.

From a standards/guidelines perspective, everything checks out here. For the person a few years ago that said AmIEviL was trying to take credit for those riffs (Andross), he wasn't. djpretzel's writeup doesn't explicitly mention the other homages/borrowed ideas by name, but djp says upfront that AmIEviL told him he used other sources beyond Diablo to help make this arrangement. There was nothing shady going on.

  • 5 months later...

And as a final note (exaggeration), let me say that no one's REALLY gone out into the wild to scream that this song is amazing. Very few reviews as well. Easily the best guitar sound I've ever heard. I would rank this with Revival Day Impoetus, and XOR's "auf" mix over at remix.kwed.org. I don't think anyone could hate this song. Well, it's not good to overlisten. One listen pretty much is satisfying anyway, until later use.

  • 9 months later...
Thanks to zircon for obtaining a copy of "Blood Tears" for us. I checked this out regarding the Blind Guardian riffs, and 1) they're sequenced (and subsequently arranged) by Stefan, not directly sampled from "Blood Tears", 2) they're used tastefully, i.e. don't dominate the mix in any way, 3) they merely decorate and supplement an otherwise viable arrangement of the Diablo source material. For example, at :58 AmIEviL's guitar segues from the Blood Tears riff into original stuff, then at 1:23 into arrangement of the supporting acoustic guitar work from 1:10 of Diablo's Tristam/town theme.

From a standards/guidelines perspective, everything checks out here. For the person a few years ago that said AmIEviL was trying to take credit for those riffs (Andross), he wasn't. djpretzel's writeup doesn't explicitly mention the other homages/borrowed ideas by name, but djp says upfront that AmIEviL told him he used other sources beyond Diablo to help make this arrangement. There was nothing shady going on.

Thanks for clearing this up, LT. This thread had been on my mind's back burner for years, and now I can emphatically say this remix rightly deserves its kudos. This is a beautiful piece. Angelic guitar tone, well constructed chords, beautiful melody, and perfect percussions.

  • 8 months later...

Aliiiiiiive... though the eeeend appears my frieeend!!!

And bloooooooooood Tears IIII Cryyyyyyy..

I love blood tears, and can totally hear the connection, but I do think that it works here as well (I mean, it's so good, how can it not?). It does eventually go off into more Diablo/original territory. The panning is nice, and the synthetic streams are very interesting. Percussion throughout is unobtrusive and more for keeping time, giving the rest of the elements time to shine.

The solo violin sample is a bit lifeless, but considering the mix's age, it's still very well handled.

The soundscape is pretty full and the mood conveyed is really deep. It distinctly does feel like a refuge in a world gone to hell (get it? lolz).

A very nice mix, BloodTearsBias or otherwise. :-)

  • 7 months later...

One of my all time favorite remixes on the site. It always manages to put me in a good mood. BTW, AmIEvil, I'm pretty sure I put you as my favorite OC re-mixer on that survey a while back. Cheers.

  • 10 months later...

I remember the first time I heard this mix. It's such a moody sound.

I think I found the best possible way to listen to this song.

Driving home from work late tonight, a a bit of a chill in the air, nobody else on the streets, and this comes up on my mp3 player.

I totally agree. And as autumn comes more into itself everyday, I'll be playing this song more and more. It has such a unique sound and I love the guitar's sound near the end, such a cool riff.

I'm going to enjoy this Halloween...

  • 4 years later...
I think I found the best possible way to listen to this song.

Driving home from work late tonight, a a bit of a chill in the air, nobody else on the streets, and this comes up on my mp3 player.

You know, imagining my way back from work through my little town at night with this in the background is actually oddly fitting, so yeah, gotta agree. It's an "end of the day" kind of song. It's got a serene vibe with a bit of a beat to keep things going, much like the feeling you get after working at night (tired and calm and at peace, but still jazzed up from actually working). Nice.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00129 - Diablo "Wet Grass Inspired"
  • 4 years later...

2021? Yes, 2000 called! It wants you to learn from AmIEviL's perfect sound design.

At first I wanted the ending to not be so long. Several days later (as in just now), I was hoping it wasn't done yet. I think I broadened my EQ/headphone setup to cause this. All goes back to that production!

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