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EDIT: Confirmed, changed title to reflect news.

One of the NeoGAF guys found an article from Japan that claims there will be a new DSi model coming out next year. It will feature a much larger screen, namely, four inches, as opposed to the DSi's current 3.25 and the DS Lite's 3.

Wow. I know that Nintendo likes to put out slightly upgraded versions of their portable hardware, but up until now, Sony had them beat in that regard (four versions of the PSP). It was kind of nice to see Nintendo not doing the same old thing again. Well, I guess Nintendo is going back to their old strategy

I wonder if we will see the next DS/GameBoy within the next three years, now. Newer hardware versions tend to push back the release of the next system in order to maximize sales of the current system.



@nintendo Remind me again why I preordered your DSi?

I mean really, a few months later, and they release a really cool blue one! Damn you nintendo!

(this all assumes there is truth to the rumours, of course)


also why in the hell would making it larger make it more expensive

in the electronics world smaller is ALWAYS more expensive

a larger LCD with bigger pixels should be easier to produce and thus cheaper

a larger mobo would also afford more real estate for components and thus also ought to be cheaper, supposing you had the same components


Their argument is that it'll be for older people who can't see the screen all that well...

I don't know that many 70-year-olds that play videogames, but I guess I can see the logic. From what I've been reading it looks like the game images are stretched out quite a bit, which to me is a bad thing personally.

Either way, I'm happy with my blue DSi.

Their argument is that it'll be for older people who can't see the screen all that well...

I don't know that many 70-year-olds that play videogames, but I guess I can see the logic. From what I've been reading it looks like the game images are stretched out quite a bit, which to me is a bad thing personally.

Either way, I'm happy with my blue DSi.

And my DS Lite with it's Advanced compatibility. My game selection is about 50/50 between the two.

Either people will buy it or they won't. Who cares if Nintendo is putting this out? I can't really understand why I've seen such a big negative reaction to this all over the place.

Because, regardless of whether people buy it or not, it can be seen as Nintendo possibly wasting resources and assests that can be put towards something people really want...like, really really good Wii games that use the controllers well, or any number of other things.

Many customers also see it as Nintendo giving them the bird for being an early adopter of their latest tech: "Hey, we're coming out with this BRAND NEW THING that's only coming out a little while after our other brand-new thing, and only has one or two real differences from that other brand-new thing, and we're gonna charge you more for it." From an business standpoint, it makes sense if the majority of people usually swap out the olds for the news (but most will not for only such a small set of new features), but it is canibalizing their own product line and puts a blemish on how well Nintendo can be relied on to put out, not just a quality product (this is not an issue of quality), but a meaningful product.

It still is not nearly as bad as all the revisions of the PSP they have made, since nothing drastic has changed with their designs (they never added a camera, or much more desired, a second thumb-nub), but this makes me weary that Nintendo may be falling into bad habits.


It still is not nearly as bad as all the revisions of the PSP they have made, since nothing drastic has changed with their designs (they never added a camera, or much more desired, a second thumb-nub), but this makes me weary that Nintendo may be falling into bad habits.

Considering how many version of the Gameboy have come out in the past, this doesn't surprise me in the least. There's enough collectors out there that will buy the new DS.

As far as lack of good Wii games, I can't argue with that although 3rd party companies are just as much to blame. My biggest problem with Nintendo is them dropping the quality seal off the Wii games. It just opened things up to massive amounts of shovel ware.


Nintendo has been doing this for years with the portable line though. They released the Game Boy Pocket and then cannibalized that quickly with the Game Boy Color. I was thinking at one point in time of buying the GB Pocket but I'm glad I waited for the Color.

And then there was the Game Boy Advance... and then there was the Game Boy Advance SP...

They can't increase the resolution of the DSi LL screen because the games would either have to upscale (making them look REALLY ugly and blurry) or you'd have to release games that do black borders (eliminating the point) or release games that have both a low-res mode and a high-res mode (making it hell for developers).

So the easiest way of course is just to make each pixel larger.


My problem with the DSi is that I still don't have a reason to care. They don't really release anything of particular quality on the shop channel thing for it besides maybe WarioWare, I haven't seen any OMGINEEDIT DSi exclusives, and I don't really want to take pictures with my DS. I'm still overwhelmingly satisfied with my DS Lite, and I don't see anything changing.

I guess the issue is that the DSi LL doesn't bring anything terribly new to the table. It's got a bigger screen, which is nice, and a stylus that looks like a cheap novelty pen. But it sacrifices some of the size benefits of the DS Lite and DSi models. For my money, until they give me a DSi exclusive Mario, Metroid, or Zelda title (or even something different, like a Kid Icarus game for instance), I won't be investing in a DSi anytime soon. Sorry Nintendo, I'm a huge supporter and I'm glad you're successful, but I don't need another DS for a while. Thanks anyway.


"If you want more information than you need, the DSi LL is 161 x 91.4 x 21.2mm in size and weighs 314g. It also has around two hours of extra battery life compared to the DSi."

The DSi is 137 x 74.9 × 18.9-mm (when closed) and weighs 214g.

I'll be the first to make a "OMG teh NintenDO DSi is HUUUUEGE LOL!!!"

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