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Thank you for all of the time and effort you've put into judging along with all of the other awesome stuff you do, Andy. Enjoy your break from being on the panel.


I can't say that I'll miss having you 'no' my mixes; you only voted on one of my submissions (and it wasn't a no!).

I don't think I can add anything else that hasn't already been said. Hope to see your continued presence on the site!

Oh, I really look forward to your future mixes and albums!

Whaaaat....this means i'll never be able to get NO'd by zircon on the panel. CRAP!!!! why didn't I send any tracks in the past 4-5 years! gaeithaoiheoaiehoih @.@

It would have helped if you had actually *finished* a track :razz:

Sad to see zircon off the panel. Any reason why you're going off the panel?


Resignation? What, were you caught sneakin some chocolate-dipped pretzels while "judging"?

I don't think that's even remotely funny.. well, you had a good run, but I have a sense you're on your way to bigger and better places. So.. good luck.


I know we're not suppose to say such things but you are and always have been my favorite remixer. So even though you're stepping down from the judges panel I hope you'll continue to make remixes for us.

Also, I played Street Fighter IV on X Box live once with Andy. He was very chill and a lot of fun to talk to.

Give Pixie a kiss for me.. Ok, maybe not for ME.


Damn, five years. You didn't even get to hear my song on the panel that was influenced by your style. :cry: But I think you made a tough, right decision in stepping down given how your setup at home wasn't conducive to judging, and you're always welcome to return should that change. Thanks for the hard work, and I hope to still see you in #ocrjudges!


Sad to see you off the panel, Mr. Aversa, your input to the innumerable rejections of the last half-decade is well appreciated.

This is most poignant because you're a caliber of musician we don't otherwise have on the OCR judges panel...

Except for maybe Anso. And BGC. Darke. Fishy. OA. Palp. And Vigilante...

Never mind, we dont need ya, so, bye!

Really though, I'm really looking forward to whatever you've got in the pipeline. Good luck with whatever you're doing next and have fun doing it!

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