Latency Posted October 4, 2009 Posted October 4, 2009 I'm not sure how many former VG Mix regulars are on here, but I just thought I'd share that myself and another person are planning to revive VG Mix 2, from the ground up. Ever since virt closed the site down nearly 3 years ago, many of us have anticipated it's return, but as time passed we realized more and more that the project was pretty much abandoned. The time has come for someone to pick up the torch and bring the site back again. So, we're planning to code VG Mix 2 from the ground up, including everything that the original site had. We'll making sure it doesn't fall to the same fate by proper coding and extra security measures. However, we need something from you. We plan to use the original design, but everything relating to it seems to be out of reach. The Internet Archive doesn't even have previous snapshots of the site, due to the current VG Mix X's CMS blocking URLs in the robots.txt. So, if you have ANYTHING from the previous site, whether it be old saved pages, HTML code, CSS documents, images, or Javascript files, please let me know. We want to get started on this as soon as possible, and the more help we receiving in retrieving elements from the original site, the faster we can get it up. We hope you're all on board with us to bring back something great!
Corran Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 We've tried this before. If virt isn't on board with this (and giving you the files you need) then it probably isn't going to happen. Have you tried contacting him?
Latency Posted October 5, 2009 Author Posted October 5, 2009 I've tried contacting virt on multiple occasions, at different times over the past three years, to no avail. We'll be happy to hand the site over to him when we finish, but unfortunately for now we're working on it without him.
Black Mage Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 I have 150-ish remixes some properly labeled and tagged, others not so much, but that's about it. I'd certainly like to see the site get some life breathed back into it. I liked having both OCR and VGM as music sources. Luck to ya!
Ray Falling Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 As someone who doesn't know what VG Mix was/is: what does it offer and besides obviously VG mixes, what is it about?
Schwaltzvald Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 As someone who doesn't know what VG Mix was/is: what does it offer and besides obviously VG mixes, what is it about? It was just another alternative site to OCR back in the day, often leaning towards metal/rock from my time there though I may be off base... Found some great arrangements there too... Lately though DoD been something of a VGMix replacement imo...
liquid wind Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 As someone who doesn't know what VG Mix was/is: what does it offer and besides obviously VG mixes, what is it about? It focused more on artist development by reviewing and giving feedback, employing an RPG like system to give incentive to do so(how it was supposed to work), had an integrated WIP section, and was generally awesome. It was hacked and taken offline in 2006. It also had different guidelines than OCR so a lot of stuff(like 8+ minute mixes) that would have a difficult time making it here with the 6mb limit were uploaded there. Given the shortcomings of VGMix2 though and what had been planned for 3, what would be the point of recoding 2 from the ground up? Wouldn't just...making VGMix3 be a more pragmatic option?(sorry if it's a stupid question I know nothing of website design)
Ramaniscence Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 It was just another alternative site to OCR back in the day, often leaning towards metal/rock from my time there though I may be off base... Found some great arrangements there too... Lately though DoD been something of a VGMix replacement imo... ^ Incorrect. It focused more on artist development by reviewing and giving feedback, employing an RPG like system to give incentive to do so(how it was supposed to work), had an integrated WIP section, and was generally awesome. It was hacked and taken offline in 2006. It also had different guidelines than OCR so a lot of stuff(like 8+ minute mixes) that would have a difficult time making it here with the 6mb limit were uploaded there. ^ More correct. The most important thing about VGMix is that artists could freely posts songs as they pleased. There was no submission/approval system. With VGMix 1 it was just a huge list of songs, but by VGMix 2 they had implemented a rating system that broke the songs into tiers so that it was easier to find good songs and weed out the not-so-good ones. Given the shortcomings of VGMix2 though and what had been planned for 3, what would be the point of recoding 2 from the ground up? Wouldn't just...making VGMix3 be a more pragmatic option?(sorry if it's a stupid question I know nothing of website design) Agreed. VGMix was a great thing, but it had it's shortcomings as well. Rebuilding something similar is a great idea, but trying to rebuilt is exactly as it was would be, in my opinion, passing up a great opportunity to make a lot of improvement. This is exactly what I had plan on doing myself. Making a spiritual successor to VGMix 2, in the absence of a real VGMix 3, and offering it up to virt and co. at it's completion, or at very least discussing it over drinks at MAGFest. virt and the rest of the people over at VGMix have a very specific way of how they want to do things, and I'm not about to go dip in someone else's Koolaid, but as you've learned by this point they're not always the easiest to get a hold of. Not to mention finding backup ANYTHING of old VGMix, aside from the songs, is close to impossible. I started working on a Mockup of "New VGMix 2," based on what I could remember from the old one, along with some linear notes I had thought up. Screenshot:
Level 99 Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 Rama, you sick sadistic awesome looking is that mockup! IT'S JUST AS I REMEMBER IT! Anyways, Rama nailed it in that it was the semi-opposite approach to quality control that OCR has. Instead of keeping quality high with evaluations, submissions, judges, and all that jazz, people could basically upload a song of theirs every two weeks or so (that's what I remember it being) and it would automatically get posted on the site. Of course, I don't believe you're allowed to upload songs that contained any other copyrighted works (example: I don't think the Snoop Dog/Kirby mashup would fly) or midirips+drums and the like. The songs would then get reviewed and given points, and end up in tiers ranging from Tier 1 - Stuff of Legends, all the way down to Tier 7. This itself had a couple of problems based on design, such as a song would sometimes not have any reviews and it would sit in Tier 4 forever, and that there were a LOT of people submitting who were just getting their musical foothold. I know there are at least a few OCR people who came over from VGMix after the site went down, and quite a few got started there since the submissions here had a different approach. There were WIP sections as well, but you knew that once you were personally done you could upload the song and not worry about it being posted up unless you infringed on those guidelines. You just had to be personally satisfied and also be able to weather the reviews. It definitely provided a balance and alternative to OCR that was extremely healthy, but since it came down there really hasn't been anything to really take its place in that niche role... Whatever happens, it's good to see VGMix interest is still there outside of DoD! Edit: Should mention the reviews were done by any member of the VGMix community, not a select group within the members. Anyone with an account could review a song. The reviews themselves could also be given a thumbs-up or thumbs-down, if memory serves correctly...
Latency Posted October 5, 2009 Author Posted October 5, 2009 We definitely plan to impliment far more than what the original site had, and improve upon it's shortcomings. For now, our main focus is to get the site back up and running. Speaking of features, I recall that no to long ago virt posted a huge VG Mix 3 FAQ on the main site a few years ago. Does anyone have a copy? It would definitely come in handy when we start development.
k-wix Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 I'm not sure how many former VG Mix regulars are on here, but I just thought I'd share that myself and another person are planning to revive VG Mix 2, from the ground up.Ever since virt closed the site down nearly 3 years ago, many of us have anticipated it's return, but as time passed we realized more and more that the project was pretty much abandoned. The time has come for someone to pick up the torch and bring the site back again. So, we're planning to code VG Mix 2 from the ground up, including everything that the original site had. We'll making sure it doesn't fall to the same fate by proper coding and extra security measures. However, we need something from you. We plan to use the original design, but everything relating to it seems to be out of reach. The Internet Archive doesn't even have previous snapshots of the site, due to the current VG Mix X's CMS blocking URLs in the robots.txt. So, if you have ANYTHING from the previous site, whether it be old saved pages, HTML code, CSS documents, images, or Javascript files, please let me know. We want to get started on this as soon as possible, and the more help we receiving in retrieving elements from the original site, the faster we can get it up. We hope you're all on board with us to bring back something great! If you need any details of the level up system and how it works, I believe me and Rexy we're the highest level. I remember pretty much every item that was functional and MOST of the items that we're in 'development'. I remember just about everything about that site, honestly. Just PM me any Questions and i'll answer as best i can.
Corran Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 By the way I didn't mean to come off as harsh, but I think an independent project like this is unlikely to get the widespread support VGMix had, because most of the members won't even know it's there (since you don't have the domain name obviously). So to me, a new VGMix can only work with the support of virt et al. I do wish you luck and if you make something I'd check it out. I was a big contributor (20+ tunes, fairly high level from reviews) so I definitely want a new VGMix as much as anybody.
Dyne Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 I think it's a great idea. That said, I'm just curious how many people you plan on having undertake a project of this size. I mean, if you're going to build it from the ground up, you're in for a long development cycle depending on how many people you have, what everyone is doing, as well as their experience level with this kind of coding. Of course... This is assuming that virt is actually on board, and either directing this project, or just providing advice, tips or other such information important in construction of the site. Anyway, I wish you luck.
Latency Posted October 6, 2009 Author Posted October 6, 2009 I think it's a great idea. That said, I'm just curious how many people you plan on having undertake a project of this size. I mean, if you're going to build it from the ground up, you're in for a long development cycle depending on how many people you have, what everyone is doing, as well as their experience level with this kind of coding. Actually, it's not as large as it may seem, in terms of coding. I've finished large scale backend systems by myself in less than a month, and this doesn't seem like it would be any more ambitious than ones I've done previously. Considering we'll have everything laid out in front of us in terms of features, and design layout to work with, this shouldn't take us too long. I currently have a project going at the moment, but it will be done within a few weeks so I'll be able to set aside a lot of time to focus completing this. As for virt, I do hope he likes the final product, and hopefully he'll even help us out with restoring the old site's database to this one (including remixes.) If anyone is able to get a hold of him, please link him to this thread and perhaps he'll lend us a hand in turning this into the final what he intended VG Mix 3 to be.
Vilecat Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 It also had different guidelines than OCR so a lot of stuff(like 8+ minute mixes) that would have a difficult time making it here with the 6mb limit were uploaded there.Like the "full game in one song" medleys from virt and goat for example. I still have Scourge of 1690 on my HD somewhere or my old PC, epic!
prophetik music Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 Like the "full game in one song" medleys from virt and goat for example. I still have Scourge of 1690 on my HD somewhere or my old PC, epic! urgh, i miss all sixteen minutes of that. if you find it, can you up it somewhere? i truly miss that song.
Jewbei Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 i was one of the VGMix regulars i really do miss the hell out of that site thats where i got my start from they had a great reviewers people like Corran, Rexy and Nec5 (i wonder what happend to Nec5??) Nec5 said to me on my second remix i had uploaded to that site it was my zelda links awakening remix it said: "I encourage Jewbei to take more risk one of them is bound to pay off" so every since that day ive been honing my skills and now im a ocrmixer and now im getting even more help in sharping my skills. so i really hope virt is willing to work with you in bringing it back or at least considering bringing the site back. if youre out there reading this Nec5......thanks man
liquid wind Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 urgh, i miss all sixteen minutes of that. if you find it, can you up it somewhere? i truly miss that song. edit: I might have had the wrong one? this is 12 minutes...
LuketheXjesse Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 Goat's 16 minute suite is Creeping Dusk. That song is his 12 minute one. Both are straight up Castlevania mixes though. That guy loves his Castlevania...
OverCoat Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 you can't get a hold of virt? really? well talk to him at magfest then, lol
Strike911 Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 I'll keep my eyes open on future developments.
ilp0 Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 I Wish I could offer something useful but I can't (though I have a good bunch of VGM2 remixes on my HD)... The best of luck to your attempt! I really miss the athmosphere and all the RPG stuff back in VGM2...
SoulinEther Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 urgh, i miss all sixteen minutes of that. if you find it, can you up it somewhere? i truly miss that song. and, to maintain the flow of conversation in this post... i'm interested.
Skummel Maske Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 I'm glad to see this initiative, and I hope it works out this time. I miss VGMix. I've finally reached the web applications development section of my studies (which is what I've wanted to work with from the very start), so I've been thinking of trying something like this myself. If there's any need for novice skills anywhere, let me know There are many small sites with this concept starting up nowadays though. Is this going to crash with e.g. ThaSauce, or will all the sites fit together?
Vilecat Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009, to maintain the flow of conversation in this post... i'm interested. Yep it's the first song of that page.I think I have most if not all the Castlevania songs from VGMix 2 and some more. It was interesting and somewhat silly to find out that near the end, most of the Tier1 songs were YES'd on OCR a few weeks later. Some rare songs didn't either because the artist boycotted/just didn't submit or the songs didn't respect OCR's rules (like +6mb files). I always saw VGMix as a very elaborated WIP forum that allowed you to upload your unfinished work for a while. Which reminds me... STRIKE911 DAMMIT WHEN ARE YOU GONNA FINISH/REWORK ON THAT GAME & WATCH REMIX!?!?!?!!
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