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OCR01137 - Extreme-G "G-Storm"


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I personally liked SGX's comment about this not being for pussy ears. Why?

Because without givng you a chance to catch your breath, it's starts out hard, loud, and fast and gets more so as the piece goes on. I LOVE this. This is far and above the best thing he's ever done and really showcases what he's capable of. Now, I've never heard the original so I can't comment on that aspect of the debate, but I know you can only get so original with trance without going into something completely inaccessable to most of the listening public. The bottom line is, very impresive dance track.

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Before I say anything- Extreme G was made to be fast. The music was made to be very rythmatic and fast, and I elieve bLiNd captured it's very essence. The sound, the beats, the synths all corospond with the original. This mix gets you into the feel of speed and hard dance beats, but keeps somewhat to the basic. The speed and sound of G-Storm is simply put- great.

Superb job man, the song is a keeper.

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I listen to this song on repeat while playing CC generals; I listen to it a lot over and over and one thing got me, in the begining and the end there is a VERY NICE tune you have going, right at 39 secs it starts then at 1:04 secs it gets way into it and SOUNDS EVEN BETTER, then it quits and about 3mins into it it comes back and goes, I love that part, I wish you elaborated more into it and maybe put it in the middle, or do something w/ it, its just one of those little catchy places I love!

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I remember first hearing this mix a couple months ago on vgmix.com and it became one of my favorite ReMixes. I love the game Extreme-G and the first level theme is my favorite in the game so I was extremely happy to see this track ReMixed...and by bLiNd! One of the best techno and trance mixers out there! Listening to this ReMix over and over never gets old. It's just so pumped up and energetic it never gets boring! Nice job on this amazing track, bLiNd!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great remix, by far. Takes me back to my first days as a gamer. My first system was a N64 (go ahead and laugh :roll: ) back in '97. My first games were Extreme-G and Diddy Kong Racing...well, guess which one got played the most...yup good ol' XG. :wink:

Anywho, enough with the nostalgia... :lol: this mix is very well done, it's faithful to the original, but isn't afraid to deviate from it. I've listened to this thing for an hour straight, and I'm still not tired of it.

I'd say this one's inspired me to remix some of the other tracks from this game. Wish me luck!

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Great remix, by far. Takes me back to my first days as a gamer. My first system was a N64 (go ahead and laugh :roll: ) back in '97. My first games were Extreme-G and Diddy Kong Racing...well, guess which one got played the most...yup good ol' XG. :wink:

Anywho, enough with the nostalgia... :lol: this mix is very well done, it's faithful to the original, but isn't afraid to deviate from it. I've listened to this thing for an hour straight, and I'm still not tired of it.

I'd say this one's inspired me to remix some of the other tracks from this game. Wish me luck!

Rock on bro! :)

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Hehe, My first system was an SNES, parent's wouldn't let me have an NES, took awhile to break em down. My first games were Super Mario Kart and F-Zero. Had F-Zero down to an art, so gimmie SNES remixes ^^

Yeah that mix does make me miss XG too.

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A lot of you guys have become way too jaded, valuing production quality over substance. "Oh this isn't equalized properly, this is too loud, my finger hurts." All I hear is whining. Sure, the production value of this particular song is high, but that's not why I like it. It takes a cool original and modifies it slightly so that it has a really awesome feel to it, very professional, but incredibly catchy. I love Blind's style, though I wasn't too fond of his Starfox mixes (That's just me).

I think this whole site has lost touch with its whole "quality control" madness. I doubt stuff like DJ Siamey's remix of Xexyz or Awesome A's Katakis 2k4 will ever make it on this site, but I listen to it a lot more than TurksInPursuit or even Mazedude's TurtleWave, and I normally LOVE Mazedude's style. The last few months have been full of underwhelming songs with excellent quality sound. I still listen to Vicks Cornatto's What Hath Thou Done With This more than a bunch of other remixes on this site.

Sorry for getting off topic. Anyway, keep up the great work Blind. You manage to get a high production value WHILE STILL KEEPING THINGS INTERESTING. I listen to Fear Factory a whole lot, even though Wintermute nearly ruined my opinion of it (as well as Bramble Blast, UGH!).

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This song makes me want to zoom around the city in my car at night. I love it. Ever since I downloaded this a few days ago, it's all I can listen too. Definately my favorite trance on the site. It captures everything Extreme G was and everything it will ever become.

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Well, as a fan of blind's work since temple trance came out, I must say that this song goes one step up in production and quality for his music.

There are a few flaws, like those hats that get too high on the freq range, but this is indeed a very carefully written and programmed track. I have heard most of blind's original works and not much of it compares to this. However, I felt like it lacked a bit more of that good old blind's groundbreaking style (meteorave, i.e.). The sounds are pretty generic here (though they're phat indeed), and we have blind's classic 303 synth modulation.

I must say that I like blind's music a bit more when he goes into some unexplored terrains, but I can't say that I didn't enjoyed(and still enjoy) this track. Keep up the good work dude, as a Trance music fan(and mixer) we have the task to show the people that trance is a great genre when its done with profesionalism.

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  • 1 month later...

I have wanted an Extreme-G remix for so long, being a fan of the supersonic racing game and trance and all. To my surprise, as I was visiting OCR a few weeks ago from a somewhat extended absence, lo' and behold, an Extreme-G mix! And it came out on my birthday, too! And it's awesome! Thank you for the hard trance birthday present, bLiNd. Keep up the good work; you have yet to submit a mix I didn't totally dig. You do trance like trance should be done.

Still, quite good, and it really sounds as though a big name producer took an old Extreme-G tune and resurrected it for the newer games (check out stuff in XGIII for examples).


Now if only Konami would release the soundtrack to Extreme-G, I could die a happy man... (or have they already and I'm just in the dark?)

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Awesome! Your quite welcome. If you dig it, then look out this summer for the project majestic mix trance album, there is an extended version of this track on there...MUCH better. And yes, there has been an extreme-g soundtrack from acclaim and probe. It has 2 discs, one official ost, and one with remixes. You can probably find it if you search around on vgmcentral.no-ip.com on dc++. Thanks for the commments! :)

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This was my first song I downloaded from the site. I stumbled onto OCR via some video game flash sites and it contained the OCR web address. I have been a loyal fan of the music on this site and i continue to spread to word to all my friends that listen to this kind of music.

Anyway, musically, I have been a HUGE-loyal fan of Extreme-G. The tracks on all three games just keeps your heart pumping through-out all the different tracks. When I found this particular remix, My jaw dropped and I had to unglue my ears from the speakers because the remix had been so masterfully crafted to the original music number from the game. Reading the posts regarding the complaints of too much volume of the drum tracks, to be honest - thats the way it was in the game also. I know when playing the game, the drum tracks were what mainly caught my ear, and on occasion I would pick up the melody in the track. I think bLiNd did a great job keeping to the originality of the Extreme-G OST. I sincerely hope more people will pick up remixing some more music from all three Extreme-G games because there are some great techno beats contained. 8)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Best bLiNd mix on this site.Period. Almost the best trance mix on this site.

I could very easily see this in a club in Atlanta somewhere.Very professional sounding.In fact, it is better than a lot of stuff on pro CDs now.

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