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I'll be there in spirit. :(

I lol'd.

Seriously though, I wish I could come. Unfortunately, I don't have nearly enough money to afford the trip. I wish you both the best though!


I'm mentioned in this thread and I didn't even know it existed!

Anyway, I have work on Thursday so I can't stay all 4 days. Also, my car sucks balls for long travels so I won't be driving. So actually I'm more of a tentative attendee.

Mono should prolly update the main post now. It's been pushed back a week, and now a metric fuckton of people are coming.


Congrats Neko, and ASH. Congrats to both :D.

I cannot go though, no monies. :( Hopefully will see you guys at MAG though. :3


Time has been officially moved up:

The reason being, Ashley's dress came too big, so we have to get a new one or fix it etc., and these dates seem to work better for everyone like starla and doug as well so...

Monday, December 14, 2009: checkin at around 3:00pm

Friday, December 18, 2009 checkout that morning by about 12:00

If you are a tentative attendee, since it's kind of down to the wire, I'd rather just have confirmation that you are going 100% now, as you will probably need to figure out a split on a third room with someone else. Anyway, see ya'll in Vegas!

Aww, congratulations you guys! That's finals week for me so there's no hope that I'd be able to make it, but I hope you have a great happiest day of your lives!

Now that you mention it, it is isn't it? Anyways, PICTURES! lots and lots please :D


Well, I'm definitely out then. That entire week is booked for school related theater stuff. Sorry guys, but I do hope you have a great time. Take lots of pictures too, I want to see Neko in a tux.



We actually decided on our friggin dresses, high five starla and I! This was a very critical point in the process, we are so thankful for all your support in this difficult time, where all hope was lost, and then found once again. It was a time full of strife, of blood and sweat and tears, and I want to thank you all for your never-ending support through these trying times! The dresses are picked! Next: shoes!

It's just a dress what's the big deal


I'm not lying when I say that Mono and starla are more excited than I am and they're not even the ones getting married. :D I'm just sitting back and letting shit happen. No stress! I'll let them be the frazzled bride in my place, I guess! They're doing a good job fussing and stuff. :D

(You two are awesome!)

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